— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №8267
Police and crime: a cure worse than disease.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №8266
God (18:02:25 27/07)
Are these indifferent political views?

Unilever Gouno (18:04:25 27/07)
These are views where you are very interested in politics, but the shit is whose side you share. And you are sitting like a crazy important and you say to me indifferent political views, I crazy not determined but crazy interested. Approximately so 😉

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8265
xxx> - The boy today complimented me, mla, made... "Eyes at her"- says - "Such....Such straight...grumpy..." said, as he cut off. Long roasted.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8264
yyy: admin said my computer didn’t work because I put the dinosaur mouse point! Does it not happen too? It is :'(

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8263
XXX is
It was a joke.

XXX is
I grinded that I had the 6th floor, but the windows go out to the yard where the pool... the hearing is oceanic....

XXX is
I hear the female screams: Oh, did you sleep with him?!! to
The second one: Well I? And what?
I went to the balcony right away, I thought there would be a fight, women's battles without rules, all that...

XXX is
No hero... The next question: Well, how are you?

and there?

XXX is
A man is running around them, like a girl, don’t argue, don’t argue!

XXX is
Well, the girls have already joined together apparently.)

XXX is
I almost fell out of the balcony.)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №8262
Coke (11:20:03 25/07/2008)
The blink managed.

Coke (11:20:23 25/07/2008)
Great yes

Slim (11:20:25 25/07/2008)
Blonde has gone.

Slim (11:20:37 25/07/2008)
Why remove blades?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №8261
of Shamakhani:
How is ubi?

sht is:
Sham, I guess you missed the fifth, or the letter "ch"?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №8260
God, I’ve lived up to singing the song of Timothy (
In principle, I guess where his songs come from.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №8259
Rk Khao Ryback
add to the info yourself "when requesting authorization send a photo of Siseg"

Rk Khao Ryback
who sends the breasts dressed, the wise and the humble

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №8258
Situation in the bus. The girl speaks very loudly with her girlfriend on the phone, the aunt nearby is already bored.
I would love to live in Miami.
Aunt (cooking to her): You're Tolstota for Miami

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №8257
I would like to get an avatar normal.
YYY: Where are you?
xxx to live)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8256
Call for technical support of a program running through a web-interface
You know, it doesn’t open up for me.
This may be due to two reasons – you have a low internet speed, or you are using the wrong browser. What browser do you have?
-mmmmmm, yeah, and you couldn't call it any other way, or I don't understand in your terms.
-MMM, yeah, that's where you type the address of our program.
This is www.te
No, this is not the address itself, but where do you enter it, how it is called?
Internet Explorer, do you have any options?
I guess you have a problem on the internet.
The internet is great!!! to
What is the speed?
-mmmmmm, good, and there’s speed, I’m telling you your program doesn’t work...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №8255
Nashikawa: You are a shit.
Funny is? Oh, and why am I?
Funny is? I am a rare romantic.
Nash: Oh how
Tell me what my eyes are.
Funny is? Well, they are such
Tagged: are they beautiful?
Funny is? Yes Yes
Nashville: Are they unlikely?
Funny is? Yes Yes
:nasjkaaa: tricky and exciting?
Funny is? and so on))
:nasjkaaa: are they elastic?
Funny is? Yes Yes
Funny is? Oh is
Funny is? No is
Funny is? The fucking!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №8254
ROC(25-Jul/20:34)> pshel nah shorter
Sa(25-Jul/20:35)> Where is it?
ROC(25-Jul/20:37)> will you dress up naked below the belt, approach the mirror, see there such a small piece just under the belly hanging? but no, you don’t see, take the lupe... so... here he is... on him and go.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8253
xxx> I’m reading the introduction 1C: maybe you’ve never worked with 1C:Enterprise programs and you’re curious to know what it is? Per you have heard that there is such a system and want to understand what possibilities they have? Or maybe...? Or maybe...?
But nobody has suggested - "Maybe you at work in the mouth of this book the boss ticked and said: Teach, shit, not that shit, fucking!!and "

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №8252
The joker recalled:
We have a masterpiece on the Matan of the Matan, a demon was chased, he holds all non-children, in the universe even a proverb, he gave the Matan, you can get married... at the last lecture he was angry with something hard, no one is preparing for the spring, he briefly said that there will be a juppy at the seminar, and I bought a mobile phone and put on the SMS monologue of the Archimond from the varic.
We are all so prepared for the seminar, we are all sitting quietly waiting for it, here I get a text message and the whole audience"trepid mortals, Evil has come to this world!", the predecessor enters and sees the whole group under the tables and there is a real JOPA!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №8251
I go on the street. A grandmother aged 60 years and a grandson aged 5-6. This miracle in paints describes the process of playing in some computer toy, accompanied by all of this hand and foot waving.
- And here I run into the room, and there is a monster - well, I shoot him... and here on the right another - I am in his head... and here behind me - I go back again - Bach-bach!!! to
The grandmother quietly walks ahead of her occasionally with her head. Her grandson gives
- But here they run out at once five... I don’t have time and I’m killed...
He hung his head, his eyes to the ground.
The grandmother calmly turned her head to him:
You should have registered, granddaughter!

Very smiling at the beginning of the day :) I expected my grandmother to continue something like "I would be in your place..."

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №8250
One who clicks the plus or minus on the main twice to see the emoji?

Fuck, fuck, why did he say so, went to look at the smiley.

Blonde girl with a shirt!! to

How did you find out? O O O O

Who is here?? to

No to! ^ ^ ^


Smilefagues suck the whore!
Olso, this thread is captured ʘ_ʘ

I just wanted to mention in the quote...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №8249
XXX is Healthy! How to do?
YYY: I have no idea, I have an unlimited connection! and :(

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №8248
111 recently decided to count, my cat is jumping.

222 for me?

111 well, the bank of cat canned foods costs about 50 p, it is enough for 1-2 days, and besides them, he does not eat anything... you catch, he eats a jump of money for a month... for a year...

222 and you buy him a toilet filler?

111, and the jump is going on.

2 of 3))))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna