— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №6253
Burunduk: I told you a long time ago that you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t suck on the tower... don’t torture odmin =)
ZILIBOBBA: Briefly so... if this quote reaches the top of the abyss, we will be ipazza as I want and when... a whole month, and no excuses such as session or head pain will roll out)))
burunduk: agree... and if it does not come, then I will fuck you mosk for any reason and without a reason, as I want and when... a whole month and no excuses such as a diploma or a headache will not roll = )

Luckily the boy. I will give you a month when you want.
I also want to (

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №6252
Yesterday I watched the "graduation" in the kindergarten. One of the mothers burned:

Today we take the kids to school, in the last way.

Then she realized that she fell down and recovered:

In the preliminary...

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №6251
Askeza: Hyperlinks were widely used in the USSR. The most popular was the referral to Siberia.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №6250
In my head is no trouble.
I never understand jokes.
Pooh, because I am an admin on the tower,
I make the pages better.

What about humor? I need him...

It lives well on the foolish tower,
Drawing all your shit.
It doesn’t matter what it is,
They do not like him anyway.

Humor is good, but humor doesn’t hurt.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №6249
Never put a fuck on a jerk!!! to

Couldn’t you warn him early? and ((

I was late for Ken’s birthday on Wednesday.
Because my sister made me a mine and knitted me a gum on my penis.
Begin to bite the bandits and all the shit!!! to

Fuck real forty minutes wiped off...until wiped off I finished three times...

Fuck it, even with a whirlwind... Fuck it.

Should have cut.

Together with the chewing.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №6248
Xox: How much is Paul McCartney?
It is forever (It is forever)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №6247
<Trivia> The question. A body that is missing in women, and men are proud.
<Bunik> a member!
<Kamatoz> eggs))
<God> The Brain!
<Bunik> YU

The correct answer: Kadyak

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №6246
He has sent commercial offerings to about 3,000 firms in Russia.
>Now our company is known!!! to
>But the fuck is not who doesn't love it!!! to

Spammers in the shit!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №6245
the one who sent this message is a spammer if you also removed it to another 10 people if it returns 2 times then these people are also spammers if it came 5 times - think about your contacts, if 8 then you are a spammer and all your friends are spammers and removed from those not guilty 2 people who did not!!!! to

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №6244
She: answer me, just honestly, yes or no, okay?
He asks
Why do men laugh at blondes?
He is: Yes

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №6243
Dumb_and_KPACIBA Dominant_impotent: вотєта nick. Let’s get married?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №6242
* [Bob4uK] has joined #c++
<[BoB4uK]> beautiful girls from Krasnoyarsk have write in private
<Valexey> Yes There are beautiful girls, well, the full channel is straight.
<valexey> Now let’s break the beard and go all to you in private.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №6241
Sometimes when you sit in the internet from your mobile phone and start uploading a large file, you want to find the CEO of MTs and knock his foot on the logos.
The style (c)

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №6240
Burunduk: I told you a long time ago that you don’t have a sense of humor, don’t suck on the tower... don’t torture odmin =)
ZILIBOBBA: Briefly so... if this quote reaches the top of the abyss, we will be ipazza as I want and when... a whole month, and no excuses such as session or head pain will roll out)))
burunduk: agree... and if it does not come, then I will fuck you mosk for any reason and without a reason, as I want and when... a whole month and no excuses such as a diploma or a headache will not roll = )

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №6239
Enough to post great poems, still read them in the mouth :D

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №6238
I just suffered very much without your body.

apple *

The fucking! Warmly *

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6237
<HEX> preacher hunting
<%Lissic_killed> go watch
<HEX> dick remains current pasta
<HEX> I ate everything
<HEX> linen to boil
<%LisiC_killed> dry jri
<%Lisic_killed> nigras - shrimp

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №6236
Drama: How do you get there?! to
Dasha send to all: well, garage, clutch wire, floor on the 7-8th outer staircase, then back...down the staircase outer, clutch wire, garage...))
The Drama: Oh! The vertical staircase.Her hands are tired from three floors!
Dasha send to all: not....not a firefighter... but such "I learned that I have a huge family...")

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №6235
From the news website about Putin’s visit to the Bush family:
Chete Bush showed a layout of the entire Sochi region with future sports facilities. Looking at the layout, the wife of the American president noticed the river and the same name skiing complex, which is called "Laura", which in English writing coincides with her name, and paid her husband's attention to this. “Why is it named after my wife?” asked the President of the United States with a smile. To which Vladimir Putin, with a smile turned to Laura, galantly stated: "Specially in your honour".

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №6234
Sometimes I need to get out of the comp!! to
I fall asleep, go to the toilet at all speed, I open the door - and there is a stranger sitting on the push!! to
It turns out, while the CS crumbled, guests came to the family... This is how she, paranoid, and develops...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna