— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4333
xxx (15:36:28 23/04/2008)
Why did my first server disappear?
yyy (15:36:34 23/04/2008)
xxx (15:36:35 23/04/2008)
The server is two.
yyy (15:36:38 23/04/2008)
Kill again
xxx (15:36:47 23/04/2008)
How to remove them
yyy (15:36:56 23/04/2008)
with hands
xxx (15:37:05 23/04/2008)
Where to look for them
yyy (15:38:52 23/04/2008)
If you consider your questions, your hands should be looked at the level of your ass.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №4332
X: For the first time to set up Fedor himself, without reading anything and asking anyone for advice - it's not a big step for a man.

A huge leap for a buzz!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №4331
From the age:
How much would you give me?
Girl: twice...

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4330
1: And no longer bringing ideas to develop, better offer yours in return. It is unlikely to be the crown of creation.
2: The same shit again. This is their job, let them do it well, and we will appreciate it.
Imagine, the doctor died a patient: relatives - “shozanah, grandmother!!”
The doctor says, “Epit, do it better!”

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №4329
<1> Shash Lol on Cultural Studies was...
<2> mm
<1> Prep: Orthodox iconostasis consists of 7 levels. Who can name?
<1> voice in the back: physical, channel, network...

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №4328
xxx>> what is the difference between mind and mind?
yyy>> the first, as you know, comes after the second.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4327
448406284 (23:47:14 23/04/2008)
I hope you did not get in the army as you wanted.
BAD MATHER FACKER (23:48:04 23/04/2008)
I was lucky, instead of the army, they took me to the shaker!I knocked my foot into the military station, I called the bell, I drank a beer, and I got an oral.
Bad Mother Facker (23:48:16 23/04/2008)
Instead, I was taken to the shuttle.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №4326
"Real odmines add sunflower oil to the water when they cook the peelmen so that they are better fried..."

) ) )

The horror is that the first thought "blin, idea!"


by GM. By the way yes.

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №4325
I was going to put the car on registration at GAI. There in the GAI on the wall hang posters with rules for pedestrians and motorists, on one of them it is written "Peasants are prohibited from crossing the road by ground pedestrian crossings, underground pedestrian crossings, overground pedestrian crossings in their absence."
Then I went back to read it again.
I’ve been in a stall for a long time, that’s how.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №4324
Hi to you! How about mood?
On the heart of the cat scratches.
Are they fucking buried?

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4323
Dudnikov_dv: fucking in progress where came - before everyone was afraid of Format C: complete, and now the worst thing in the world is Format D: complete!!! to

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №4322
Taggert (00:48:20 9/05/2007)
I am free to knock.

Yma (00:48:30 9/05/2007)
OK is

Taggert (21:32:15 25/04/2008)
In principle, I was released.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №4321
X is boring.
Y is BO!! to
Y – and so?
I’m wet now xD

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №4320
Stormik: Gastarbyter - loves work that you can't tolerate.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №4319
A man must do three things in his life: plant a tree, build a house, and raise a son.
But if nothing is lost to the state, life is lived in vain.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №4318
<nymous> while (true)
<nymous> And let the whole world wait!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №4317
The Pigeon! Very tough client. Not every pager will think about sending an empty message to his uin, accepting it, and under this pretext to add yourself to the contact list, causing panic in the bot, who for 40 minutes had an exciting conversation with himself, after which he offended himself and left offline.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №4316
Miniature: "Conscious Russian Doctors"
I am lying in the hospital, the time is early and so the whole chamber, five people, is lying dumb and balladed, at this time the syrene is turned on and spread through the receptors throughout the building: "Fire alarm." Everyone leaves the room" After five minutes, during which no movement was felt in the corridor, a doctor enters the chamber and says, "Yes, fire alarm. Everyone clothes up and goes out, after thinking a little, adds, pointing his finger to the seriously ill man: “Apart from you, you lie” and comes out, bursting under his nose: “Probably an educational alarm.”

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4315
From the Forum of Negroes...

by Stefan:
I bought a large spike (3cm) hanged on a cushion, pleased :)
Father said, “Dolbeab, next time you’re 20 centimeters in length!”
I have a mature question,
Where can I get such?

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №4314
They said that until May 1st, the salary will be calculated.
On the 45th of April, we will realize that we are somewhere on the ball.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna