— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 41 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2893
and more!The men of the cage! You agree?
SKFD: Is there any evidence?
and more!and yes. I'm going through an interview for a reception to a new clan and the main questions that interest tamashnih men - whether I drink and what size of breasts

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №2892
Cyberdemon: Yesterday the painting was oil. I’m sitting with my dad, I’m communicating, neither from this nor from the shelf at the other end of the room falls two books "Delphi Bible" and "C++" of G. Shieldt. Poppy shock grit "what are they?" I issued "DAD!"

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2891
[From comments to a photo with a crocodile]
He is sleeping.
HH: It just seems like that. And it is worth hanging your foot in the carrier, you look - there where the crocodile just had nothing, and with the foot the same appearance...

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №2890
Farcaller> fucking, I’m playing an eight-bit chip and dealing on a device for 600 backs... where the world revolves
Farcaller jumped the dancers and the work got up.
<Yastreb> jumped those dancers I think of?
<Yastreb> where the music is there
<Farcaller> battle city :)
<Yastreb> and
<Farcaller> on me ppc as I watched the whole office when the musician played
<Farcaller> dumb eyes so hungry :D

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2889
total_eclipse> and before the names... there is a phone store in the center of Peter's on the Sena Square. It is called "Telephone ". As we saw it, we immediately decided to open up a competing company. Tagged with "Zighail-mobile"

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №2888
I pass on a greeting to the goats from the newspaper "my fun family"STOP POSTING BAYANES FROM BASHA!!! to

Plus a plus.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №2887
The debt is red.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №2886
Here’s another story about a crown – I read once how biologists photographed a crown in a nest.

They put a tent nearby, let the bird get used to it. Habituated and becoming

to sit. But here comes a man into the tent – he doesn’t sit down, he’s afraid. entered

Two and one goes out – the crown is afraid... They arrived before they entered.

Six, five are out, and he still fears! There was no more tent.

The solution was simple: three entered under the clothes, then two the same way.

They go out. And the crown stopped being afraid: One came in, one came out!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №2885
I think the FSB will soon start checking people who are not

registered with classmates. Something is not clean here.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2884
The Snake:
Agitators from universes came today and campaigned for their universes.My classmate was asked if he would finish his studies if he would return to Mundibas, which he replied, in my opinion, genially.

The Snake:
Life in our village resembles electrical conductivity in semiconductors. Free electrons break out and only holes remain.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №2883
What do children do! As I walked through the supermarket, I realized that I was rolling up my car and singing her songs!

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №2882
<TdK> The people of the world! Remember these 9 volts batteries? To them even when you apply the tongue to the current beats, well, easily...
<Belerafont[/dev/null]> well?
<TdK> You won’t believe invading the life of these batteries – USB!
* Aqer went to lick the USB
Daxx slipped USB
Xeon left to lick usb
<Belerafont[/dev/null]> scu...
* Belerafont[/dev/null] slipped USB

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №2881
From the erotic video chat site with the "blondes" section:

Take off the cowards!
Tagged as: live! We are intolerant!
Whoever wants me to take off my trousers, call in private!
MuertoDePorter: Angela, this is what your neighbor wrote on the top floor. I understand, of course, that everyone earns as much as they can, but could you stop this noise? It is impossible to sleep completely.
MuertoDePorter: And more... Please take off your trousers if you don’t want the whole house to know tomorrow what you’re doing here...

I've never seen a girl with such scared eyes taking off cowards before. :)

[ + 95 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №2880
DMITcom: People of the whole country HELP!!! In the city of Orenburg 550 000 inhabitants lived without water for two days because of GorVodokAnal!!! In the shops all the water was collected as early as Friday!!! The management of the city pretends that everything is fine and the media is silent! Now the water has been turned on for a few hours and promises to cut again for two days!
Please rise up to the top, one of the rulers will rise up!! to

[ + 66 - ] Comment quote №2879
I was a pedestrian today. The car after the accident. The girl on the red Matisse (number not seen) stood on the red at the intersection of Lenin and Labor. How did she get up? The pedestrians were driven through the roof to cross her, or to wait for her majesty of the green to wait and die. I personally did not wait. He opened the back door, walked into the car, stumbled and went out from the other side. She was of course in shock. I want to say hello to her on the forum. Stand up so often, sweetheart, we’ll see you often.

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №2878
Kalinkin: Winter this spring was given to glory

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2877
I expected anything from her, but spit me in the face with my own sperm!!!!! to

I would sink if you were spit in your face not with your sperm.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №2876
Go to Fuck!!! to
They are young people, no respect for the elderly.
So go on fucking!!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №2776
So, with mushrooms it’s time to tie up... Luckily I’m sitting in the kitchen, watching, the Discovery Civilization channel plays in the television. There is a pendous sitting in nature, something about the Indians... And on his head he has a crumbled cap, and on the cap - a crumbling Russian handwriting has the "USA lohi"!! Yes, it was overwhelmed, then crushed, and then the man in the telephone fixed the cap, the folds on it were straight and the "US lohi" turned into the "CANADA Project"!!! c) Lifelust

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №2775
From the Guitar Forum:

Teach me the basics of petting
2 - So you take x*y in your hands...

Chel meant a guitar reception (tepping) but Toli didn't know how to write Toli was upset :)))

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna