— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5373
Toughened Laminated Safety (14:58:20 16/05/2008)
I want shrimp.

Smith (14:59:03 16/05/2008)
How to cut?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №5372
Session is when you put the letter "b" in the browser and the first is not bash a bankreferatov.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №5371
Russian puppies in the 1990s were so harsh that they ate juppies without diluting them with water.

And it was Dadaada!!! There is also Invaite and Zuko!!!))

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №5370
Why did your BSH, after clicking on the plus, first show OK, and then an unhappy smile???? to

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №5369
On the local channel in the type of “Criminal” show an intelligent lady, all in “disordered” feelings.
She says: "I go home, I talk on the phone. Suddenly a man jumps up, grabs my phone and pushes me to the iron fence.
Takes his cough and strikes it so that all the breasts are visible.
"Look, you see how he scratched me" she says.
The men, I think at this point, did not look at the scratches.

Next: show the blue-collar who was caught with this phone. He says:
"She gave her phone. He says, speaking from the mouth. Go and push my phone. We are ".
I was in a roof.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5368
Yesterday he said: Sing a girl, tomorrow you will wake up as a woman.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №5367
SerG-Unin: The rain...=
Ko1es: aa) On the day of the day near the school a pit was digged for jumping, from the rain the cappuccinoes were worn by the burial workers, the children from the windows are looking - they are spotting)))
by Serg-Unin
Ko1es: Then it was necessary to sleep with sand, and it was brought in such rectangular boxes, very reminiscent of graves... it was necessary to see the faces of those children)))

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5366
I am like a lonely litre shaking in the wind.

Removed from the tree

A single liter is very strong.

Dublin with this T9 no tragic smart

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5365
Appeal to people who make banners aka a scream of the soul: YOU PIDARAS, WHY YOU DO NOT CLOSE THE BUTTON?? to

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №5364
On the subject "who remembers the great times"

Remember, there was such a topic: a plastic lid is taken from a mineral (colls, etc.).There are two holes in the center. After this, the capronka is pushed into them and bound so that the crawl forms a closed contour. Then the rings were removed from the bottles, which are located under the lid, turned out (and on the inside of them have "shops") and put on the lid. With circular movements, the thread was twisted - and the vulva) with simple movements of the hands to the sides received "Azzic machinery", which was scratched.)

It worked the imagination of children, not that of happiness.

It was like that, and I closed the cover with a button.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №5363
HH: No, is this normal at all? The admin of the forum did not wish to congratulate the people since May 9. The user who entered the evening creates a relevant topic, but drunk calls it "with the day of the afternoon". the next day, writing to the moderator a request to change e to b. the moderator honestly renames the topic to "the day of the day". Finally, a swollen administrator enters the forum, inserts a solid sign missed in his opinion and exposes the user of the ban for "mat" in the title of the topic and disrespect for domestic history!

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №5362
Status in ACE:
Buying enriched uranium! A lot!! and expensive!! I have to 😉
1 and uranium?
I want to help North Korea develop nuclear weapons.)
1 Why? It is evil.
So, let’s crush America!
What did they do to you these Yankees? :)
No, the Chinese just need to move! and the fence to guard, and stop the supply of condoms, they then from overpopulation each other sit, and China will sow grass, there the climate is good and there will be HAPPY!!! to

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №5361
Esperanto says: if you like blondes it is not a reason to give up the cancer brunette.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5360
(from the forum of industrial alpinists)

The grille:
The window opens. An enthusiastic 3-4 year old. Mom’s voice: “Look, I’ve eaten all the soup and Carlson has flown to you... If you’re always going to eat soup, Carlson is going to come.”

I immediately thought "Do you ask me for a bowl of strawberries?" ;-)

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5359
News from

Peter Kuznetsov is still in resuscitation in one of the Penza clinics. The investigation believes that he attempted suicide, several times hitting himself with pollen on the head.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №5358
6 in the morning, rain, hurricane wind, 3 on the thermometer, in such a weather you can not drive the dog out of the house...Parents went further expelled me with the dog.
P.S. to all of you

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №5357
Guys remember to:
Mythical thugs who remember the top of the abyss of the tower for the last week, who are not afraid of Linux, who have a server with a fry and a self-made lock for several comps, who drink beer, sometimes even in specially dedicated places such as a rock bar, smoke, know how to use and perceive mat correctly, get two higher education, who have a gold medal in school - exist.
But when young people who like them start dating with dumb glamorous juvenile defaches, fanatics of chupa-chops and shopping, you think in vain, dress up as a blonde and go to buy a pink coffot with strawberries!!!! to

I will not leave Ash.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №5356
Today, in a separate educational institution, the eternal disagreement between generations has been successfully overcome.
History to the student: xxx, explain to this duo.
Students: Oh yeah!
History of Pooh.

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №5355
User Melvin joined the #talk channel
Andrey> Yes, I did not enjoy this year’s karate training.
Pal> is it so?
Andrey> There was no decent opponent ((
Andrey> In general, today the coach at the end of the class announced a sparring. We have a mixed group, 3 girls and 7 boys.
User Freeman joined the #talk channel
Andrey> And what do you think? I had to get along with a girl.
Freeman> O_O I missed something?? to
Pal> Ahahahahaha!! )))))))))))
Andrey> Because the guys disassembled
Andrey> That you are crazy
Freeman> Do you like the guys?
Andrey> Koesh, there at least you can swallow a man.
Freeman> #sweepstakes
Pal> I’m getting tired of it!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №5354
The barbarians defeated the Romans because they did not know who they were.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna