— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №6173
In the second week, we will agree the advertising layout with the mosaic customer. Conversation of the designer with the river. The manager:
What kind of sea do they need? With the shore, without the shore, with the palm?
R with waves.
D is so? (Picture with a quiet sea)
R. No, it’s not waves, it’s rainbow.
Is it like Ivanovsky?
R is yes. But only style.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №6172
The situation:
Three days ago, the central TV stopped working, well, ORT there, NTV, etc., and it does not accept the home antenna. And here today comes such a lady, like "I conduct a survey, do not want you to connect the cable and there are all the things, if so, then sign up in the application".
Is it shit marketing?

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №6171
[12:47]Venom: the absence of sex worsenes the vision =)
[12:48]Lisona: Let’s not look at it, it’s a sick topic

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №6170
I understand everything, of course, but a month not to fuck a beautiful, slim, long-legged blonde, sucking like a vacuum cleaner with a water filter, because in the lineup you need 80 leaves to get and smoke with the boys - it is already a degradation.

Give her to me! I don’t play in the ambulance or smoke.

I would never see you again on this resource, heretic!! to

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №6169
I dreamed today that I could not wash my head because I went to the bathroom not under my logon!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №6168
Yooka: Alexander, good day! What they wanted to ask. Wiped and washed :)

(aR0H: am...
(aR0H: You may be mistaken
I just got out of the garage...
Yooka: *JOKINGLY* may someone else from your ass wanted to accumulate what
(aR0H: maybe... what, by the way, och. Curiously, only a cat at home.
Yooka: aa..a aska is also home launched

(aR0H: Well yes
Yooka: Then I apologize, I thought they wanted to know about work
Yooka: Happy day to you!

(aR0H: good luck, thank you for the information, the animal will be mercilessly punished
You need to hurt the little one today.
(aR0H: you can see an adequate person - another would say - in his shredder, in his shredder!!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №6167
This was the first time I didn’t get all the accounts on time. This was not the case with Putin.

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №6166
by Logioniz:
Years of Mary
“You see,” said the grandfather, “the combined age of Mary and Anne is 42 years, and Mary is twice as old as Anne, when Mary was twice as young as Anne, when Anne is three times as old as Mary, when Mary is three times as old as Anne.
m1) (@s:
My grandfather noticed.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №6165
on the forum in the topic "the most sexual nation"
German women are aging abruptly after the age of 35, Russians are getting full, about Italians I am generally silent.
Conclusion: the most sexy are men!
The most sexy men are almost women

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №6164
500 Internal Server Error

Sorry, something went wrong.

A team of highly trained monkeys has been dispatched to deal with this situation

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №6163
Pride goes to the bottom by blowing their cheeks.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №6162
I remembered.

Not my own, my older cousin told me at the time.

Riga in the early 1980s. Sister is studying at a local university

Faculty of Philosophy.

In comparison with other cities of the Great and Powerful USSR in Riga was

There are many churches per capita, both Catholic and Catholic.

Protestants, even Orthodox, were also involved.

Easter, and as is known, Easter service in the Catholic temple event

beautiful and can quite interest a student-philologist, not a stranger

and beautiful.

So it was, only students on the exit from the religious institutions people in

State captured and photographed, and then already university

The chief spoke with a jealous interrogation on the subject "How are you, Komsomolets?"

could and so forth.” Captured this way was quite significant.

Number of students. They were all asked to write “explanations.”

One came up with the ideal, in my current view, the option, and the others

The student tradition is honest. He said, “I went in the evening.

I heard music from the neighboring house. I thought: new

The restaurant. He entered...”

There was no serious repression.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №6161
I have to write up!

To whom to write: to the President, or immediately to the Prime Minister?

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №6160
Go to the store at 17.20.
And to jump?! to
[xxx] at 17.20, not stupid )
[YYY] and where is it?
A minute of silence in honor of the dead brain.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №6159
I went home yesterday...
At the entrance the bushes are growing. I go and see a girl in the bushes. And this girl with her company of minors has just been bustling in the house.
I understand that she doesn’t hear my steps... I approach quietly so, I lean and grind to her ear "BU!" general, with her downed pants, she smelled from me...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №6158
by Ser
I go out of the entrance. stands a new hammer 2 and on the side of the nails scratched: shower the aftamobile :)
by Ser
I liked someone.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №6157
[14:14] <&Okc[a]> I, by the way, when I was a kid, well, quite small, in the kindergarten still, always thought that the topolish puch, this puch from the meat mixture flies when the bird is rubbed

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №6156
XXX is
Who made the BD (picked the tables/fields)?


What is it?

XXX is
A bunch of mistakes, inconsistencies, car crimes are not placed, etc.


Do not touch the prints, or the requests will cease to work

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №6155
He >> mla... got a smiley slide!

She >> and thyyyyya, and thy))

She >> * showed fac*

He >> * showed the hook and ran* ))))

She >> *stabbed her leg under the ass*

She >> :-P

He >> * did not get, slid, whisked the whisky about the bardure and the saliva flowed from the mouth*

She >> would say immediately that she was busy... ((

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №6154
The ugly pig! I can’t say anything gentle and gentle.
Q: The hue? and :)

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna