— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 71 - ] Comment quote №2054
 27.02.2008"25.02.2008 The first Microsoft programmer gave $ 65 million to the gay movement"
This is to the question of the "which pidor wrote Windows?!?!and "

[ + 64 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2053
Yesterday I learned what a gesture was...when I saw a guy at the Kazan station...all in black, such a leather coat, polished black cowboys on my legs, leather gloves, black pants and sweaters, long black hair...well, you can see that he was a goat or a metallurgist...but he stood and drank a strawberry miracle-milk right out of a pack...I almost killed myself on a Moscow-blue-win train...

[ + 69 - ] Comment quote №2052
Our country is not hopeless... Suits a 4-year-old daughter (!) My mother, where did I come from? Well, I didn’t think for a long time, Alena we found you in the cabbage, what my child answers, what cabbage April month!!!!!!!???? What my brain gave out terrible: in a fermented daughter, in a fermented daughter.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №2051
bad_user: shake, my cat was gonna go to the store for food myself))))))))
I hear in the corridor a whisper of something... I look, and there the cat sits on my hat and plays chirique)

Bring the cat!
Bad_user: He will soon learn to talk to me.
bad_user: type: "Slavon, give cake... "

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2050
XXX: What is your job?
xxx in the tail?
YYYY: no, the fucks :D

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №2049
My mother is sitting behind the computer.
MuriD: Don’t fuck anything
Tagged: Okay
Boris, Boris, where is our glory?
Yesterday I re-read the chosen statements of Kant and suddenly came to the following conclusion:
Not every sensible (this is about us and you Boris) individual is able to capture the smallest trends emitted by the human psyche.
MuriD: )))))))))
MuriD: She hasn’t come yet
KrestT: Even Pushkin in his time spoke... but you better know
It is fucking...
You ruined everything.
MuriD: It All Goes
Tagged: late
I am shaking.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №2048
McKosyak: Everyone has their own election company, I go to the news and I see that Medvedev did that, it helped that, then about Zyuganov, he visited that, and it very well affected that...

and closer to the end of all the news "Zhirinovsky again hit"

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2047
Meeting of Directors (online)
1: I came up with the name of the company xh-soft.
2: I’t want to go "soft". The company profile will be more suitable for xxx entertainment.
I, as a founder father, would not allow such a console!
2 Why?
I am, fucking, not talking about it.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №2046
ShAlex: my wife calls me for work, she says, I need my mom to record a movie of 1.5 gigs on two CDs, how do I do it? I start:... winrar... add to the archive without compression... specify the volume size 750... each volume on a separate disk... and so on. It is "Okay, all goes well, the current is long-chatted"
I come home in the evening and shrink... almost 2 million files of 750 bytes of O_O Everything brakes unrealistic... 6 hours of rarm suffered, dreamed that he was shot... Removed 2 hours... A friend says you deleted, it was necessary to fill two disks of 1kk files, it was normal to b =) She has a camputyr for toys from Nevosoft only suits, he would think that he wants to kill the campaign)

[ + 79 - ] Comment quote №2045
The license agreement when installing the program, smiled:
This is a program with a very awful design. Continuing the installation?

The attention! By clicking OK, you agree to the following:
1st You will not express the ingenious idea of changing the design to the system either in the forum, in the face, in the soap, in the aska, in the rail, or on the fence.
2nd You will not organize or participate in demonstrations, demonstrations, mass self-incineration or other protests against existing designs.

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №2044
It was Sunday. My wife went to work early in the morning (changing engineer). I’m going to go (I was 23). At 11 a.m. a phone call wakes up.
I raise the phone: "Yes"
From the phone with a female voice: "Your gone?"
I am on the machine: "e well yes."
Female voice: "...I bought such trousers yesterday, I will show you the shirt..." and I dropped the phone.
I am not in the concepts, I lay the telephone, I try to understand something from the proton. I go back to run. But on the way there is a roar. He presented a picture that this "dama" will prepare to whom he called, and his wife did not leave...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2043
Lyla is:
People began to go out on the balcony to smoke.

[ + 70 - ] Comment quote №2042
XXX is
Look at your gospel.

and how? No?

XXX is
Not the fullest...

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №2041
From the news just: in the fight interfered a passing man, he accidentally found himself beaten!
(c) filin_

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2040
What will we do on February 23?
He is son!! to

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №2039
Q: So what did you celebrate on February 23?
J : Yes. I gave the men flowers and candy in the hope that on March 8th they would give me a buchlo and gendons.

[ + 50 - ] Comment quote №2038
I sit hungry.
In a crude prison
The pool is cold.
Computer is bad

for the wardrobe
The code I walk.
I dream of freedom.
and dry drying.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №2037
Will you go for a walk?
Am I a girl on call?
- 0_o
Look how long before I had to call.
You have a recording.

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №2036
See also: Bln I am honest to stupidity.
In the meaning?
XHH: In the straight. The girl asked if I liked her. Then I asked what I didn’t like. Well, I said that she is a dumb chewing animal, who at 20 only thinks about how it looks, how it will look, and how they will react to it. I really didn’t want to hurt her!

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №2035
In the morning, a knock on the door. At the threshold is a cuddly neighbor with greenery with a bag flowing with blood.
Does your refrigerator work? Can I leave the liver?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna