— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №3873
“The blue fog is like a lie,” said a drug addict.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3872
The real case. My uncle told me he was working in a factory. Fighting there

Chief Engineer and Engineer. The engineer sends the chief to the chief.

He goes on to complain to the director and says, “Here, the engineer and I argued.

I say he is wrong and he disagrees, I disagree with him and he disagrees with me.

I sent it to H.” Director: “Where did he send you? Where did you come? You are for

Who are you holding me?”

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3871
In order to meet the needs of the US and European markets, China has

T-shirts with the inscription "Free Tibet"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3870
15.04.2008 14:41:01, Butterfly
But most of all, we were jealous of Ole, who was able, with her tongue, without the help of her hands, to tie the grass in the knot. We, the girls, sat in a row on the bench at the entrance, plowed the grass and thought that no one would marry us. Because there is an Olya in this world."

He-he:)) I once wrapped a chicken from a cherry :)) It was a pepper :))

15.04.2008 14:42:36, mst

15.04.2008 14:42:47, Butterfly
What is UGU?

15.04.2008 14:43:04, Butterfly
Do you know how to tie the knots in the tongue?

15.04.2008 14:44:22, mst
No is

15.04.2008 14:44:53, Butterfly
Soon is.

15.04.2008 14:46:42, mst
I can write standing.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №3869
A couple in psychology discusses the difference in character between boys and girls. Prepod says that girls are more aggressive than boys and gives an example: a girl can quietly watch her girlfriend be raped and admire it.
A. Yes, this is like this
Everyone is on the table.)

PPC, I am not funny alone, but scary for these girls who can answer "yes and that"?? to
Whoever agrees support. If it comes to the top, it means that not everything is lost for this country.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №3868
Here I saw the transmission, "Headworms"...I now appeal to ALL inhabitants of the BOR, I DO NOT, I repeat, I DO NOT need to put fireworks in the microwave...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3867
xxx: ppc from beer thick - stomach grows, breasts... O_o
Yyy: they say there are female hormones in beer))
So, soon beer with male hormones will appear... male beer!
YYY: That... it’s been around a long time ago. It is called vodka.)
XXX: And that grows from it? The main organ?
yyy: ah... the liver))

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №3866
She named the cat Pashka.
He goes to sleep every night.
on my head,
The legs hang on the sides.
changed to a hat.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3865
and wzbryk:
Fuck, it’s not a year, it’s just a continuous ass.

and wzbryk:
And the point of this ass is not just a hole, but some sort of black and deep double with a snail...

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3864
My friend studied medicine. He travels with his groupmate from some practice there, in the backpacks of medical clothes.
At the same time, at the metro station, I pump a buch in the breast of a friend.
These two come to the same station, see me with a almost breathless body, and, as they say, the thought worked out, crazy. We got clothes, we dressed.
That is, the picture: I pump a guy, I look somewhere, and two sanitarians run to us. Well, I knew a friend, but this "client" is not. And after the phrase "Doctors":
All of it, take it!
The client began to swing in the direction of the escalators, along the way removing alcohol and snacks from the body through all the technical holes.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №3863
In particular, former prisoners say that their prisoners did not allow them to rest day or night, constantly giving orders to get up, to sit down, not to sleep, not to lie on the floor. In addition, they were constantly forced to listen to Eminem’s album "Slim Shady".
Well, but not the serpent.
Theme: PPC

by Vinnita

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №3862
by 11111
Shut up, my leg hurts!! to

by 22222
Why is?

by 11111
HS is fun!

by 22222
by MDAA!

by 11111
It really hurts so funny! When he shoots, when he attacks, the truth is funny.

by 22222
I am afraid of you!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3861
Lavasky (14:46) :
here is the paradox of the agent, the smiley is the grimace of the face, what about the ass?

Lavasky (14:46) :
It was then necessary to create another section with the mimic of the ass and name the ass)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №3860
I enter the shares, on the board at the commando hangs an announcement:
Dear students, if anyone in the rooms has mice, contact the cat commander.
Signature of the Command"

I love the fist 😉

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3859
From the ASCII.
Stay behind you! And without you, customers are dropping their brains!!! to
That, brother, they end up there for you.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3858
XXX is
Sanek, I can’t fight anyway and so hard, and here’s still, shit, spring!!! Fuck and fuck with her in the spring, so I still go to the sea, go to the beach, where the girls rest, sunbath, at best in a bikini, or even topless!!! I don’t seem to be a baby, but... fucking.

"not a baby, but a shit." - must be written

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3857
The Dark!

Do not scratch the shit. There are other guys. This is not an, it is not Dark, your fears are broken into pieces here. 250 thousand soldiers! They will disperse everything. They will wipe out the abyss in an hour! You are a cowboy. You stop, fool, you finish, you hide the aprova button away in the warehouse and forget about your Zoe. Think about the future of Bach. He is dying! Your kids are running away from your website.

Dark to Dark! Watch the exploding helicopters. How many battles! You’re smashing this shit every day, you’re killing funny quotes, and the soldiers are sitting, ready for battle.

At night, our dwarfs will pop up a little bit, and your website will be under DDoS. Who are you joking with, shit? Think of it, shit! You are making a historic mistake. Your readers will not thank you.

That is shit!

Better to fuck up in Georgia.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3856
“I want a video, a music center, a karaoke, a DVD, a big house and billions of money.
And I want to be alone in a large field with high grass, so that when you go to touch it with your palm and die there...
You guys are fucking fucking.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3855
And did you know that if instead of the button "Send to review" press the POWER button on the system block, then your quote will automatically appear both in the top and on the main page?

c) Moonk

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3854
Z: It is a miracle! I can walk again! My night elf from wow was turned off for non-payment!

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna