— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №6353
<Kolpak> there are medical castes
<Collapse> 0.5 kg, wrapped with soft, gripable rubber
<Kolpak> crazy people
<Yoj> I’m not even going to ask you where you know this.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №6352
<xxx>: I, of course, understand everything, but when she wrapped my pussy in a cloth and called it granddaughter...

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6351
Interesting, am I doing that? When I turn off the computer, I have time to wake up and quickly go to bed until the monitor is turned off so that the light is?

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №6350
Status in ASK:
Once in a while, sausage!
Experiment of the century. Sweetened sausages in mustard!
16:46 mixed mustard and water
16:47 He threw the sauce
16:49 added a spice
16:50 hurt
16:53 What is it? O_O
16:55 The saucers finally broke up.
16:57 hm, cabbage of colour
16:58 shame at neighbors to raise the cover to mix
17:01 Neighbors somehow strangely touch me, in the kitchen tears eyes from the mushrooms in the air
17:03 I pretend everything is fine.
17:04 swept the sausage cough through the dumb snack, roasted
17:08 cooking of pasta

17:15 Pasta by float! Food of Godfather!

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №6349
When brother Monica was bought, he burned his old one.They jumped into the car at half nine in the evening. In general, I broke into the sanary at 20:50 (he until 21:00), opened the door from the foot, I was a guard, I was to him - the manager to me and the cashier tell me if the box will be removed - I will kill!
The security guard rattled and fled to the box office, after 30 seconds the manager ran... at 20:55 we went out with Monica. The service!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №6348
I talked to a friend of my childhood who I rarely see.

I: We behave wrong, we need to see more often.
When I was a child, I picked up the dishes, the machines and went to visit.
He: Yes, we need to fix it. As soon as summer!
I: Then so is it! I take the dishwasher, Igor’s machine and come to you 😉

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №6347
1st Ladenko – Masha and I are watching Kruger.

2. and that there is no time for brother.

1st I am naked in front of the computer.

You look at the crocker. Croucher is your shit.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №6346
I’m mad I’m mad I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it I need it
Don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid, don’t be afraid. :)

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №6345
A lot of girls were driving. All the girlfriends say, "the man behind the wheel-the monkey with a grenade" is a stereotype, and recently I became a witness to such a story.
The pedestrian transition. The light. It burns red. There is a jeep, behind it a jeep. Here the careless child runs out on the road, the toyota brakes sharply, the jeep also tries, but has little time and touches a little with the toyota.
A round man rolls out of his eyebrow, scratches his neck, looks almost scratched, and the darkness on his face turns into a good-hearted smile. At this time the Jeep is trembling, a shocked girl blinks, looks, shakes, tries to pick up the phone number with trembling fingers and, crying, with a shocked voice says-"Dear...I...FALL IN A CAR ACCIDENT...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №6344
by 111
I think I think it’s like shit TV. The new reality show HOM-2. Build your love, praeactive

by 222
or at the time)
The Parasha. Show from the area

by 111
Let them fuck with Andrei Balobovov

by 222
Erotic Series of Sex

by 111
Field of Miracles - an old rookie collects parvovozes and wrapped shells, and the winner - AAUTOMOBIL PYHAZ!

by 222
stars in the area. Shura, Penkin, the Beast and the Moses have already given their consent.

by 111
Transfer to Fort Boyar. The participants are left alone in the fortress with the angry Boyarski.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №6343
If Pi wants to know, it’s kids! Three, fourteen, fifteen, nine, two and six, and you should know if we ask you, what then fucking five, three, five, eight, nine, eight!!!! to

The number Pi is up to 11 signs!!!!!)))

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №6342
No one is as accurate as one who breaks the last centimeters of toilet paper from a cardboard cylinder!

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №6341
I came to the lab, poorly prepared. I show a companion on a measuring device on the stand. I ask what it is and what it measures. He does not think and answers "A, it is a hum*meter of some". The voice of the lecturer from behind the back "Now I’m wondering what it measures".

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №6340
XXX: Lan, with us and Vital by 4000
xxx: by 400
XXX: The Blade
XXX: I barely hit the grandmother.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №6339
I ordered a striptease at DR.
XX: As far as I know of physiology, this question is inappropriate! Of course, with the shit!

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №6338
The Alcohol Marketplace
Actors: two professional consultants (K) and a respectable uncle (D)
D: Shake up, do you have a cognac "Nepissucha"?
What kind of cognac?? to
D: Well, not written, everyone knows him.
Q: We’ve been working for more than 4 years and have never heard of it.
D: He is there!! to
And get a bottle out of the stand "Hennessy XO"
c) Flamberg

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №6337
How to translate Assassin
I don't know what you know about it, but my dictionary on the phone translated it as "Spring"

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №6336
MALIFKA: And that is interesting!! IF ACTIMEL adds protection, what prevents an attack?
Webstream_aQva : WODKA!!!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №6335
At the box office in the store saw hanging breath refresher "AntiGaiishnik", a large item on the banner is written "Fresh kisses"... all of course in life happens, but such caution producers have not yet met)))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №6334
[SY-KAR-NO] (00:38:26 2/06/2008)
She: answer me, just honestly, yes or no, okay?
He asks
Why do men laugh at blondes?
He is: Yes

Bad Girl (00:38:45 2/06/2008)

Bad Girl (00:38:49 2/06/2008)
What a joke?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna