— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7663
WallaWalla: Hear, and why you were nicknamed Berzerk, you are not a bullshit like they are.

DeeryJubble: Yes, there’s another story. When I rolled with my broken right hand, it was necessary to do a nepheg, just look at the telephone and battle in the net. I learned to use my left hand very well. And I was so accustomed to having two mice at home: one on the right of the key, G5, for toys, and the other - wireless, under my left hand, for work and inite. This is when I come home to whistle - everyone immediately whistles the type of you what, two mice whistle O_o Here is from here and Berzerk went, they are the type of wrestling fighters...

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №7662
xxx: Fuck, just the girl offended me :( I was purely mechanically asked: "Sun, you love me", sitting behind the comp, replied:"Lost"...

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №7661
A real joke about me.
Yesterday I poured a bit of coffee on my laptop, it wrapped, whipped, I switched it off, so that I could sweat...I think it was probably a pepper comp. Closer to the evening - Working became faster.
Woke up...

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №7660
Another super new bag is opened!

Select the 6th quote of the top of the abyss (the exact 6th, not working with the others) and press the reset button!
0 0 0

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7659
From the topic "UFO and all that"

SUSLIK: Who has seen it?Let's share the impressions.I've been in the country, for example, last summer, a kind of hill behind the clouds after midnight all the time shimmered into the sky.

Nekrasich: This is the moon

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7658
L (12:11:08 7/07/2008)
I met a guy. The boy was morally dissolved, immediately offered to the mini-hotel to fuck
I insulted him, in retaliation at night from the Pt on the SB walked him through the night town. Photographed the dawn, drowned on the water, pissed in the car. Everything as needed
What do you think? Now offer to meet for coffee, drink, walk.
About the mini-hotel - no goo
L (12:11:50 7/07/2008)
I said to him, “Did you say something about fucking?”
V (12:14:24 7/07/2008)
Could he drink coffee for revenge?
Shouldn’t I hurt you? 😉
L (12:14:59 7/07/2008)
I thought the first time we would walk for decency, and then all that.
L (12:15:09 7/07/2008)
And all this has gone into being...
V (12:15:11 7/07/2008)
You remember the story.)
L (12:15:18 7/07/2008)
Which one?
V(12:15:59 7/07/2008)
that a girl goes with a guy to a cinema-café to find out if she should go to bed,
And the guy pulls the girl into bed to find out if it is worth driving her through cafes-theaters-cinemas, etc.
L (12:16:40 7/07/2008)
I made him a girl...
L (12:16:46 7/07/2008)
Forcibly and without drugs.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №7657
When you look at the scattered files and see
The music is only a chanson and gigabytes of red, then you understand that what you need can lie in that folder called "Huйня".

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №7656
xxx: here we at some time to draw the drawing took 0.5 and 0.7
Is it liters? What is?
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh The millimeters were like this.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №7655
You didn’t send me pictures of the beach.
I rarely use soap once a month.
Do you not wash the shell?
I smell like ept.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №7654
<stream_h> saxofied billing telecom again burned off
<stream_h> what do you think if the rate is 100 rubles a month, and put 500 rubles, how much will remain on the account in three months?
<stream_h> answer on telecom - 199 rubles 99 copies

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №7653
YYY: Where is Pacman when it is so needed?! to

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №7652
From the forum:

MashA_91: Fuck, I am sorry for my boyfriend (((

Alex: What about him?

MashA: Parents don’t like it, and they’re gently speaking against our relationship.

Alex: Well, what is the problem?

MashA: They take me to the gynecologist once a week, the KGB controls the extent of the know my dad, if anything - the knots to the guy(((

Alex: MDA...

A gynecologist is not a dentist.

MashA: Eth, what are you doing???? to

He does not check his mouth.

Oh sorry, sorry Masha...

Alex: by Patch

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7651
From Banner:
The New Year 2008. Strong as steel.
Is it just as hard?
Reliable as Chinese condoms.
Technology as accounts

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №7650
We had a granddaughter in the universe named Cush. It would be nothing, but her name was Galina Vasilievna. It was written on the dean's sign: Dean of G. V.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №7649
<LoveSex> People Advice A Good Movie Watch
<GekFin> try Takeshi Almadovar's movie titled "Little Letters"
<LoveSex> GekFin: thanks

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №7648
A girl left a guy.
Are you offended by me?
He is not, I am confused.
She is that?
He is in mindfulness, in misunderstanding, in
She is in connection with what?
The war in Iraq, fucking.

PositiveDork (C)

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №7647
Mr, speaking the queries of the word "businassman" are now breaking records, thanks to the quote from Bash)) so stupid that the search gives news about this event))

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №7646
My favourite child has arrived :)
See also: mrrr
Iroglif: Fuck him?
TFU on you.
Iroglif: What about the thief?
Q: Send you a rubber grandmother, or will you finally find someone alive there?
Is the boy the favorite? Do you like?
He is stupid :) He’s just beautiful :)
I do not offer you a crossword with him!! to

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №7645
Just repaired the printer in accounting again by the method of "imposing hands" and learned from accountants that "he from Exel is harder to print, there is still a need to count, therefore longer..."

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №7644
It is easier:
Click the shift, then on + above the quote.
Then you press the shift, run and beat your head at the nearest wall.This is the easiest way to get rid of all the bugs on your computer! and ;-)

(c) the
Exactly! The main thing is not to forget to take the computer with you, then 100% of the bugs will disappear...))))))))))))


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna