— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3893
Blackhearted: Look at me...I’ve been studying in universe for almost 6 years...I’m fucking specialized now...I’m going to school at 9, I’m going to school at 9...I live in the bedroom...I count every penny to buy something...
And here there is ONA - a provincial bullshit... which passed the school... stuck in Kiev... and immediately the bullshit buys an apartment and all that... it lives crisply... it runs on the seas... Why Why??and (
phonarix: can be patamucha you have no pedda?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №3892
Dear system administrators of one major Moscow Bank!
If we do not have time to organize the Board of Directors on time due to bugs in the local network, then instead of licensing agreements, you will sign lifetime slavery contracts.
With respect, the Legal Department.

Go to work!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №3891
I pretended here.
Sho is?
You always came early, Natha too.
You talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone, you talked to someone.
Three She lived with her husband for a long time and did not fly.
When you retired, six months ago, she is already giving birth.
Everything goes well – congratulations!! to

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №3890
xxx: And in the audience 327 there is a fire extinguisher under the number pmik-07 (written by a black flommaster)
xxx: so from the bottom someone attributed the same flommaster "in the world of Aloha";

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №3889
Gre is:
Digi Cork was removed.
Ava is:
This is who?
Gre is:
The guy writes to him, silence, I don't know what to do, I can't forget the girl, and she left me.
Ava is:
What is DJ?
Gre is:
The DJ replies, “Eat a spoiled sausage and in a few hours you’ll forget everything.”
Ava is:
By the way, it helps
Ava is:
I was on myself...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3888
Crossing up with the root, he began to quarrel with his phone, trying to figure out if she would come or not! And then he issued: "So you will come or not? I don’t care, if you come, we will smoke, and if you don’t, I will smoke, and I will grow!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №3887
The Comrades!
Finally, add between the quotes "Blessed" inserts, such as "Boiling the tea!", "Time to work!", "Coffee", and most importantly(!!!))"Pelmen on the plate!!and "
You will save many!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №3886
Lying to work is when you don’t read at home to read at work, and at least somehow kill time.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3885
Call: how to get the flash from the camera from the floppy disk drive, or I missed it...

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №3884
How to open PDF in Word?
YYY: this can only those who know how to open a notepad.mp3
c) GLiM

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3883
1st Oak hasn’t slept at all!! Before the beginning of the lecture, I decided to fall asleep and told me to knock him in the side when the lecturer comes in.
2 – Did you tick?? to
When the prey came, they all remained silent and stood up to preach it in general, and the prey questioningly stirred on those who did not rise yet.
2nd ...mmm!! to
1st .. I like uipashu Oleg to the side.... did not spread)))...he woke up and in complete silence he heard his loud "What hope, ble!!" ))).. under the vacuum!!!))))

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №3882
Quote about the goats and the yellow dandelion.
According to the charter, the patrol must consist of at least 2 haishnikovs. therefore, the author could safely sit behind the wheel and crash, and the fact that the second escape from a foreign machine is a violation of the charter. Correct if you are wrong, because I don’t know the amendments (I think they were).
Good luck on the road, and good luck on the road!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №3881
> I remembered
> I watched the news
and gt;
> There Putin Kudrin
> P:"Money to raise wages to budgeters was allocated at the beginning of the year";
> Q:"Distributed"
> P:"The majority of this money was received"
> K:"Coursework"
> P:"But still many did not get an increase"
> K:"Not to be missed"
> P:"We need to get"
> Q:"I need to go out"

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №3880
After the painful slavery and the unfortunate communication with our fellow slaves, we thought about whether we should open a drum production office.
Products - drums of different temperatures and diameters, among the top models:
1) Bubble D=25 cm "Rise up, our powerful server"
2) Bubble D=20 cm "Death the evil youth"
3) There D=40 cm "Come to us asparagus"
4) There D=35 cm "To get stuck by the boss "
5) Bubble pocket d=10 cm "At the end of the slave day"
6) Bubble pocket d=9 cm "Let death come to Bill G..."

Consider your network as your first customer. I write a few things for the end of the slave day, one for raising the server, I don’t need to breathe a breath, I want to live... I write for a salary, forty-nine for stuck the boss in a traffic jamming...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №3879
Carefully, the doors are closed... Handle in Chod-1. The air coming out of the brake cylinders. To the 2nd doorway of the first wagon runs the "miracle" of 16-17 years and begins with "yes, I am your mother... yes, I am you... " all accompanied by a mat and a stormy gesture with a mid-finger demonstration.
The pen at 0 (the good has not left yet) the door opened. I had to see the young man’s face. Especially when two men came out of the car under 1.90 height. To escape this "miracle" did not have time.

[ + 52 - ] Comment quote №3878
A couple in psychology discusses the difference in character between boys and girls. Prepod says that girls are more aggressive than boys and gives an example: a girl can quietly watch her girlfriend be raped and admire it.
A. Yes, this is like this
Everyone is on the table.)

PPC, I am not funny alone, but scary for these girls who can answer "yes and that"?? to
Whoever agrees support. If it comes to the top, it means that not everything is lost for this country.

Everything has been lost for a long time, look around. A country, not a country.

[ + 48 - ] Comment quote №3877
1st You are sad?
2nd Aaaah aaaah The fucking month asked me to do a fucking one. Well, I went off - in the lome. And here is the director’s meeting, well she raises that question. I grumble to her - it's unrealistic to do it.
1st And she?? to
2nd And she's like a dispute about your prize, what I'll do. I was fucking arguing. All the meetings came to us.
1st and that :)
2nd Szuco, she did everything, she arranged everything. Deer immediately sent her my prize... to the box to receive it. It’s been a long time, shit. She then came, gave me the prize and said so ugly: You, Vass, remember, for me you have to work. I taught her... Fuck, who could have thought that the buch and the admin could live in the same apartment.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №3876
I am a stupid girl.
YYY: Is there a shortage of tires or curtains?

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №3875
XXX: What is hockey?
Yyy: Japanese poems There is no rhythm, three rows of 5-7-5 strings.
YYY: 10 seconds
YYY: I am at work
YYY: I miss it. What to do me?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №3874
I call the technical support "Compete". The girl answers:
Technical support of light.
I have nothing to say except:
Sorry, this is on a different number?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna