— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №5613
XXX: the expression "edren uš" has been used by Slavs since ancient times
YYY: the kernel bug! O_O
XXX is exactly! We found another confirmation that the Slavs are "on you" with high technology :)

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №5612
Oldschool Soldier: Fuck, so if everything originated from Adam and Eve, then all people on earth are Jews? Even the Negroes?! to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №5611
>> Just told our chief developer.
>> From the bank came the requirement to remove from one form the button with which the user was removed, i.e. They decided not to remove them at all. The task was sent down to the programmer and a day later he reposted "Everything is done". The module was handed over to the bank. A week later, a new error was corrected. The essence of the error was that the button was left, but it could not be pressed... it ran from the mouse across the screen. The programmer was repelled by the argument that he exactly performed the TZ, the user really could not be removed from the system.

>How to switch from the keyboard to the tab? and ;)

TabStop = false

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №5610
Election of Mayor of Kiev 2008
I promise to give every member 10 legal cent! on Mars. L. Chernivtsi
I promise to give every Kievman 3.14 days. V. Clique
I promise to give it to everyone. Y. Timoshenko

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5609
Dania: I need a superhacker now.)
Dania: Does anyone know how to reduce photos?
cynic: is this legal?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5608
She says: Hi WOW. Look at the eggs.
He: At least two.
She: Well you’re a fool, I’m talking in the refrigerator...
What does it matter where to look in the refrigerator or in the bathroom?
Are there fucking eggs?
There are... two :)
She is a fool!!!!! to
He is O_O

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5607
I have a dream like that. Go to баш. Just to remind Kowalevskaya Darina from the city of Tomsk that she is a foolish and alcoholic. Oh well comrades.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5606
by J:
It’s a mistake to think that having a fucker makes you a man... it’s possible that it just makes you a fucker.

M is :
It is a mistake to think that having a piss makes you pissed... it is possible that it makes you just pissed.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №5605
In the staff of generations, those who have the longer staff stick win.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №5604
This story was told to me by an English friend. He claims that

I personally know the hero of history, but I think he read it somewhere. but

What really happened, I can assure you.

In short, there were two friends living on the Nebulous Albion in one multi-storey building.

The house. One friend lived on the first floor (let’s call him Richard), and the other

Jack is on the twelfth. Now it’s time for Jack.

Beautiful view of France from high. It is understandable,

It is up to you to wash and pour this tragic event through the entire program!

Richard called his whole brother and arranged an overwhelming evening program.

Including jumping from one bar to another, striptease,

loud cuddling, songs about Manchester United, hugging strangers and

A cup of alcohol. It is said – done!

In the meantime, our happy bridegroom, Jack, filled himself with the glorious Guinness.

He swept the bitterness of the Tequilas with lemon, another is a completely secret plan.

quietly but quickly came into being under the cover of the night at Richard's house and

and Jack. Richard's brother and his friends opened Jack's apartment in advance

He moved Jack’s entire living room to the last dust.

12th floor to the first, pre-cleaning Richard's living room.

In the deep night, our stunned company drew a thoroughly drunk man.

Jack went to Richard’s house and threw him on the couch in the living room. In a few hours

Richard called and woke up Jack. Jack looked around and wept.

pull up and get up, stirring up in the urge to make coffee and drink

2 tablets of aspirin. Suddenly, such a picture is knocking at the door.

A group of men in black masks. They catch the poor Jack.

Whom, of course, the cheek of horror hanged away. He lifted him above his heads.

They jump out on the balcony and sweep it out of the balcony.

I don’t know if he had time to die from a heartbreak along the way.

on the grass under the balcony, but what he remembered this party for life

There is no doubt about that!! There are no friends and enemies like this.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №5603
Agree, logically - that if the rescue of the drowning affairs of their own hands

The fight against corruption is in the hands of the corrupt.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №5602
P.S. I am talking with a girl. I went to make tea.
At that time an older sister came into the room.
I cut off my face from this profure in 7 minutes! I’ve been fighting for a month and a half.

Letter to the studio.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5601
I was on the bus... working time... a bus of average filling... I sit hard looking in the window... here on the entire bus to turn on the blottnyak from whose mobile phone... I look... through the seat from me sits a guy... well as usual set of advanced beadle) a bag, sports trousers... and all that.. he is tormented by the already whispering dynamics of his mobile phone... next to him is an uncle... such an ordinary... is probably over 45... with a sports bag on his shoulder)
Uncle - listen to friends... silence to music... not everyone is so enthusiastic...
I’m interested in what you’re doing... and td...
Uncle stumbled his shoulders slowly removed the bag from his long as he was enthusiastically played probably in what thread the snake... gets out of the bag a small such a bumpbox... puts it almost on the shoulder of the guy and wraps on the whole Nirvana)))...applauded even the grandmothers)))

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №5600
Exam in electronics, pulse devices.
Student: We put together such a scheme, and the auto generator begins to self-excite and...
The teacher: Stop! I get self-excited when I look at you and the auto generator generates.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №5599
Lumer: I may not understand something in this life, but why a Moscow company selling electricity to us to place on the bills advertising energy-saving bulbs?
uoqhd: Data centers need more energy to render a new president

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №5598
A horrible picture. Uncle at the parade, in a light costume, a diplomat, all the affairs, tricking balls on dry places, crossing the water-filled road. And suddenly a five-year-old boy runs on him, who, in sight, has not been washed since birth, and jumps into the pit right in a step from him. You should have seen the man’s face when the guy ran to him, but that’s not the main thing. He himself jumped when the boy jumped next to him and did not slip. The boy looks so smiling and says "cool, yeah" and begins to jump in place! And the man always jumps on his own so that he doesn’t get overwhelmed! The people around are laughing, and the man is laughing "Daddy boy don’t jump!"

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №5597
When I read this post, I realized that I was not alone in the universe!

I live in Rostov-on-Don. Every day I go to the stop nearby.
The Conservatory. And I hear the loud cries of some rare bird, which clearly
He lives on the roof. Every day she shrugged her head and waited for it to take off.
this rare bird, which so loudly and terrifyingly cries in the center quite
A big city?

I found out that there were no birds. This is an oret in the recording box,
To get rid of the pigeons who go to the Conservatory!and "

because I also live in Rostov-on-Don, but unlike the girl who wrote this post, I have to hear this “dirty pop” all day. The window of my work goes straight to the Conservatory.
P.S I even see this speaker from the window and believe me, the desire to shoot it from the pneumatic arose in all my employees...

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №5596
What happens to the cable if it overloads? (It is just interesting) :)

itl2044: First it will start to swell, then through small microcracks will begin to dissipate ions, if you do not cut the shell in time, there can be an explosion, it is especially dangerous if the wire is thrown by the pioneers on the facade of the building, past the gas highways, so the attentive chiefs of the JECs in any case do not give the pioneers the keys from the roofs, that they do not pull dangerous networks.
But you can't cut the cable in advance, otherwise the air can get there, and the ions will fall out just so, from this very strongly begins to lie the network, some subscribers practice to cut the cable, and place the loop with the cut in a half-filled three-litre bowl with water.
In any case, do not disconnect the power supply until all traffic comes out of the twisted pair, otherwise the remains of traffic will dry, and cox, later on such a cable, the bandwidth will fall very strongly, and large packs will stop walking.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №5595
xxx:"File Description: New tags, very beautiful, just downloaded from the site!!! You won't regret installing it!"-what kind of passport has placed this virus, it deletes system files,after which the system can't start and changes the name of the local drive to "dumb";

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №5594
Tamar: Pat ctalom... Rju nimagu...

Erb: Tamara, in Russian first to learn to write literally, and then to Albanian transitions. In this case, let’s not ask you "which city are you from, Pelotka??", you need to write: "patztalom", "rjunimagu".

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna