— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №14505
Falling in spirit, do not defile your neighbor.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №14504
How to quit smoking.

The story of the old seaman.

I dropped it a few times, but it didn’t work forever.

They patrolled in the Atlantic along the coast of the United States. The nearest km

200 to 400.

In the underwater position you can not smoke, and here they went out to breathe. immediately to

Deck, one cigarette, the second immediately - relaxed, sat down, head

was rounded. Suddenly, seeing a helicopter, an emergency sinking. and I

As long as he realized what it was for, the luck had stumbled down...

It is useless to grind with the legs, the heels are rubber, the boat is also all outside.


Here I see the key for lifting the wooden ceiling. Pulled to Corps

Toughened Laminated Safety Glass 8. How he got into his hands – I don’t remember, but

His knock dive stopped, and I was launched. Soon after seeing my

The face, a glass of alcohol poured.

Two days left...

The rope on the key was broken...

After that, smoking doesn’t even pull.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №14503
The Americans lie that their satellite was not a spy.

The Russians lie that their satellite was uncontrollable.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №14502
Local.TV issued: now in the state Duma of 50 men three women...
We know very little about our members.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №14501
Dear women! Thank you very much, for the fact that in the subway you stop suddenly without any apparent reason in front of the passenger that follows you, or occupy the whole passage, through which you can go four, for the fact that the trajectory of your movement often resembles Browne. Thanks to you, I have avoided a car accident several times, because the logic of your movement, as you know, is cross-platform.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №14500
Why do you all worship the guy with dollars? better worship a man with a cigarette from the quote that the bull carried in his hand, because there was no urn anywhere... it is really cooler

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №14499
13dead: All plastics in childhood were divided into three classes:
The Cappuccino
The Copy

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №14498
News in Gazete.Ru: "A happy milk caught on marijuana".
I knew it!! I know!!! to

[ + 62 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14497
About the Generations:
And I’m from the generation of those who remember how Jackie Chan fought with four grandmothers on spikes :))))

[ + 56 - ] [7 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14496
47379 (saved 2009-02-12 at 17:50)
jiyuu: it’s a pipe, we guys are either already busy or full of loops :'(
Hex: Ol, I’m free at all, if I...
Jiyuu: See also above

This is the kind of fuck I hate, let me be called a hater of women, but where do you tell me such girls who would love such as us, ordinary undetectable guys who think about a future career and in the future will be able to a lot, on which you can rely. than those fools who constantly take lessons in schools, they don’t know and don’t cheat at anything. But those who are fucking “beautiful” and then fucking out of debt can’t get out and change people like you, “girls” faster than gloves.

And the fox silence naked with your comments like "no?" urds worried, this is about you I was talking about.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №14495
Study of VKnotakte:
Paul: I will give a cat... 18:27
I’ll give a cat... urgently!! by 18:33

[ + 61 - ] Comment quote №14494
xxx: I was kicked out of the group in contact for leaving a comment on a girl’s photo. The cactus on the table is funny, you water it, or I will have all the cactus dead in a month.
XXX: This is the Honey.
XXX: I'm sorry she doesn't have a leaflet
XXX: the cactus is still dead (

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №14493
If the soul does not lie, then He will not stand.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №14492
Prostokvashka :
It was the first time in human history that a space accident occurred. Collided two satellites - Russian and Lamerov )))

The Aura:
We decided to overtake the meeting, 100%

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №14491
Encountered on the Internet on the photo: strong hairy man's hand already
I almost completely removed my trousers with wonderful in all respects.
The female ass. One commentator wrote:
It’s a pity that it’s not my hand.
The other answered him:
Glad it’s not your ass.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №14490
On the request:
Serbs told me that the coward was a wife and had a brother, that her brother died and that she sought and knelt so much for him, and that the old man did it to the bird.

The Serbs tell [this legend]: the cowboy was a woman, she had a brother. When her brother died, she mourned and cried for him until she turned into a bird.

(Please add, the person needs)
Live in Serbia!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №14489
In the end, he will learn to win who is not tired of losing.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №14488
A stupid story happened to me somewhere in the mid-1990s. We were driving by

In the middle of the Taiga. There were hardly any cars on the road. and if

Remember, it was such a time that it was not safe to drive on the roads.

They robbed, and all that.

We go - and suddenly we begin to realize that he has been following us long enough.

Jeep with toned glasses. And in the Jeeps at the time also remember who

I ride. And it’s not just going after us, it’s literally “hanging on the tail.” and

Here, as specifically, we roll the wheel. We stopped. He is next door.

door to door. Down the glass, in the window - a huge size of reed.

The further dialogue:

The brother! A wild pig with five letters.

and???? to

I am in shock. And in a moment I begin to realize that they are all their jeeps.

Crossroads were held all the way. And in this "wild pig" they are

They said they were prepared to kill anyone.

They helped.

and Kaban

Here is horror! He looks totally condemned and almost silent.

with one lips: "It does not fit into the letters"

Pause - and me falls: "Vepre". You would see his face, full of happiness and

and relief!! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №14487
I fell in love with a vampire.

and married.

They lived long and happy.

And they had many children.

They all worked in the militia.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №14486
Q: Can you send us a quote?
WOW : Why? She is not funny! She will not accept.
You, I see, have not been on the tower for a long time...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna