— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №4833
Attaining a certain stage of naivety, a person begins to become wise.

by konde13

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №4832
A acquaintance told me. Uncle is under the age (under the age of half), no wife, there is

She is a lover, but she lives alone. Friends, knowing that at nights he is not always

got a woman's warmth, gave a rubber grandmother for her birthday, for

To satisfy the natural needs of men. through

For a while, they ask him, “Well, type, the gift to you is ours?

Do you use it?” And he said, “Yes! This stuff is that rubber grandmother! Grandma

Blow up, wash jeans and stretch them on it - as they dry, even

No need to starve. Just below her knee, her legs are too thin.”

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4831
I only claim to your heart.

It’s a pity, but I’m already separated.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №4830
One comrade explained to another about the difference between digital and analog communication:
You bought a pack of peelings and brought it home. But to walk up to the fifth floor lazy, I want to walk with a beer and all that. You go under the windows of the apartment and shout, “Mom, take the pellet!” and when Mom looks out the window, you throw the package. You go on with your business, and the peelmen and their flight no longer bother you. It is an analogue connection.
- And you can also say this: you shout "Mommy, take the peelmen!" and you will throw the peelmen one by one. You throw, you wait, you ask "Mommy, have you caught a pellet?". If the answer is yes, throw the next pellet. If negative – you search for the loss and throw it again until you get a confirmation of receipt. You do so with the whole package. This is the number percent.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4829
It’s hard when a 60-year-old man who doesn’t speak English...
Troy Fallas is just the beginning.

It’s all a shit...this is when the messages WM_SYSKEYUP and WM_SYSKEYDOWN start to read as if it’s written in Russian...

[ + 39 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №4828
I go home after work and very... very much want to fuck!) Every minute more and more. With the last strength I get to the apartment, shaking hands I open the door, fly to the toilet... already stretched the width... relaxed... and at this very moment I had to sneeze!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4827
Viewing the Mult "Ice Age 2":
She: Hits what a ship they have... Right "Titanic"
I: Noah’s Ark
She: And I didn’t watch...who is playing there?? to
I am a pasteur
She: What is funny? Oh, I guess... you’re very clever, you read a lot of books... Some of the books are sure, right?

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4826
Kitti: ppt, my parents are called to school for the fact that when I was unhealthy and I did not go to school - my ass was handed.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4825
I sit at lunch. Slowly the TV is running, some child cartoon is coming. Enthusiastic about food, telephone - zero attention. But the brain still paid attention to one phrase and forced half a minute to look stupidly at the fork. The phrase was "Hello grass! Hello, the stone flying on my head!" :)

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4824
Very pleased with the logic of our roads.
I go on the highway somewhere between Luga and Pskov. The road is not only bad and in the magicians, but disgusting at least, no car these a couple of kilometers faster than 5 km per hour does not drive. At the end of this abomination are the signs: "Low the speed to 70 kg. This is a bad road"
I became sad.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4823
A call to support is the most common call.

Wow, what a deal! I pay for 256 kilobytes, why am I downloading only 60 kilobytes?
Do you know the difference between bits and bytes?
Do not make me a fool! There are eight bits!
So 256 kilobytes, how many kilobytes?
It is 32 kilos.
“And you’re 60, you say... No problem, I can cut it off right now.
and eeee! No, no, thank you, I am happy! (The click)

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №4822
We brought two search magnets to the store. It’s a kind of thing that you tie to a rope and throw into an old well. Sometimes something interesting happens to him.
Well, these two fascinating devices I attached to the metal cane so that they didn’t talk under my feet.
After some time, it was realized that these magnets hold 160 kg per break.
The employer will come in an hour.
by Fuck.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №4821
<Enigma> hello, sweet
<Shaman SE> hi hi
<Enigma> I missed it, talk to me
<Shaman SE> about what?
<Enigma> about what is exciting. Tell me which member you have.
<Shaman SE> is so big so tense
<Enigma> ho.. go on
<Shaman SE> he stands
<Enigma> ooo
<Shaman SE> and also he in the bathroom
<Enigma> mm who?
<Shaman SE> MEMBER! Together with my boyfriend
<Shaman SE> And you’ll write him again I’ll fuck you up again?! to

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4820
Before the count:

What is NIV?(= the

This is where?? to

Thirteen Network devices (NIVs, switches, bridges)

It’s a HUB))

(= the


Why then them?(= the

by Hub

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4819
<Neo-Tokyo>Do you agree that suicide is the eternal solution to a temporary problem?
<`[6]>No I am a Buddhist. I think suicide is a temporary solution to an eternal problem.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №4818
Living as a convinced single, waking up in the morning with the cry of the mother, sleeping, jumping out of bed and stumbling around the mountain of empty beer bottles, looking in a bunch of dirty linen under the bed for two approximately the same colour range and with a minimum number of hole socks, running in panic to the kitchen to put coffee and realizing that dirty dishes are easier to throw out - than wash, rubbing under a bunch of boxes of CD keys from the apartment - single beliefs sharply drop their positions...

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №4817
[16:16:53] <Mad> who has a "Rebuild" with a normal installer?? to
[16:17:55] <wasp> Mad: at Gorbachev ))))))))))))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4816
How did you spend the holidays?
AI: server remotely crashed - I am afraid to go to work

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4815
The director of the bus goes out to the factory parking lot, where there are thousands of newly cooked jiggles and, shaking his hands, pronounces: "According to my will, by my will, ride the weddar yourself!

[ + 118 - ] Comment quote №4814
In the last year, two, I have often met phrases with regard to Germans such as: "We made you 45". I think only those who did have the right to say so. Most speakers, if not all, are like children. Nihren they would not have done if they had to fight now. Although I am not a supporter of the USSR, I consider that generation to be much stronger and more desperate in the struggle than the Europeanized generation today.
It is the word "dollbow".
Plus who agrees.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna