— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2973
Can you help me with one experiment?
WOW please
Take a break and take a picture.
Go to: Go to
Oh, you see, all these cookies with predictions are fake.
“Take courage and you will be rewarded.” Here is fucking.

[ + 49 - ] Comment quote №2972
If there were a Bible for gamers, one of its theses would undoubtedly be "Save and be saved!".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2971
Three times washed "st" and tried to write "s" - the monitor turned out to be dirty))

[ + 53 - ] Comment quote №2970
I would never have thought that the threat of disconnecting from the inertia would be perceived as the threat of disconnecting from the church two hundred years ago.

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №2969
Lex: The man had an iguana, he was playing with her, feeding her, and then she grabbed his finger. He hurt her, then looks at her: and she looks at him so devoutly and sadly, pursuing him all over the house, looking in the eyes: "Forgive me, master." In the morning he wakes up, and the iguana sits next to him, looking sad. He was feeling. However, his hand was swollen. He is an iguan in the bite and to the doctor. There it turned out that this type of iguana is poisonous, only the poison they have is very weak, so they first bite, and then foolishly pursue the victim, waiting until it dies.

Maverannahr: What this looks like one of my acquaintances... I have to go to the urologist...

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2968
I am a system admin:
D: Wow, come to me, something terrible and unclear happened to me.
I: What has happened?
D: The mistake is somewhat terrible and incomprehensible.
I: What fucking mistake is that?
D: I am speaking awful and incomprehensible.
As a mother, I go to her office, and I see a message on the screen.
"Something terrible and incomprehensible happened..." the following code of error. I was halved by laughter. It was our programmer who got stuck when he wrote the program.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2967
I want to, but I’m a guy. As you can see from Nick
XXX is yes. The approach is different and it is all :)
XXX - I slowly get a bottle of Sauza tequila out of the freezer. Looking at you in the eyes, I pour out cold drinks.
YYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY!!! I want to do it three!

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2966
Che Guevara: Is there a life?
Lenin is there!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2965
I work in technical support, and accordingly we can call the master at home.
Yesterday, at the end of the working day, a client calls and so sadly says: “You know... no one calls me... and no one comes... and he is silent.
Chess barely answered the word:"Bye, man, I really regret".

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №2964
<DeBochir> a new type of human being - Homo wikipedus

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2963
I am gathering.
by Arkadiy: p
Arkadiy: and
by Arkadiy: N
by Arkadiy: g
The Fucks!
Arkadiy: Lano Gamai
Arkadiy: the cable
Arkadiy: by Vito
by Arkadiy : )
Fuck it, Arkansas! Why am I in the jungle while I am fighting with the Koreans from the bushes of the message comes out that you are a cable wire???! to
Dimon: Your Mother

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2962
Next Friday will be the last of this month.
For whom as...

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №2961
S is
How to identify the device.

C is
Physical – read what is written on it;
Spiritual – to pray and wait for revelation;
3. system - run some Everest
4 is LinuxWay - plug into the machine and put Linux on it (can be combined with the second method in the hope that it will be determined)
5. systemless - to pretend that it can be and try to use it in a pretended quality, if it does not work, pretend it again in some other quality.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2960
The phrase of the chief of the subordinate: You will behave badly - you will go to decree

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №2959
xxx: Larisa, I understand that the English pronunciation I have isn’t very much, but I said not "pydor shifter", but "end of the game"!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2958
I don’t envy people who have to work in costumes.

and ah. Even better if you have to work.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2957
A friend recently told me this story:
They are sitting on a bench in the city center with a suitcase and a perforator in the suitcase. They are suited to:
Do you hear what she has in her suitcase?
The Perforator.
Did you decide to load me?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2956
by kiper:
Yesterday I saw an inscription on the terminal:
"The terminal works, it just doesn’t issue checks!"
Not going out at all! It does not betray!!and "
Below the pen:
"And the truth - does not give out :("

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2955
by Wishm@ster
My wife burned yesterday. He puts his son (3 months) to sleep, while trying to tell him "rapka":
"-Dad planted a rabbit, a grandmother, a granddaughter, a bull..."
Everything would be nothing, only worked until maternity leave as an investigator

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №2954
The fish go to bargain, the voters to elections, and the cancers to beer.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna