— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1594
[22:03:10] <mazai> had to take the check out there? O_O
[22:09:53] <Mazai>
[22:15:27] <Mazai>
[22:50:11] <mazai> len, go out for me!
[22:50:49] <_~Lenko~_> The idea was needed, but I looked, you have all the norm!
[22:51:24] <mazai> all the norms? The fact that the accounts are not all, doesn’t matter?
[22:58:28] <Mazai> Yamao
[23:04:10] <mazai> go out for me!
[23:04:15] <_~Lenko~_> I did not watch. But I have nothing to worry about. and :)
[23:05:01] <mazai> what if I catch a pair on the tower?
[23:23:32] <masai>..
[23:28:14] <mazai> go out for me!

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1593
<Style> Greetings
<Pepper> as a puppy
<Manson> what a great nick you have! Did you invent it yourself or who suggested it?? to
<Style> I made it myself
<Manson> cool)))) Oh, and the stuff I have is great!!! Everything is so good 😉))
<Kiss> What I like
<Pets> What are you doing?
<Manson> THIS IS THE PROBLEM!!!!!!! Are you interested in what I am doing here? What I like and what I don’t do!!!! to
<Kiss> Oh what’s so rough right away?
<Manson> just broke out! Get rid of these stupid questions!! to
<Pets> :-(
<Manson> well all, forgive me, kiss!! Shit, shit... shit, shit...
Could we talk like that?
<Kiss> Let me not mind
<Manson> start, I’m going to...
<Manson> oh, there house2 begins!!!! Let’s look together?? to
<Kiss> What are you looking at?
<Manson> black and white
<Style> %

[ + 63 - ] Comment quote №1592
>>now what did the comrade, who promised to shout on the Red Square on February 1, if his quote hit the TOP of the Abyss, keep his promise?>>
He walked away without reaching the Red Square and turned home.

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1591
Angel: Today I took a scanword to guess out of nothing, which a friend had already guessed out. Finished after reading: "The Striped Insect" and the answer "Lion"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №1590
I go by car from college home, and on the street is slippery... I pass by the bus stop... and there 3 uncles of the hops were standing and based on something... and I... passing by them managed to slip and shout Yiyiyiyihahaa.....!! I slapped into the pit and scratched them... I thought the squats would beat and mate... there is no shit....!!! They put me on my feet with wild rust and asked me to repeat.

[ + 82 - ] Comment quote №1589
A neighbor bought a phone, and he died a few days later... He went and gave it to the store for a guarantee, gave it in exchange for a temporary one. The temporary is also glucose, the lighting on the display does not work. So, there are two sms in the black books:
1st "To make the display burn, press!"
2nd If you are reading this message, your phone is broken and you have been misunderstood. Be prepared to wait, because you will not see your phone for the next 45 days. Technical engineering"

[ + 72 - ] Comment quote №1588
Ancient Chinese wisdom:
If you have nothing to tell, tell an ancient Chinese wisdom.

[ + 67 - ] Comment quote №1587
Yr[K]TM: Are you still alive?

Major Payin: I am immortal!

Yr[K]TM: What if the egg is cut off?

Major Payin: I will not die

Yr[K]TM: but life will no longer be that :D

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1586
On the Dating Site:

The xxx:
Imagine you are sitting at the computer playing melodic music... the room is only illuminated by the light of the lamp and the monitor... I approach you from behind... I lay my hands on your shoulders and begin to gently massage them.

I catch out my nunchaks and the samurai sword that I always have next to me in case someone comes from behind from the dark and puts their hands on my shoulders... when I’m home alone...

...then I put in a few packs what is left and look for the owner of the pig farm on the Internet...

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1585
Hi, how is it?
- Plya, yopt, every day I open the assu and there is the same thing... Let's write an official request to ICQ to introduce the smiley "how does it?", "normal" and "and you?"...

[ + 65 - ] Comment quote №1584
Gary Potter Club Chat, a 14-year-old girl's questionnaire

Hi to you! My name is Catherine, maybe just Katya. I love to dream, looking high into the sky to the passing clouds. I like the summer, the heat, the holidays, the camps... I like the blue color, I still like to eat ice cream, especially dissolved...

[ + 54 - ] Comment quote №1583
<Kazmanskiy> the stitch of the tea boiler will boil and I will turn on the server again. Do not shrink)

[ + 51 - ] Comment quote №1582
Danger (12:49:51 31/01/200)
End the work!! to
Abyrvalg (12:49:54 31/01/200)
I have been 😉))
Rothschild (12:50:01 31/01/200)
Who is working?
Abyrvalg (12:50:04 31/01/200)
I am working?
Abyrvalg (12:50:17 31/01/200)
I’m sorry for all of you 😉
Danger (12:50:36 31/01/200)
You can’t hide.
Abyrvalg (12:50:37 31/01/200)
Yes, yes, yes, I’ll be asleep.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №1581
7 08.02.2008, 09:44:00 Dsmolin: Fuck.. we had a network printer in the network, which at half five in the morning instead of sleep began to take someone else’s IP-signs. Even though it is static. He took 3 or 4 IPs, and from different subnetworks. They were all busy. He sadly breathed back his old and went to sleep again.

8 08.02.2008, 09:49:04 Grandfather Anvirich: How did you spread it? and :)

7 08.02.2008, 09:49:36 Dsmolin: I have a servaq complains that on his IP at half five in the morning someone was trying to sit down...

8 08.02.2008, 09:49:58 Grandfather Anvirić: Z))

7 08.02.2008, 09:51:08 Dsmolin: and the printer, scuco three times touched the IP server... type may still work out... then apparently realized that the server did not beat him and went to another subnet

8 08.02.2008, 09:51:45 Grandfather Anvirich: you lock it more reliably and turn off the phone. Or next time he will order the powder and call the idiots.

[ + 56 - ] Comment quote №1580
XXX is
Are you being driven out of the house?

now the buyers came to look at the apartment... wandered in horror after three minutes )))))) something changed... the main thing is to look appropriate and say a couple of right words

XXX is
What did you tell them?

Well, I have red eyes, grown up, unshaken and chopped.

Ask their blood group.

I said I had a burn on the third.

I can live here for now.

[ + 59 - ] Comment quote №1579
I watched on TV: A story from Zagsa
there chatted about the names for the children, and told the curious - came to regate the child, with the name all in order, but the father is Vietnamese with the yen "Hu";;;
Question: What kind of paternity?and ;))

[ + 55 - ] Comment quote №1578
XXX is fucking! I watched a porn movie where the type of virginity girls are deprived and the type of all the real... blasphemy! When the famous porn model appeared in the frame, and in the next Berkov...scuko wanted to add a running line to the film: during the shooting of this film, no virgin was injured :)

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №1577
I sit at work, I don’t bother anyone, I am approached by an unknown young man... it turned out that our sadmin was shaved....)

How hot you have already gotten... Simp_A_tich, from the word sympathy, not from the word, dumb, sweaty.

[ + 62 - ] Comment quote №1576

Ze Landan is the captain of Great Britain. I also speak French :)

And the translation?

Well, I thought, you know, once I started

I think more in English.

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №1575
I wake up here and with the hope of clinging to the refrigerator with the thought there to find something delicious... and the refrigerator itself draws to me, with the hope that I will put something in it.


The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna