— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №2674
<Blondin_I> people who will tell what is called a proga which scans text through a printer?

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2673
Friday has arrived! We did it. If we didn’t like Friday, they’t ever come.
I agree with you, but there’s one nuance...what fucking thing is Monday all the time? I fucking dislike them.
It is for the balance of feelings. There are such special padaras who sit and love Monday with all their soul. For money of course.
and lively.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №2672
What is busy?

by 179028
I rewrite on SMS and read all kinds of news on the network... by the way, a new virus appeared deadly...

What about the virus?

by 179028
Modified bird flu, as expected.

The horse. What is it after the creation? Or the iron?

by 179028
The user...

[ + 45 - ] Comment quote №2671
You won’t believe, I’ll bet on Cygwin.
xxx: she fuck all from the internet when installing downloaded
YYY: What is it?
This is what does Winx Linux.
YYY: Are you scratching the bearded admin?

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №2670
An important client came to the manager. Head of Secretary:
Valeria and Coffee.
C: Thank you, I don’t want to.
Head of Service: O_O Client: O_O
Sh: Well, since Valeria Vladimirovna does not want, we will cook ourselves...
C: O_O

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №2669
Personal growth is when you change one misconception to another.

Otherwise, you think you have grown up.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2668
The story happened to a sister of close friends. I will tell you from the first

The faces.

We live in Germany. We decided to travel to Tallinn with the whole family. We come to

The station. A number of taxi drivers. We are four and a lot of things. We start

Loading in the first taxi, but feeling that we are not all in, I say to my husband,

“Let’s get another car. I will go with the kids behind, and you with the things.

in front of.” Hearing this, the taxi driver without emotions, stretching the words that

added confidence in his competence, said that "Pe-spo-co-is

“Nothing, everything goes in.” Get in the car and I’ll get my stuff.

I loaded. My husband put me in the front seat to make me feel more comfortable.

I packed my kids in the back. I repeat, the car was

and small. When the luggage was clogged before refusal, there were still people on the street.

and two suitcases. The suitcase was pushed to his knees.

The passengers in the rear row, and the smaller one crashed on my knees.

In this situation, we were touched.

Then the driver said a monumental phrase: "Your

Taxes are a lot of things.”

There was no insult. I paid for color.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №2667
Only in America...

Pizza can come to you faster than an ambulance. will find parking spaces reserved for disabled people, next to the trail

for the riders;

In the pharmacy, patients have to go through the whole room to buy.

medicines, while healthy people buy cigarettes at the entrance;

...people order a double cheeseburger, a large plate of potatoes and

The Coca-Cola diet;

In banks, they leave all the doors open, but hold the pen on the chains.

the windows;

Thousands of dollars worth of cars are left in the street and in the garage.

A lot of unnecessary stuff.

Automatic telephone calls are used to remove unnecessary calls, but in the same way.

Time is turned on in waiting mode to avoid missing calls from those to whom

At first they did not respond.

... buy sausages for hot dogs in a package of 10 pieces, and breasts - in

Package of 8;

There are ATMs that can be used without leaving.

The car is written in the Braille language (who doesn’t know it).

This is an alphabet for the blind, they are the drivers.) is

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №2666
...I love the TV channel 2x2, even in the moments of failure)) message on the screen "the broadcast is stopped for technical reasons" and from the bottom with the big letters "We are looking for the guilty"))

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2665
A>Mlia, in the subway such a ppc was
Z and G?
A>I sit in the car, the communicator in my hands.
On it the blue tooth is rubbed, not cut off - well, I have a BT headset. But it itself has been cut off, hasn’t had time to turn it on.
Suddenly I see - the request of the incoming connection, from the headset. One-in-one of mine, I see exactly by model.
A> well I am an assept,
I enter the code - it is standard on these sonerical, "0000"
A>I see - connected...
Well, hole, turned on the max volume the hardest metal that was)
A and G;
And through the seat from me the Aztec scream is spreading!!!! to
The guy that jumps up, not ceasing to scream, and feverishly knocking on the headphones =)))
Why should I stay calm and not burn?
I barely managed to cut it off and hide it in my pocket =)
A guy came out at the next station, apparently because almost the whole wagon looked at him as a bullshit psychic.
Z and G;
The Devil :)

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №2664
Yesterday, the President of Ukraine Yushchenko issued a decree on celebrating the 350th anniversary of the victory of the army of the hetman Vygovsky in the battle of Konotop.Hetman 350 years ago, together with the Crimean Tatars and Poles, destroyed the Russian troops. The Russian army lost then from 20 to 30 thousand soldiers.

What is not stated in the decree? About the fact that already six months after the battle of Konotop, Ukraine revolted against the hetman Vygovsky, who betrayed the alliance with Russia. Not only the Ukrainians, but also the Tatars. And the hetman fled to Poland, where he was soon executed too for treason :)

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2663
This is the hope was so in 1 month to scratch the desk on the compass that when you press - to arrange the icons - the computer hangs!
c) The Saguna

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №2662
<o0rIsS> What is the name of your new president?
<hujlo> He’s Bearia.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2661
Oleg: I tell her about the machine she is about children

I’d better have the machines :)

Oleg: I am presenting you with a small machine in diapers.

Lisa: And if I had taught them the oil at the right time and place to pour :) Rice would have wiped them with a towel :)
I switched off at an hour of the day before reading the book.

Not a book, but instructions

How fun it would be to walk.

Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah I put it in a sandbox.
Gave a piece of metal...and let it pull out...
Stalin pulled the bullshit...And he sits in his place...
The ideal child.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2660
Push[Ok]> I came for a couple of days, came a little late and therefore sat not where usual, and on the third party =( Dick, there were two other Arabs sitting there, whom you have never seen... One body after I sat down, turned to me with the question, said what a pair...
I am Ter Ver.
He is...?? to
I am a theory of probability.
Is it Russian or Ukrainian?
I am in Russian.
He turns to the neighbor, long they communicate, then the body back to me with the question:
He – and this is what? How about mathematics?
I seem more logical.
The body turns and writes the name of the object in the notebook "COME LOGIC".

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2659
Group "Spring of the Tree"

Discussions: "Encounters with the Teachers"

- Lords, the victims of the attack of the teaques, tell your stories here, how it was still your impressions!!! to

I stumbled into a stone. Fuck, I was in the south in the area of Anapa, in the big morning, who knows. Sitting to eat on the slope of the hill, so to speak, with a remarkable view of the sea is infinite.

I almost got a cat on the hunt.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2658
Sinner: For a long time in the name of the company, written on the glass.. LLC "HZ" :) it turned out that it is not the owners did not come up with how to name the company, and "Crystalline Plant"))

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №2657
Coming from the military:
Green &#9829;: Well what did she take?
I'll leave you in a couple of days.
Green &#9829; and will I be taken to the elite?
Alexey Uns: in the currency. :D
Green &#9829;: ))))) and there are those!
Alexey Uns: wow :)
Green &#9829;: and the pilots are there?
Alexey Uns: the pellet there are just necessary :)

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2656
n1ke: and according to the news, about the fact that the woodsman somewhere, the hell you will understand what taiga, fell into a half-kilometre hole, and according to his stories, when he got out of the hole with the help of guns and skies which in turn stumbled into the walls over the course of the day, on the bottom of the hole there was a shit... what animal dug out this hole he could never guess...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №2655
Q: What do you do in your free time?
She: nuu... my favorite class begins in "s" and ends also in "s", and only 4 letters))))
I can’t imagine what this is 😉
She is: Simms))))))))))))))))))))
He is a wicked (

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna