— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №7483
It’s been a long time ago, I don’t remember the details. I watched the broadcast of

Extreme motorcyclist (by Discovery like). Those who disappear and

They jump through a large number of cars.

He had several unsuccessful falls. Almost nothing remains.

A bone that would not be broken. Not once was

between life and death, but continues to do what he loves. and here

As it argues:

“I like it and I do it. I think if I didn’t need

If I had done this, God would have given me a sign.”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №7482
At 20 years old, I want a girl more experienced, 30 years old.

At 40 years old, I want a girl younger, 20 years old.

And at 60 - I want a girl and young and experienced - 40 years old.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №7481
I work as a sysadmin and on duty of service I collect traffic statistics (netflow with cisco). After giving in to the advertisement, I installed FireFox 3 to myself and colleagues. The first thing I turned off all updates, left it open on his comp and left for a couple of clocks. When I came - I found that almost 30 meters were downloaded from my Ipišnik, the same situation on all the compass where I put FF3. I think I would not believe anyone if it didn’t happen to my computer. In short, what kind of traffic is it to be lazy - just joke up the entire range of iPishniks from where traffic came from, but wonder other people did not notice this?

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №7480
Qwe: could you speak English please?
asd: where is my visit card crazy????!!!! to

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №7479
Mother told me: She had a friend in her youth, Dima, let’s say. He came to his girlfriend, but she was not at home. He stands in the entrance, drinking a beer from a bottle. An evil neighbor comes out, looks at Dima and says:
What else is this collection?! to
Dima looks at the sides and answers confusedly:
So we gathered...
=) is

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №7478
[23:58:24] <aZZaRRo> foolish session =(
[23:58:34] <aZZaRRo> are you serving a year or a year and a half?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №7477
my lawyer brought me to sign the agreement "on the early termination of the contract "on the provision of TELEPATIC COMMUNICATION".. joke.. the future has already arrived... and I am not aware

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №7476
<lcin> Today I observed a long railway station, on each wagon of which there was a word from the phrase, I quote, "PARAVOS PARAVOS HE IN KETAY VEZET NAVOZ". Letters of 2 meters.
<lcin>Orphography and puncture, as they say, are observed.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №7475
In short, provocation, I do not know.
And in general, I now have a goal in life—to beat the dumb rabbits... in the sense... well, in general, I have to strive to be cooler than a pair of batteries, yeah.

XXX is
You are so cool.

The fucking. You just deprived me of my purpose in life.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №7474
A: They say that chao chao is stupid.
B: What are you? They are smart, thinking dogs.
B: You command "to me", and she will still think to fit or not.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №7473
How nice to wake up on a Saturday morning, watch a bunch of messages in the "good night" and continue to blow with a clean conscience.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №7472
SK: Put the car in a parking lot. Then suddenly our
A gun at home?
Sk: at home
MPB: the car will be a trick
by : xD

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №7471
I am 21 today :(
If you are sad, you can drink vodka now.
Flegmat: That’s what I can do, but I can’t do it anymore :(
Ion: 0_o to hyace

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №7470
Where is Katya?
She is probably in the bathroom. If a person is missing, he is in the toilet.
AA: It turns out, in vain the police are looking for all these people... They’re just in the toilet.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №7469
Working correspondence in a rigorous firm:
Xxx says: Vladimir - you are unambiguously suffering x@ynoy
Woo said: Let go!
Woo said, “Yes, you are a ham!
Woo says, I am enjoying it!

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №7468
serg (writer in the newspaper)
Many things have been done by Cancer before, so now they will just bear their fruits.

add "...a lot of things are done with cancer and now..."

"...and a lot of things will be done in the future exactly the same"

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №7467
Quebec 0_o
Requested a new version to download.
Dear Users!
We strongly recommend that you upgrade your QIP to version 8070. This will restore the functionality of your messenger.
There was no such thing on the road.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №7466
From the laptop forum

Gave a machine to a two-year-old child - because it is unkillable... In five minutes the claw was accurate!!!! missing half the buttons... The buttons were lying next to them in the same order as on the key.... Well, it was not a pity to suffer for such a spectacle :-))

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №7465
I am a Nymphomaniac.)
He is :???????????????????Give me your mobile number!! to
She: Just yesterday I felt an acute desire to worship ;)
and fucking
he is: fool (
You are a cleptoman fuck.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №7464
by Adaniedel:
I worship! Well, why when you drive in 30 degrees of heat in the bus always find some kind of sting that you can see passing through the open hole?!!! to

A guy is a shit... in the office always, when the condie works, there will always be one frost, which the viewers are cold...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna