— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №6657
A girl called the technical support service. On the issues of the work of our equipment, and it was so pleasant to know that it is offgenically rolling in the compass. After hundreds of stupid clients, talk to someone in their native language!!! And to realize that at the other end of the wire a girl... That would have advised her all day.

Try this sort of thing ;)

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6656
Until yesterday, we had a few new compasses.
We and our admin, Solomon, took a couple of things for ourselves.
Solomon opens the side cover, and admiring the device starts the car with the words – Zaevizm!!!! to
If we saw an alien floating in the server room, the surprise would be less: a brown smoke fell from the motherhouse, in the area of the chipset, and then a pillar of flame the size of the Jidaja plasma sword!
Solomon, with an impenetrable sight, extinguished all this ugliness like a candle, and silently rust began to settle on the floor.
I also looked at Solomon’s birth :)
The eyebrows and eyelids went somewhere, and half of the eyebrows was - afro! and :)
The old good cockerel Solomon, with the phrase - Huiya has boasted! Well, let’s repeat...
Once again, I pressed the Start button, waiting for the fireworks to continue.
To our profound disappointment, after a bit of plastic, the computer loaded without any special effects.
It has been working without failures for two weeks - maybe it was launched with nitrogen oxide? and :)
Can you tell me where to buy nitrogen oxide for mammals? It is :)))

[ + 81 - ] Comment quote №6655
5555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555555 If you don’t send this message to 15 of your friends, you’ll miss all the exams in 5 years!
Itami: 1111111111111 These 13 units will protect you from sexual intercourse for 10 years if you don’t send them to 43 people within an hour. If you do this, you will be in the nearest suburb of 13 sweaty blacks. and choose.
Sabrina: This is what?
Itami: This is a message from above
I don’t have so much stuff in the ashes.
Sabrina: What should I do?
Itami: You can send twice to 21.5 people
Thank you, I will send you
Sabrina: Send it and what next?
Itami: well, now you can go to the cottage)))
Sabrina: Why should I go there?
Itami: there your fate awaits you
Itami: in the form of sweaty blacks
Can I not go there?
Itami: Well, then you are a %bet team on self-driving...

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №6654
Do you work?

temon ~

I also don’t know what to do.

[ + 85 - ] Comment quote №6653
y: tell inna that wowa bought her a new mother)))
X: That is, the mother plateau?
Less Maternity Pay
The plateau...
Imagine this paradise.
and such a huge processor, the size of Moscow))
Peter is a chipset.
America will be hard!
There’s always shit there.
Greenwich will be the battery of the Kmos, so that time always knows.
Australia is a modem! Without any drivers. The fuck knows why he is, but he is 😉
India + China is a sightseeing :) I hope no comments :)
You have broken...
Afreka - it will be... mm... disk drive 5.25" %)
What will we have with Siddhartha?
Oh oh! It will be the Middle East.
There is always something and someone cutting down.
Europe will be a memory.
This is where everything happened, Roman, Greek civilization.
There is electricity. am
There are external interfaces.
There is still Greenland.
This is going to be a cooler 😉
Antarctica - refrigerator on the feeding block
A speech for Canada!
A lot of shit.)
The lights...
and Japan!
Certainly! The Japanese!
Everywhere they are, and everywhere they are.

[ + 75 - ] Comment quote №6652
Imagine, I split up with a guy today, I am stuck in a bus, tears flow on my cheeks, and let the doll who stole my phone at that moment melt my genitals!I am in despair. I know it's stupid to write here, but fucking, no one else has to shed his soul.
Well, and of course, odmin, cat, shredder, huyace and o that the quote passes.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №6651
What exam is tomorrow?
yyy: management, vagin :(
XX: Management of what?? to
YYY: Name of teaching
XXX: I just didn’t notice the slide. ;)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №6650
She: Listen, what is the difference between admin and Sisadmin?
He: Well, Sisadmin is the same admin, only a girl...
MMM, I understand...

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №6649
xxh: decided to drink in the department, the party was, wine, the girls were still
WOW : well?
The first went well.
xxxh: went down for the second, he broke his head from the tower, he remained in the traffic jamming
WOW : well?
xxxh: we are not afraid of difficulties, we went to the neighboring department, took the roof with wings. Wings in the wing, wing in the wing
xxxh: remembered that we still have a full metal... pushed, pulled out not who did not succeed... had to look for rough male power, i.e. A man and a half
Wow, you want to eat!! to
In the mill, he said the same.

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №6648
The Matan exam. Everyone is sitting to decide. A single seat-seat can’t solve anything. He drew an apple plus an apple equal to two apples and gave it.

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6647
He worked, painted the bridge.
It tells: a car flies at Azzsky speed, without reaching the bridge, flies into the bushes, turns and hangs on the branches...
From the car a wild cry: "Blyajajajaaaaaaa! The vodka has turned!!and "

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №6646
She< - you know Albanian???!!!!! to
? to
On-> There is a little
She< is serious!! to
Where did you study it?! to
On-> in the net
She< – why???! to
He-> *DONT_KNOW* he hurt me

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №6645
What kind of soap do you have?
The Soul to
No, root@localhost...
And who does it to you?
The Demons!! to

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6644
Well, that is an adventure!
krul_dar: - Here we go back - and there will be "adventure", and for now it is JOPA!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6643
Svetlana: The application for Bachitova Gulbalda has been certified by the notary of Negmetova Bayana! I’m going to go crazy about this job!
el’Capitano: the respected Gulball....ggg (spool patztol)

[ + 76 - ] Comment quote №6642
A story in the universe: standing in a parachute we smoke, here comes under the age of edak 65 singing a pre-potopna song... Approaching the pissuar, the show begins, and suddenly the song breaks and follows the replica: “Forgive me my favorite shoes.”

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №6641
Pastor: Well, we celebrated the 150 years of the city... a crowd of a couple of hundred thousand who covered the entire coast with anxiety awaited the promised laser show... who knew that the show would be seen only on television...
GNU: %))))))))))))))))

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №6640
In the Middle Ages, during the Inquisition, people were burned for a fraction of what I had to learn in two days... Matan is the generation of the Devil, long live the Holy Inquisition!!! to

People, you finished the matfak, support the poor, raise the quote to the top!and ;)

You are not the only one who takes the exam on Friday the 13th.

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №6639
Don’t look at me like that, I’m scared.

[ + 74 - ] Comment quote №6638
From ABBYY website:

Stop the computer pirates! Pirate activity has become a real plague of the 21st century. Bill Gates alone loses $10 billion a year. It is..."

by Bugaga! Keep that way, comrades!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna