— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 119 - ] Comment quote №14883

50050 (saved 2009-03-02 at 16:25)
Dear bastards, pissing phones from gyms, swimming pools, car stalls and other institutions!!!! A persuasive request to you: leave, sorry, the SIMK in the place where you put on the phone!!! You do not need it anyway, but for people, the numbers that are written on this SIM card are more valuable than the phone!!! Thanks in advance!! to

P.s Will come to the best

I read how "the late on the telephone" thought about the rest, re-read and here it is true +1

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №14882
And yet, rollers - people (elves, orcs, hobbies and others) are unusual.
Today, after a terribly boring first couple, we leave the audience, sleepy and angry. And one of our rollers is pleased. We ask:
Have you slept at the lecture?
Silmarillion began to re-read.
When we looked at him from his feet to his head (and he came with a messy notebook in his back pocket), we asked:
Where is the book?
He points his finger on his head:
and here.
Having endured the theatrical pause, he slowly moves his finger to the heart.
and here.
Another pause, a mysterious look, confusedly points his finger to the width.
And here too.
Waiting for a proper reaction, the CPC calmly gets out of the front pocket.
More precisely here.


[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №14881
Q: Who can help with good advice?? to
Remove the cock caps!

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №14880
Don’t compact you guys about the underwear)) we’ve barely managed to cope with them once!

Here’s how the girls wear their first sweaters:
1. put the blade backwards, the blades not to touch
2. to clogged
Turn to 180 degrees
4) Stretch the lashes
Filming in reverse.

And removing the underwear from other people most of us also do not know.)

[ + 16 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14879
Long wire - excessive erection.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №14878
History from Vizbor: Yuri Yosifovich was one of the founding fathers
Krugozor magazine, a magazine with an attached flexible recording
Which songs were recorded.
His working name was Impulse.
But the founding fathers did not like it.
And here passed Leo Cassil.
In order to define the role of this child writer in
In our literature, we must remember that the image of Ostap Bender Ilfu and
Peter gave him.
In the first editions of the "12 chairs" the authors even made it almost
He was co-author, but later, at the request of Cassil, his name was removed from the titles.
Other than creativity. So Leo proposed to name the magazine "Krogosor".
have done.
The first number came out in Moscow in 30 minutes, but the capital is not the whole.
of Russia.
The following day the editorial received a telegram from Vladivostok:
The robbery of the Kiosk "Soyuzпечати", the thieves took only 200 rooms
“The Circle.”
This was a popular recognition.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №14877
Customer to the waitress:
Is it true that you are eating us?
No, it’s you who’s eating after us.

[ + 67 - ] [8 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14876
Fuck, what are you like? I now, when I sit behind the compost, I fear that the balloon of air in my chair will explode and the metal rod will pierce me through, and when I sit on the toilet, I fear that my neighbors at the top will now tighten their toilet with a film and knock on it with a pillow.

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14875
Title in the news: "State Control published a guide to the best clubs of the capital"

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №14874
Today I saw a man, he said to the phone: “Yes, I’m going down the stairs, but at the same time he was going up the stairs!

[ + 60 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14873
Sophia (23:12:16 26/02/09)
Fuck, it is almost spring, I can beat a valley with a girl on the grass in a remote place, kiss her chest, stomach, knees)))
Stirling (23:12:55 26/02/09)
Do not jump over!!! to

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14872
I worked in a nightclub as a cook.Blu, there was the habit of leaving every shabby alterner.In short, a huge cuddle was cut out of carrots)))And the note was sprinkled everywhere.Tipo, look there, look there....Quest, ebti))And the cock hid in the freezer with the note:You came to watch or work on the cock???)))Bla, and the general found it...On the day, scuco, decided to check the frozen freezers or not...A fine of 50p.-for damaging carrots))He probably liked the quest))

[ + 61 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14871
yyy: yes, caroch... the neighbors stumbled... from above which... read in the inlet... that if you stretch the film sortyr... and with all the pads on it... then the neighbors below the ceiling will be in the shit

The young man. Thousands of people were clever.

[ + 53 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14870
Is your Mozilla open?
No no, my brother.
XXX: The Brotherhood of Mozilla.

[ + 53 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14869
She:....yes, or you break your Z from the servers at least once every 3 days.. or you make an agreement with a nice neighbor.
I forgot that sex is four times a night. I forgot it was like that.

12 condoms for 2 years!!!! to

Witness: Print a chart and hang on the wall - to mark.
Imagine the fines.

What is the penalty for the lack of internet?

You don’t need to go, at all.
You can eat peelings, and raw.
Wear socks until they stick.
Unbearable to shit.
Sex is indifferent

What to punish 😉

Witness: эх... you don’t even know how I understand you...
A bowl on the head?

It was : was.
"And for what??" and an astonished look

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №14868
Well, here and wait) "6 March group "Beasts" will perform in Bobruisk"))) In Bobruisk, animals, in Bobruisk!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №14867
Properly the proposal - all our needs in communication about quotes are elementarly decided not popular now "K..K...K...No...", and the neighboring site - the forum on quotes of Bach. Per anyone who is not lazy will organize such a forum. And the administrators of Bashorg still allow the reference to discuss near the quotation, but it will not be conducted on the section on the BASH, but on the forum, which formally has no relationship to the BASH, they are not responsible for it (and for its content), and which are administered not by them, but by true enthusiasts - BASH fans...

How to you? If the topic seems nothing, we put a plus. Avos and the site will appear and the admin will see the quote and go to the meeting. There is no way to create such a forum.
And what I agree, I can do, only a slander with the opinion of the admins of Bash, if they give good I will do.)

[ + 67 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14866
49773 (saved 2009-02-28 at 23:25)
My girlfriend burned.
I went to the dusk, where, as I knew, there would be a bunch of guys and drinks.
After a while, he calls and asks very soberly:
If I eat the seed of another man, will it be treason?
I don’t know what to say, but her phone is cut off.
In the morning, it turns out that they had nothing to eat, and only milk remained from the seed.
Biologists are fucking.
Just another naive 😉
and the girl was good, almost burned by drunkenness, but turned off originally)))

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №14865
X: What is rum?
This is like a pirate vodka.
X: Is it not licensed?

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №14864
by Rabby-chan
According to RBC:
"In the U.S. arrested man who tried to infect Obama with AIDS"

I had a couple of funny associations.

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