— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №5653
Reflections on a better life often lead to reflection on the Criminal Code

The code.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №5652
Stanislavsky is resting.

Recently filmed one scene, or rather re-filmed, because it was filmed

It has been a long time, but generally not liked the employer. and no

He liked the play of an actor, who, in short, should have been

out of a state of blessed peace to face reality and to distort

In the face of panic fear.

Well re-shoot this way to re-shoot, but due to a large load and mass

The new work was postponed to the last square and began accordingly.

About twenty three hours.

The time is half-and-a-half of the night, shot already twice ten, but the actor or bad

Study or mood was not that, well, he does not get it and that's all!

There is a blessing of peace, but there is a fear of panic in the face of the face.

There was no reality, nor is it.

One of the operators comes in, says, guys, well, let’s take a shot tomorrow,

I had to tell my wife on the phone that I was working here.

Study girl fucking. Fear of God!

Who says tomorrow will be better than today?

A fragment is a shell, and because of it all the material depends. In short, the verdict

Until we film, we will not leave.

The operator left, something ugly bumping under his nose. A few minutes through

Two I see it on the general plan monitor pulling to the decorations some

standing or a balcony. He did not pay special attention, but noted that

behind his camera sits an assistant, and the operator himself stood up at the decorations.

A new double went, a large plan, on all monitors the face of the actor from different

He sleeps happily in jealousy of everyone else. Here, as

When he opened his eyes, he suddenly heard a no-screen scream.

The meaning of what shouted the operator who jumped for the decoration

It was such a balloon that it was so much easier to write...

Oh well here. If you remove five mates from his phrase and replace them with normal ones

In other words, the proposal would look like this:

Let go, the curtains! Give me this homosexual shit.

I hit my face!! to

The crying signs could be written more, but all the passion.

I can’t express my emotions, even if I write two or three pages. A is

I would like to remind you that when the decoration jumped angry

The actor has opened his eyes, and that’s why.

The last shot that day.

And I remembered this because yesterday I showed that material in the end.

Options for the employer. He looked and was very pleased, and at the end

He said:

Well, you can if you want! Even such an actor.

Stanislavsky would be pleased! Look at the emotional spark of the actor.

On the face is written...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №5651
In the distant England ruled the King and Queen.

And the queen had beautiful breasts, which she liked very much.

and Lancelot.

He wanted to kiss them.

And then one day he asked the court magician Merlin if he could.

To help him in his desire.

Merlin agreed, but said it would cost Lancelot 1000

The gold coins. Lancelot agreed without thinking.

Merlin went to his laboratory and prepared the fluid that caused the

Shake of skin.

Then he unnoticedly entered the queen's room and handled this.

The brush of Her Majesty.

The next day the Queen felt very bad: she didn’t know where to go.

It was like it, her breasts were shaken. She complained to the King and the King.

He immediately sent for Merlin.

Merlin, examining the Queen, said it was a very strange case, and

Only the saliva of Sir Lancelot will help her.

The king sent for Lancelot, and he licked him for half an hour.

The royal breasts.

The joy of Lancelot had no limits - his desire was fulfilled.

The next day Merlin came for the fee, but Lancellot

He drove Merlin away without giving him any money.

Merlin will not complain to the King.

But Merlin was a guy not a mistake: the next night he handled

The magical fluid of the cowardly King.

Morality: You have to pay your debts.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №5650
Give up...
Buying a strike grenade.
Put in the backpack.
I went on the metro.
The pocket went in and took out the grenade.
Only the cheque got stuck in the backpack.
No scene in the car.
Passengers saw her fall and turn.
The boy fell
All in Balls
YYYY (21:32:52 22/05/2008)
What about the pocket?
CJSC (21:33:50 22/05/2008)
Then I gave him puddles.
He gave the mentions.
The mouths are broken too =)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5649
Quote from the textbook of Soil:

In the structure of intrusions participate alkaline basaltoids: alkaline dolerites, gabro-monsonites, leucitis, anglovites, shashonite absarocytes.
Alkaline dolerites are comagmatic to subduction spreading diagenetic synagones.
And now, if we speak a more correct, complex scientific language..."

-=)))) The next page is broken off )) I guess someone left it in memory )

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5648
The Bride
Well, name me three of your worst qualities.

May lazy, unshaken and mainland

The Bride
And the good?

May sometimes works, shaves and not the mainland

The Bride
You are just the perfect person!Your disadvantages are completely covered with pluses


[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5647
By the way, here are quite curious observations of an American instructor who was lucky enough to train Georgian military in Kuwait:
Instructor: They stole everything and everything they could get, including the radio stations and antennas installed on the Hammer...If I were a Russian, I’t worry that they might start a war. But I would rather check my pockets to see if my wallet was still there and if there were any tyres on my car.

(c)"H" with Mikhail Leontyev.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5646
I have little cockroaches in my room, and they always run on the refrigerator, the refrigerator is small, I have a belt. I am forever passing past the refrigerator, taking the caps and starting to press them... yesterday a friend came to me, and I was in a bad mood... I am passing past the refrigerator, of course I see a cockroach.... and at this moment a friend is watching the picture....from his story: “I look – you take the caps and you start to kick the refrigerator and tell me how you got me!”Dying the creature!He looks at me with astonished eyes and says inna you bad?I - they caught me!!!He - who "they?", I - "refrigerators fucking!"

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №5645
S@shok: Do you remember Bonnie?
Marichko: Is this that small, furry, funny cat with angel eyes? The one who feared
Marichko: I remember
S@shok: Well... no longer a cat... and not a little...
S@shok: a kilogram grew on 5 clean muscles, a narrow forehead, squeezed eyes, like a hop, and so the same... ))
S@shok: Overall, I have long been suspected... dead pigeons under the windows... foreign cats are less and less likely to appear at our entrance... and yesterday my neighbors from the third apartment complained about him. You know who I am.
Marichko is Bonic? Their puppy??? I do not believe. He could not. This is not him!!! to
S@shok: No, with the poppychikm thank God it’s okay. Of course, Bonick could not hurt the bird.
S@shok: So what are you? Such an angel cat.
S@shok: he licked their Doberman

[ + 48 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №5644
> a very good life! So accustomed to the breadths that I finally ate the normal soup from my ancestors, threw the plate and the fork into the washing machine... I fucking =/

Soup 0 o

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5643
Rules of the forum:
by 9.15 For systematic manifestation of sincere idioticism - blocking according to the decision of the moderator.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №5642
CrOm I am here a clever Device Master
Pac-Man for what?
CrOm 22 for motorcycles
What is Pac-Man?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5641
Hi to
You can help
I need an image where children are sitting in the car and looking into the monitor and rejoicing.

2 is

2 is
Find the children
Sit in front of the monitor and be happy.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5640
A friend is working in the area in a lie, I knock at him in the aska:

I am :
Daphne Mente

He is:
The Recruiter

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №5639
I recently met with two old friends and drank a beer.
First came one, after a while, the second. Let me tell you about the events of five minutes ago:
“Natasha sits in the car and I compliment her about her official style of clothing. In response, she slightly tossed her shirt, showed me the socks and said, "There must be at least one pale trait in me."
Shit it!! I did not say that!! Not the "blade trait", but the "drop of immorality" 0_o

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5638
XXX I thought...

XXX according to the law, you can have sex from the age of 16. I thought 18. Two years wasted.and (

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5637
I noticed some weirdness: when you had a maika muar-muar disappeared, when a maika hardhamer-hardhamer also ceased to exist, when a maika Vlados-Vlados appeared, the same thing happened with a maika with a legion’s navel... Do you not think it is strange?
Magnus is
I have to make an encounter.
Well, your main thing, Mike, do not take my photo with me.

Make a house with smoke, and a house 2

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №5636
The chairman burned the shoe. Grit hopes to do the position "anal sales manager". especially for working with customers. =)))

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5635
The attention! Before downloading NOD32 Antivirus, we recommend you install an antivirus. Features of NOD32 Antivirus

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №5634
He: What is evil?

She: Yeah, I know

He: What if I ask him?

It is not on the network.

He: And my know, but the shit is silent!

She is... sick.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna