— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4353
Why didn’t you like the blonde, right?? to
I’m good...Prafta...Well, a little foolish, but it’s more of a dignity!! to

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4352
by Boris13
Flanders, Flanders, Flanders and Flanders
The yellow shirt!

[ + 42 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №4351
Cavillo: Milla, like a child divorced. They say: "Drop a couple of series down if you don’t like it. No one is forcing everyone to watch". So I jumped out ((((

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №4350
S: Yes, now I believe that the coolest ideas come to mind on my birthday XD
E: I was even more cool yesterday, but I came too late... Otherwise I’d still have time to go for a child.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4349
Why not sleep?
[00:27:37] and the truth, but why should we take and not sleep?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4348
Ray Di> Well at least not face on the keyboard slept. % of
el Di@blo> but I am on the keyboard :(
Ray Di> No cells left?
el Di@blo> yes no...
el Di@blo> this habit has been developed for years... sleeping on unnecessary buttons

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4347
In the universe the day of the department of computer technology, in the acting hall gathered students and teachers....the organizers of what there was no way to set up the projector...and here someone shouted:"There are programmers in the hall?and "

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4346
To cry, just came the scuco, the padonog, and most importantly the major, and this creature drew the first volume of "War and Peace", got the bubble and asked to crack it off. And if I sent him to cook, so the owner is present nearby (reject the client from work). I’ll catch that shit tonight.
by p.s 4 hours of time.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4345
Do you know where Oleg was? The third day is no longer in the ASU.
That’s what he’s the hospital.
Q: What about him?
He pulled out his jaw.
HHH: How is it?? to
The Communicator)
o o o o o o
WOW: They argued that he would not be able to knock out his tooth with a communicator.
It is agreed that the repair is paid by the person who disputed.
WOW: In the end, the tooth did not break, but broke the lip and pulled the jaw.
We live in a genius country...what did we argue about?
In a bottle of beer.
Tagged with: rollf

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4344
Dear admin, I apologize, but the training process is above all!
So, let me remind all students of the group THM-2-04, that the coursework must be submitted no later than April 29.
And this time the excuses “I didn’t know” are not accepted :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4343
I call an admin from a mobile phone. The woman's voice of the operator reports that you do not have enough funds to make a call "I check the balance - 214 rubles. I call the subscriber's number, there is a permit. Again, admin is not enough. Indeed, the time of admin is expensive.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4342
Believer: And I liked the passing phrase of V.V. Zhirinovsky on this topic - "Those men who say that they did not engage in onanism... are still engaged in it today".
How do you have such a ask Zhirik if he is engaged in onanism a journalist, apparently, did not dare :D

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4341
Does he wash your dishes at home?
Yyy: I used to wash, and now I don’t give it.
Zzzz: Yes, and now about the dishes!
xxx: Ah, so he used to wash, and now she doesn't give him, he doesn't wash.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4340
You start licking my chest slowly, squeezing and gently biting my swollen from desire nipples, with your hand you slowly smooth my wet buttons, go down smoothly into the bottom, cover up kisses under the abdomen... you turn me...
How long and how well? continue.
How long should I be treated?
To form the golden crust!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4339
If a man has no chance to sleep with a woman, then he has nothing left.

How to be an honest and loyal husband.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №4338
Mark Twain once said that smoking is not easy. Two hundred

Once I dropped! I also dropped many times.

The first time I threw hard. He worried, he fought with himself. tried

Limit the number of cigarettes, smoke the weaker. is useless. Finally,

Like a fight. I dreamed I was smoking again. And with a big

The pleasure! He did not smoke a cigarette on the trip. Everything was fine,

The desire to smoke, of course, arose after the thresholds passed, and

Fire after the evening cup of alcohol.

But I held. Finally, one of the culminations of the journey: passing through the difficult

and a danger threshold of the highest category of difficulty called "Zet". immediately

There is a deadly waterfall behind it. They insured

and reliable. His insurers, plus two groups of Kiev. Preparing the dolls.

on a rope to throw the victim, the "worm", which must jump and

to catch a man if he is unable to catch a doll, for example,

In an unconscious state.

They passed brilliantly, clearly entered the gate, died in a pair of strawberries, then

Only slightly hit the rock, under which goes 95% of the river. We are happy,

Insurers too. And adrenaline is for sale. One of the Kiev.

quickly bypassed each of the wet other "passengers" and sneaked in the teeth

In a burned paper. Those like knives, called

“The North.”

and all. I mechanically stretched, the body poisoned and I fell. It fell so

low that started begging, and when all the cigarettes smoked, all the

The team went on to moss and crushed dry piston needles.

The fucking!! The fucking! I wanted to smoke...

Then I smoked a few more years. I fell asleep again. for reliability

He decided to do it simultaneously with his companion. Disputed on

“The Boat.” The smoker immediately shaves his beard. Sandy held two.

The weeks. Then, one day, he appeared at work with a "bossy" beard and

Cigarette in the tooth. I held up. I lasted somewhere for six months. He fell, in

Again in forgetting. Defended his dissertation at the banquet.

I relaxed and put a cigarette in my teeth. and Sanya:

Whose beard is burning?

Where is?

It wasn’t right now that it was my turn to shave my beard.

P.S Quitting smoking, after all, is very easy. I decided for myself that

I can smoke at any time. But at the moment, I will not. not became

Remember the day you stopped smoking. And even a year. I don't know, maybe it is

It’s a psychological concept, but I invented it myself. I understand that such

It reduces the significance of the event. And for many years at all.

There is no desire to smoke.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №4337
The State Duma passed a law allowing the closure of newspapers and other media

There are several publications of “consciously false information”. Where they will now be

Publishing the weather forecast?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №4336
When you cook the peelmen and sit back behind the machine for a couple of minutes, put the egg with them. When the water boils out, it will explode before the pellet burns and the explosion signals that you need to shout "your mother" to break off and turn off the plate.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4335
I have an antim 100MB for 450R :R
See also: Moscow? Or by Peter?
WOW: it has 450r - inets, 15000r - hats. at me hut 2000 + anlim inets 2500 so... the pont is unprotected. :D

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №4334
Big Yandex has moved to the office.

XXX - a gathering of dangerous fuckers, 40-year-old uncles with a huge beard

I mean 😉 😉 😉 😉

XHH - the type of programmers on books are drawn. riding around the office on small orange scooters, one walking in huge headphones with a ball tied to the thread

Oh, and you, you are a child. Are they sending you coffee?

xxx - another with a radio-controlled machine is constantly playing.

Oh no, I’m separate from them. We worship them. It turned into a stupid office.

WOW is lucky.


Hulu, people of old age

xxx - everywhere wifay, so I roll on the couch most of the day and eat grapes.sometimes I go fuck and play tennis

hh - and by the debils on self-driving cars with machines ride

Wow, it’s gone...

I am a bit of a bitch)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna