— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3673
I'll get the right to teach in two months, the fool and I'll go to teach, these youths with the year of birth from the 91st who don't cheat in life.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3672
The two-headed eagle in the Russian emblem has finally acquired a real explanation:

The united indivisible Russia (the body of the eagle) is ruled by two.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3671
Day after day, year after year, and I have reached the age when

Real events become material for memories.

The Black Sea in 1982 would have become the most ordinary event.

This was not my first trip to the South. 11 year old boy, the sun,

The rocky beaches I’ve never seen before, the women in bikini, and

“Sineva to the Sun,” as Moskovsky wrote. In a week I dive.

after the raphan from the wave breakout and hit straight into the medusa. She slipped from

I flew out of the water like a dive in the back.

forward to the film: feet up and in a moment the eye was on the wave.

My father immediately understood everything and caught me in 4 minutes. He ran with me home.

I had something like a shock, and I couldn’t say a word. putting me

In bed and covered with a cool underwear, they and their mother rushed.

Look for some medical help. I decided to cure myself.

The pain went into the house buffet. “Cognac,” I decided, “will be the best.

that.” I simply poured half a bottle into myself in a minute and sat down at the table to write.

The parents note. Half an hour later, my dad came with a doctor from the nearest.

The sanatorium, "the sick," that is, I, lay on the floor in trousers and with a red

The back of the dead woman drunk, happily smiling at something, apparently the pain let go.

A note written first in flat letters and then in giant letters.

she lay on the table (it is still stored in a box with my

of documents). This is what was written: “Mom and Dad! I decided myself.

to treat yourself, you did not bother, I took from Adele (the housewife) cognac and I

I drink it, and when I wake up I’ll be completely healthy.”

My will is true in this place under the influence of alcohol.

Cognac, separated from the body, allowing the latter to crumble on the floor.

The doctor looked at me asleep, said that in the morning I would be like a cucumbers and left.

In the morning I woke up exactly at nine, nothing hurt, even in the roasted medusa.

the places. The only time, by the way, when I didn’t have a hammer.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3670
and yurki:
Call me a white hero!! to

and yurki:
In these two days I learned mathematics, read Lukyanenko's book, helped with repairs, wrote half a report on electronics (azzky long) and paid for a com. I have obtained an electronic visa card.
Oh yeah, between the rest of the deals he pressed off his fists many times.

by Viter:
My advice to you... kill yourself! so you can’t live!

and yurki:
I think the coincidence of this activity with the absence of net...

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3669
Whoever remembers the great times will understand what it means to wrap the audio.

Use a pencil to avoid batteries.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №3668
Yesterday I went to the universe in the subway, in front of me a man on the escalator, with bags. On the back of the jacket is written DSL - it fell into the eyes ) The men noticed that they stood behind me. One to another:
- "Oh, the modem goes, the packs are lucky. Somebody’s going to be happy :)"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3667
ViktorD: How about Katie?
Creatoor: She struck me before I had time to fuck her.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3666
Anw: People, tell me what a song is in which the words "end chicken". The music is slow and the man sings.
visual: Generally "BI2 will end the movie", but in your case, probably Marlin Manson... some Kill the Chicken...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3665
Yuri ‎
Call me a white hero!! to

Yuri ‎
In these two days I learned mathematics, read Lukyanenko's book, helped with repairs, wrote half a report on electronics (azzky long) and paid for a com. I have obtained an electronic visa card.
Ah yeah, among the rest of the deals, there were a lot of races on the fists.

Viter ‎
My advice to you... kill yourself! so you can’t live!

Yuri ‎
I think the coincidence of this activity with the absence of net...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3664
Forecast for the next five years: hz what will be, but it is better to lubricate the new (c)?ELF

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3663
The busy day in the admin is when the first cup of coffee is poured half an hour before the end of the working day.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3662
Yesterday I went to the universe in the subway, in front of me a man on the escalator, with bags. On the back of the jacket is written DSL - it fell into the eyes ) The men noticed that they stood behind me. One to another:
- "Oh, the modem goes, the packs are lucky. Somebody’s going to be happy :)"
Almost exploded ))) as in the colors imagined this service :)))

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3661
The Creator! I, Roman, a barbed and evil man, invite you to my murdered one-bedroom apartment in Saratov, with a phone and TV, for 5k a month (the rest is for beer, vodka and girls). Smoking and drinking guarantees...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3660
Snowboarding says:
Ultra: It was in Mammoth (ski resort), there apparently all the staff of the snowpark complexes about a small member. So they decided to compensate for it with the size of everything they could. There is no haff pipe, as in most resorts. There is a crazy, super pipe with walls 6 meters high, and a super mega-aztic pipe with 9 meters of crazy walls and 30 meters of transit! And if you’re not Sean White, but you have the ability to jump in the pipe, fuck, be astonished. After the first flight 2 meters above the walls, you can scratch on the runners. Unintentionally of course. And the thought revolves only one – "Jobanaurot, how she got here."

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3659
I have started my monthly...
He is Uriah.
It’s not a hurry, it’s too early.
Oh yeah, I’m fine with it :D
She: and I am not, the cycle failed, a bunch of problems, because of the diet probably, it will be restored for half a year...
She: Well, but on the other hand it’s good...if they weren’t, it would have been worse...
He: at least we will not have a baby with a cute mouthpiece and crystal blue glosses that will shine so joyfully in the sun when he will laugh, who will show with his face that there are beautiful beings on Earth...
I want to do it, I want to do it.
With such eyes.
It is MLA...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3658
by DC-Chat

Lord-k is a guy! The man!
Lord-k: Give the slot, or does the nichren not pull?
No, I will not give. Winch in the NFL race, then I will.
Lord-k: Nihua did not understand?
Here is the 8.3 GB. I’ve gotten 3.9GB and have been hanging since then.
Do you want me to guess what your file system is?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3657
Allan Carr, The Easy Way to Quit Smoking

90% of them go away, and I don’t admit that it’s written like that.

The shardotans are zombie!
And at the right moment, the program in them will work and they will open the door to hell!
And there will come all kinds of creatures, which we, people who smoke, will have to shoot from the Aztec plasma tanks!

Fuck, you scared me. And I remembered one fact: A girl who told me about this book said, “He wrote it after he died of lung cancer.”
Then I cracked and really thought about this reservation.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3656
The historian ignited."Vasya, go’i почетче.I understand, whom would ko’ova mycha’a p’o clarity ‘echi, but I do you p’ošu". I just adore him. c) The Niro

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3655
Columns at work.
I decided to act the grandfather's method - two glasses and headphones from the player.
The director comes in and looks at the picture:
I sit in the company of a bottle of vodka thoughtfully squeezing the headphones of the buttons in granite glasses...
She said so sadly and sadly "the programmers..." and came out...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №3654
by DJ
Should we drink a drink tonight?
by DJ
• Beer
by DJ
Although, given the quality of Russian beer, the mistake can be considered a sign...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna