— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №3153
The largest black hole is in the state pocket.

Vasily Lukash

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3152
Talk about military charges.

Medical students after 4 courses (Almaty State Institute - AGMI)

Military gatherings in Sarasota. The time of action is the USSR. Mostly

Students have been serviced for a long time. After the battle, it is dark in the barracks.

They talk, tell anecdotes and so on. I think that students,

No one is standing in the cave). Flying into the Cascade

The drunken man is captured from the military department and begins to scream:

- My name is Colonel Epatko, I replace one letter and I get it.

Fuck you!! I will be all of you!! After the “Outbite” command, the entire company must

Go to Sleep!! (And another minute is in the same style.)

He answered out of the darkness:

You go to...!!! to

The Lieutenant Colonel is in shock... He turns and silently goes out. In the morning of

In the morning inspection, this fool from the building built the whole company and every

I made him repeat in his face, “Let you go on...i!!!” Hotel by Voice

Find out who sent it.

And for a long time over the crying in the fresh morning air was loud.

“Let me go to...i!!!”

by PS. No one was identified by Colonel Detective.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3151
The Armenian Radio:

Why are so many people willing to fight luxury, drugs, and

Pornography, and so little – with poverty and sickness?

- And you think and compare what trophies the winner gets in one and

In another case!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №3150
Who’s the first page of Basha’s brain broken?
Put a mandarin!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3149
After so many accurate quotes on the rules of the Russian language (by the way, Rosenthal is incomprehensible to everyone - the author of the reference book on spelling), it is worth waiting in newspapers and magazines for these rules instead of the anecdotes that will be posted there spinning from the basha.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3148
How will I be called a promotion?

by Kirill_x`core
Mega Super Puppy Programming

by Kirill_x`core
In principle, as you want.

by Kirill_x`core
Is this what you want?

The King and God

by Kirill_x`core
It may not go away, the general may abdicate.)

Then the king of the epochs.)

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3147
comment on the photo, where 3 girls are depicted: a fox, a fox, a puppy.
The correspondence.
XHHH: Nadja understands who. Who is the fool and the fool?
Tagged with: Naja Naja. The Intercourse. Sunset is Sunset.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3146
(The prophotos discuss the naked photographs of John Lennon and Yoko Ono)
1st :
And who is this vapper?
How these pictures annoy me.

2nd :

He is the leader of a little-known group. And his chick.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3145
<111> 222, 333, 444, 555, 666, who of you in iron thinks?
<333> in apples a lot of iron

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3144
I went home tonight, a drunk man was sitting at the neighboring entrance, and he said to me, “Girl, you won’t have fireworks?”

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №3143
You see me?
You know, why are you naked?

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №3142
The day is over)
It gives everyone a task for a reference... and here comes the turn to me... it calls the topic and the story... try not to find it anywhere... I have invented it myself.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3141
The Fire:
It is hot 😉
The Fire:
through the activation point through the innet I went to Yandex, found a crack, downloaded, launched through the download window and activated, so Microsoft hasn't been hacked yet

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №3140
Today, the universe of computer science is burning.
So we sit and write a lecture, and he starts to speed up!! Failure is understandable. And then the phrase: "So guys - write the Ctrl+Shift+Enter" and then press Ctrl with one hand, Shift with the other hand, and Enter with the third hand"
Everyone is joking.)

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №3139
aa: I have a cat sick ((( in the veterinarian was tackled, eardrum, now I put three injections a day and my ears, my husband calls me a Gestapo))
BB: Why is it?! to
aa: says that I have an abnormal glow in the eyes of a kade I am following a cat around the apartment with a syringe with screams "hold him, he will tell us everything!and "

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №3138
News on "The soloist of the group «Tokyo Hotel» may remain without a voice"

We pray brothers.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №3137
Eight :? ? to ???? ? to ? to ? to? to
eight :? ? to How do you???? to
eight:?????? ? to ? to
eight :? And then???? to
by PiK-PEN And then??? ???? ? to

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3136
All the greatest, hardest and most tragic decisions were made alone.

the most cowardly and ugly by means of democratic procedures.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3135
A letter dated March 15, 2005, written by the manager of one of the

located in the city of Reno, Nevada, major stores

Kmart and addressed by a certain Mrs. Fenton, who lives in

Tom is Reno.

Dear Mrs Fenton,

Over the past six months, our security guards have been

monitoring your husband’s behavior in our store. In the presented

The list below lists all violations committed by them, each of which

was captured by surveillance cameras, and we have copies of these

The film.

We have repeatedly given your husband verbal warnings during his

in our shop, each of which is later

has ignored. He responded to the warnings in a rough manner,

As long as my wife is shopping here, I will be here too.

to come.” Therefore, we are forced to prohibit access to our store.

You, your husband and your family.

The list below describes your husband’s behavior in detail.

The last six months.

June 15: Taking 24 packages of condoms and secretly placing them on carts

Other buyers

2 July: all the alarms in the department of goods for the home so,

Work with an interval of 5 minutes.

July 7: Tomato sauce made a footprint on the floor leading to the toilet

July 19: approached one of our employees and said in an official voice

"Code 3 in the home goods department" and then watched what was happening

4 August: appealed to the buyer service table with the request to buy

Credit one pack of candy M&M

September 14: moved the sign "Beware! Wet floor in part

shop where the floor is covered with carpet

September 15: Broke up a tent in the department of goods for camping and offered

other buyers to join it on the condition that they bring

with pillows.

September 23: When one of the employees of the store offered him

He started crying and asking, “When will you finally leave?”

“I am at peace?”

October 4: looked straight into the surveillance camera and, using it in the

Like a mirror in my nose.

November 10: In the gun department asked the seller if he knew where he was.

There are antidepressants.

3 December: with suspicious appearance sneaked around the store, singing loudly

From the movie "Mission Impossible"

December 6: in the auto parts department imitated the image of Madonna, using

Vegetables of different sizes

December 18: hiding in hanging clothes and when buyers

They tried to look at the things they were interested in, shouting, “Choose me!

Choose me!”

December 21: When an advertisement was made on a speaker in the store, he fell

He stood on the floor, took the embryo posture and shouted, “No! No is! Again those voices!

December 23: entered the sample room, closed the door, and, waiting a little,

He cried out, “There is no toilet paper!”

John Walker

The store manager

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3134
If it wasn’t for the metro station “Lenin’s Library”, the Moscovites would already be there.

I’ve long forgotten the word library.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna