— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №3973
The xxx:
I was treated in a free clinic once.

The xxx:
I do not want to remember it.

The xxx:
It seems to me that the case has made an impression not only on my pants, but for the rest of my life.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №3972
I liked it in RA2. of the chronosphere. If there is water on the map, you can scratch the equipment of an inexperienced enemy and drown.
I'm so fucked with Libyan truckers
In the water, in the water,
You are an Islamist, you are a racist.
Who said I was warm? Their her. Ritual of Baptism

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3971
This is what the girl thought when she bought jeans with the inscription on her ass "speedway"?

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3970
I attended a Microsoft seminar. He won a two-day trip to Moscow at Microsoft.

Microsoft will pay for me is an amazing and exciting idea.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3969
DimadiX: Sash is a dilemma. Wodka for 6 men, where is it?

Narg: Will the baby jump?

DimadiX: Where is 5

Narg: The beautiful ones?

DimadiX: Sash, you have to decide with vodka first

Narg is fucking! I decided with vodka.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3968
Bad is the general who does not want him to stand as a soldier.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3967
Onegin, my good friend, was born on the shores of Neva, and in his youth

Bas-jumping (a kind of parachute jump from buildings)

bridges and other elevations. He jumped, he jumped and he jumped.

Police arrested for hooliganism in the form of a jump

business center, was personally the rector expelled from the universe, in the hope that his

He will be taken to the army, where he will be safely killed. But a friend

He turned out to be an ugly ten and without waiting for the agenda, he rushed to

He offered his services in exchange for advertising.

The student ticket. He didn’t just jump on his parachute.

the name of the university, and given the interest of the press to the jammers advertising

It turned out great and a small piece of money in this universe turned into

a stormy river of suffering to get there education. The joyful leadership

The university decided to reward the student with a trip to a jump trip to Italy,

Not forgetting to hang him with his symbolism. They jumped,

And they have gone there without any limits. The day before departure

The jumpers gathered together in a large street cafe to celebrate the meeting and

good bas, sat and drank and word for word was born a dispute about

horizontal air flows, their directions and, of course, the lifting

The Force. On the occasion, Onegina was brought with a sponsor parachute,

Packed in a stylish Cassington backpack, questions how to put

The experiment did not arise: for those who do not know in Italy thrives such

type of theft of bags and backpacks - a motorcycle car runs at high speed and

His driver picked up a bag left without attention and was like that.

Setting on the table in the way of a parachute (which

pulls out the main), and the backpack itself was placed in the most visible place -

They negligently forgot. Five minutes later, the thieves were drawn.

The experiment went well – the thief grabbed the backpack.

He took the air and pulled out the parachute himself. The thief

He was apparently very frightened when an unseen force pulled him out of the chair.

The motorcycle. The police did not surrender him, but they are talking about them.

In the streets of Naples, Russian baseballers are not robbed.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3966
gnus (10:09:25 15/04/2008)
How are you, O great man?

Logos (10:12:46 15/04/2008)
I raised Isa.

Logos (10:13:00 15/04/2008)
I set up 2003 as a router.

Logos (10:13:08 15/04/2008)
with the Isovsky Firewall

Logos (10:13:16 15/04/2008)
And I saw that it was good.

Logos (10:13:34 15/04/2008)
The internet bread.

Logos (10:13:53 15/04/2008)
And he went down with the browser naked.

Logos (10:14:10 15/04/2008)
It was closed for work not related to him.

Logos (10:14:19 15/04/2008)
There was day and there was night.

Logos (10:14:38 15/04/2008)
and then the electric pidders provided 300V... and my servaq lay, there was no ups.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3965
One day in the tram one man burned: "Which election did we have? In the pharmacy

The choice of Gandons and more.”

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №3964
Afina: Fuck, with cause-effect relationships I have always been smooth.
It’s because I changed the avatar.
Afina: Yes, it’s not very much with them too.)

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3963
HH: No, what is it called? She came to her, all day seduced him: in poses there all kinds of erotic became, clinged to him, almost naked walked around the house.
WOW: And what is he?
He nodded, bubbled and asked to eat.

Maybe I just had to feed it for the beginning.
c) Sanders

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №3962
qwertyasdf (2:19:48 16/04/2008)
Misha, what are you sitting here?
2: I sit in a shift.
Max, what are you still here?
3: I can’t get out of the internet.

WORKING (2:20:30 16/04/2008)
Unfortunate people who suffer from inert dependence. Glad we don’t have it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №3961
The F-1
I fled on a business trip. I will be about a minute in 40-50
Driving O_O

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3960
XXX: stumbled with a bottle of starved beer, ate a dushyrak, poured evo maenez, drank a glass of taplenovo milk, stumbled just sitting pulling jean-toneg
Did you pray before eating?! to
XXX: the molice in front of the Jean-Tonega "Red Devil" bowl is like covetous
YYY: You will die now.
ZZZ: from anal convulsions =))

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3959
VincentVoid (14:28:49 15/04/2008)
How ohuenno, when the inscription "The Boss will print you a message" appears, but the message never comes)))
VincentVoid (14:29:08 15/04/2008)
And the shit, the thoughts are lying through the window 😉
VincentVoid (14:29:36 15/04/2008)
Then the fuck calls.
Trijin (14:29:55 15/04/2008)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3958
Last day I was at the dentist, I was mistakenly put in my mouth a cotton soaked in alcohol, I want to blow up, but all my attempts were stopped by the dentist of the Soviet hardening.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №3957
How was the rehearsal?
A blatant answer)
Found the Griffin?
Did you drink brake fluid?
I am not by phone.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3956
<nekolife> do not make sad smile on your face=(

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №3955
XXX is:
Listen here I have a friend soon makeup with logos bucks on order to sell, are they not interested?

he) interesting... if he lived children closer... Then I hear such a mayka to me to float children in half years, and cost a lot of money taking into account the way... and considering our Ukrainian mail is already worn up:-D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №3954
Cat: so far
I am a popper 😉
Nice: Who are you? : O

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna