— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8187
Vlad (15:04:26 25/07/2008)
How is life?

2601 (15:05:16 25/07/2008)
Yes, it is okay. The fourth child should be born.

Vlad (15:05:32 25/07/2008)
The fourth of August?

2601 (15:06:37 25/07/2008)
We haven’t met for a long time... no, the fourth heir.))))

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №8186
He is:
Do you really think that sex is not an obstacle to friendship?

She is:
Yes, and what?and :)

He is:
We are friends, right?:D

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8185
Jack> My mother and I had a last quarrel when I was 15.
Jack> she beat me for sparing 3 thousand from her and buying ceds.
Jack> yes, and then she beat me not because I swallowed, but because she didn’t like the cakes.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №8184
I work in a large international company as a specialist in the corporate department (selling electric goods only wholesale and only to large companies).
Does your child have a lamp?
I: Yes, but I’m sorry, we’re working with a volume of 1000 pieces.
I need one in the kitchen, do you have one?
I’m sorry: Yes, but what do you need?
A hundred pounds, why?
...I introduced a grandmother who is dying from first-degree burns in the kitchen, trying with the last of her strength to turn her back...

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8183
Well, I sit at work, I code in 1C, I don't touch anyone, here comes a new one from another department, blows into my monitor and issues: "So I knew that you were not the programmers of Nihren here, but only in the chat all day you sit"...

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №8182
Telephones, cables, servers and hubs
Printers, scanners and drives.
Firewalls, passwords, protocols and masks
Siddhartha is like a magician in a fairy tale.

If the virus has eaten the report, there is no internet,
We call Sissadin, but he is not there.
"No-ka comes quickly", but he’s very busy,
He gives the boss a new tamagochi.

We desire the Siddhartha,
To make it all seem,
So that the server does not break.
So that the bugs do not grow,
If the virus does not spread,
Ping is always going by.
Used to be impeccable
I always loved you, appreciated you.

Congratulations to you, Comrade Sisadmin!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №8181
Attention to!! to
New rules are introduced:
It is forbidden to copy quotes from the abyss, to write down your opinion and send back to the abyss. For this violation, your IP address will be added to the "blacklist" and access to the site will be closed.
2) All kinds of ads are prohibited and, in order to be boring, "bring to the top", "plus" and so on. For violation of the rule, your IP address will be placed on the "blacklist", as in the first case.
With respect, your admin.

and plussadine!
Plus to! The main thing is to bring the top.

Ohha to! and dynamic iPishniks will be bathed immediately on the mask of the subnet, on the entire residential region? and ; )

2nd Affair
10th summer "admin" come out of the pool.
2 Primary
Another person with an IQ less than 10
Third comment
Oh, it will be fun with the proxy)))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №8180
Romance begins where money ends.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №8179
During the lunch break, she ran out to meet her beloved. Naturally, very

was delayed. I go back to work on the road, which is the rules.

The pedestrian crossing!! Well, so is it! I am stopped by the bulldozer.

So and so, girl, in the wrong place the road

Please go with your papers!

No passport, of course, with me, I remember that somewhere on the bottom of the bag.

There is an old pass.

I smile and promise to show up.

I start crawling in my bag. I cannot find.

The police patiently waited for the penalty.

Now and now, I say.

No to miss!! to

Situation is worsening.

I, in order not to test the major’s patience, command him, “Hold it!” and I begin.

put out of the bag a haircut, a mirror, a linen, in general, everything that

It blocks the pass and prevents me from getting it – and I put my things in.

The hands of a police officer, completely flattered, but submissively receiving from my

the hand.

Suddenly I hear: Girl, you are free, go!

I too, I wondered – where?? to

He was angry, “Where did you go until I caught you???” Here there and

Go to!

I went, but the thought did not give me peace why I was released. Understanding that

I came back and said, “Sorry, but why do you want me?

Let go? I have violated...

He shrugged for a second, and then: "I am a major of the police, and you are in my hands.

Your mirror, help, powder and what else you have!!! I stand with yours.

Cosmetics as a fool!! Go away, girl, from sin!! to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8178
I went to our IT and GRU department today: Happy Birthday to all! They were almost out of the poor. They said that I was the first conscious person)) Then they dared and asked for "support" :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №8177
Why did Baturina buy an old mansion in London?

To demolish and build a shopping center in its place.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8176
The forum from:
From practice: the accountant fell asleep and pierced her eye with a pencil. The year 1999.
P.S. The brain does not work.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8175
Dear, do you love me?
I love...
I want to go pop!! to
Go to!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8174
21.07.2008 23:30:50, medvedyaa
I fell asleep yesterday evening with thoughts about what I’m going to do today... waked up and I don’t want anything that I came up with yesterday... now I don’t want to do it... sat two hours in front of the television and felt like a grandmother... then cleaned up and felt like a housewife... wanted something else but he wasn’t... went to the bedroom... she’s noet and noet... started this norm...but at the end of the day my brain exploded...then we met someone else that...and it was unbearably boring...then it became normal...but I was rough...and here I stuck home recently and got aladdin...and I’m not better

21.07.2008 23:31:47, babkin
You know, I’ve lived like that for 3 years.

21.07.2008 23:31:58, babkin
I also understand you.

21.07.2008 23:31:58, medvedyaa
It is ass!

21.07.2008 23:32:12, babkin
Fuck, this is reality.

21.07.2008 23:32:27, babkin
Fuck, it’s when there’s no hole.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8173
Techno-kot: I’m not well with English.
Fleshka: You seem to know exactly what happened?
Techno-kot: Today in the universe the text was translated in turn. It reached me. "... England slowly sink in a water"
Techno-kot: I translate: The English think variably when they are in the water.
Fleshka : )))) is the

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8172
Find the girl (Find the girl)


Oh oh! The laundry question contains the answer!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8171
XXX (13:52:35 25/07/2008)
Can you tell me what kind of photos to take this weekend?
XXX (13:55:56 25/07/2008)
Would you like to take a 10 megapixel camera? and :)
YYY (13:59:43 25/07/2008)
Thanks for the compliment!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №8170
I just smoked in the bathroom. I let go of the ring. It turned into a shit in the summer. I will check the server.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №8169
<xxx> Authorization request:
Hi to. Please add me to your contact list.

<yyy> ::what do you want?

<xxx> how to make a copy

<yyy> You don’t need to authorize me. I will not authorize you. Because you will not understand me, and I will be bored with you.

<xxx> why

<yyy> Because you don’t understand it, and I’m already bored.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №8168
Are you an uneducated person and can’t read?
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