— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №4493
Monday: The desire to live overtook the desire to work.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4492
XXX is
There was also a Youth Committee.
Sitting such all the harsh chats print... and then one burned with the phrase: "to the chats from the push you attack..."

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №4491
12-00 - solid company (dealing with oil products)
Announcement on Internal Aske

SysAdmin: I’m changing beer for a cupcake!! to

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4490
I have a strange cat.
1: now he sits and chews the kitchen fork
1: I find it strange.
Can I feed him?
2: You are not
Let’s eat the clothes 😉

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4489
In the book about settlement in MS Visual Studio (almost quotation):
And here, after a divorce, a heart attack, and an alcohol addiction, you finally start to think you understand Microsoft’s logic.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4488
Hi, I'm just a beginner Sisadmin, please help me, at the moment I know little.
Using remote access I unexpectedly turned off the 1C server!! I can’t turn it on remotely now!!! he writes that it is impossible to connect to a remote computer"how do I turn it on now, otherwise tomorrow morning nobody can work, tk I am always late for 2-3 hours and I come to noon!!! The boss and so said that if I throw out anything else he will dismiss me the last time I restarted the server with the BD, because I inserted the flash and the wind said that the installation of the devices was completed and offered to restart and I didn't think and agreed! I am not guilty, but I just learned, it was just an experiment, do you have to train? Help me with grief! You are an experienced sysadmin and know how to get out of such situations! Saved in advance

Bring the rosette.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №4487
Here are some news from BOR:
On April 29, Albert Hoffmann, the father of LSD, died.

Bring it to the top...

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №4486
satelitte: FREE (the capsule was squeezed, and the re-printing fell so, and you can't figure out how to do it yourself) how do you do?
vov4ik: I cry

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №4485
Presidents are in principle programs.
Gorbachev is a raw prototype, possibly an alpha version. It seems to be the president, but it is better not to put it, or it can crash the system.
Yeltsin is already a beta. Thus e. and bugs are full, and it does nothing useful, but it can already be carefully shown to others. The system may not collapse, but working with it is a pleasure below the default.
Putin is like a relief. The first thing is not to be ashamed of others. And bugs are not visible, or carefully quickly concealed by media patches.
Medvedev is now President 2.0. The whole social. Internet support, hypertext vector feed and cellular communications networks have been added.

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №4484
From the forum of the provider:

Q: What is the rise in traffic prices?? to
Y: Gasoline is expensive
Z: a, well) transportation has become more expensive))

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №4483
Fuck, how my ass hurts!! to
YYY :?! to
xxx: in the hospital was a complex treatment, the whole ass of the injections was scratched... already applied a heater.. still hurt the scratch
YYY: and you sit down - the muscle works, the medicine divides, the illness stops.
XXX: I can’t
The candle will fall out.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №4482
The DFX:
Have you listened to Manowar? How to you?

HD Not Ready:
They have texts in general a weak place, they can safely be divided into four types, and the first three types of songs are virtually no different:

Songs about the true metal and the enemies of the true metal and how they should be wet (early work of manoeuvres)

Songs about the Vikings and Berzers and how they soaked their enemies and how they should soak their enemies - just like they (later work of the maneuver)

Songs in which you can understand what it is about, about the real metal or about the Vikings or the Berzers, but one thing is clear that they are really cool uncles and that they really dohuya missing enemies which must be wet, and the cooler they are wet the better. (creation of the medium period maneuver)

Lyrical songs about military friendship (very little)

There are still a few songs about bikers, but there is also a dohuya of berzerks and enemies of real metal, so this is probably type 3.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №4481
She: Oh, there are no real men. No one can afford a place in the bus.
He: We shouldn’t generalize that. I can’t stand when girls sit.
She: So here, I am about the same.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №4480
I am standing at the stop, next to the crossroads, there is a Chinese healthy SUV, a tarakhit, a female driving. A car of DPSnikov stands across the road, and one of them stands on the street.
It burns green.
The car runs and swallows. It is worth. The rooster begins to roast, takes the microphone from the router and says: "Girl, the car starts with the key!"
A pause of thirty seconds, the car still stands silent, the shutter fighting with laughter continues: “The key is right down!”
The off-road car starts quickly and falls off the crossroads with a bucket.
The cross is shaken by laughter.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4479
2 people, 4 people live in the room.
The question arose in what sequence the computers will be engaged in writing the diploma.
Decided quickly and peacefully - the Unreal Championship will set priorities.
This is the second week already...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №4478
The pocket cat says: Have you seen Lenchkov long ago? Something she hasn’t seen for a long time...
Alice says: I haven’t talked to her since the wedding.
The Pocket Cat says:
Alice says: Just my girl's name was Dog
Alice says: and husband - Pavlov
The pocket cat says: =)))
Alice says: so she offered me all the virginity from her surname not to refuse, but just add the husband's surname through the line :-/
Alice says they fought.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №4477
Today, a guy and a girlfriend in a supermarket approach the box office and dumbly put on the tape: Two empty plastic bottles from under Pepsi, two empty packs of chips and... a healthy cabbage in a grid. The cashier looked and gave out: "What, the knot on the cabbage could not unlock?"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4476
SMS from the girl:
What do you do? Do not get drunk too much!
All in one SMS.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4475
When my son was breastfed, when I walked out with him, I was afraid of him right in the wheelchair on the stairs from the elevator. I pulled him out of the wheelchair, pressed him with one hand and pushed the wheelchair forward with the other hand. The hardest thing was to open the door. Once I opened the door, the wheelchair was pushed out, and then the baby was wrapped, I reflected the wheelchair and grabbed the son with two hands. The wheelchair fell.
And behind the door on the street, not seeing me, a neighbor stood, walking out her dog. I imagine what she thought. A door opens, a wheelchair flies out of the door, makes a salto, and lands on the asphalt at the stairs, and outside the door my indifferent voice: ‘Damn, again...’.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №4474
Sclerosis is when you forget to remember.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna