— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №734
I am surprised by the jump of idiots in our country. I recently went to an Italian opera, where everything was in Italian. I sit, I look, so to speak, I get morally rich. But here in the middle of the spectacle some muddy apparently wakes up and cries out to the whole hall:"Fuck! The subtitles are done! I don’t understand it!"

[ + 68 - ] Comment quote №733
Abdulov, a true and great Russian actor. Not that modern counterfeits. Let the earth be soaked for him.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №732
<SLAM> she’s not beautiful even when I’m sober :)

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №731
<MAPuXyAHblCH> and in what order to watch the Harry Potter movies?
<onliner> MAPuXyAHblCH: look at the size of the chest in hermione

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №730
I sleep in four beds. Sasha wanted to play in the warcraft, but there the servacle was turned off)))
2 : g
1 : I for 15 minutes before the new year (in Russia) went to the world - 800+ people were, and there was a message from the admin: "Go to celebrate the new year, fools")))))
2 and?and :)
1: probably, then from human love cut the server to the devil, so that the figs in the holiday did not suffer)))

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №729
I am interested in two things:
I'm noted for 2k backs if I only play Mario Forever on it
Why, in this very Mario, which was on the Dundee 10 years ago, I clearly remember the way through the unthinkable labyrinth system and stupidly forgot the three-letter formula on physics, which yesterday was taught all day.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №728
TeTRos (11:36:00 3/01/200
I just think what to wear in the bathroom!! to

Vassilić (11:37:22 3/01/2008)
Fuck the shit...

[ + 8 - ] Comment quote №727
The Odmin! Finally change the news! The new year has already begun, not approaching! Whoever is a bit upset too!

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №726
Selezz is fucking! Do you think the world is giving birth to such blondes?! to
Nuker: What are you talking about?
selezz^: I generally decided to read a book about some Chinese teachings there "The body is a point highway"... Here it was said that if you press to press on certain points on the back of the head and the right whisk... then the person is turned off.
So yesterday I wrote about this hurtful state... I wrote – he is silent. 5 minutes passed in silence... came to the necklace.The door as usual on the doorstep (you know) he scuco lies in the switch, a mouth on the key...
Tagged with: Nuker 9
Selezz^ is new.? to
Selezz^: The new?! to
Selezz is you! Fucked the frog!

you, cattle, also on the tower these points indicate - the floor of the country on the key in the switch will lie :D

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №725
T-shirt rabbit
Jump to Mars!
Without a litre of white
I could go back!

Smoking small children.
Apart from drinking.
On the red ball.
There is no place for x.

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №724
< twin> Houston, you hat a trap
<Mr_Morden> LOL WUT
< twin> half-box of champagne electric sho got from the balcony
<Mr_Morden> and
< twin> it’s frozen. In the bottles is ice. = = (
< twin> how to disassemble the laundry?
<sabak> in the microwave

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №723
<B...> how to swallow a cat after washing with a chlorine whitener??? to
<D...> Viking ~»silent
<V...> D... ‘clear fucking not with the song
<T...> In... and why yoga to disrupt? Thus buried

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №722
Hah, here I am for the New Year, because of the lack of glasses, I drank from the vase!!! to

[ + 8 - ] Comment quote №721
The ever-growing man thinks that you are really needed by a man, it is when you are whispered from a single channel in a lighthouse, and he finds you in another channel and sells an abstraction...

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №720
Selezz is fucking! Do you think the world is giving birth to such blondes?! to
Nuker: What are you talking about?
selezz^: I generally decided to read a book about some Chinese teachings there "The body is a point highway"... Here it was said that if you press to press on certain points on the back of the head and the right whisk... then a person turns off.
So yesterday I wrote about this hurtful state... I wrote – he is silent. 5 minutes passed in silence... came to the necklace.The door as usual on the doorstep (you know) he scuco lies in the switch, a mouth on the key...
Tagged with: Nuker 9
Selezz^ is new.? to
Selezz^: The new?! to
Selezz is you! Fucked the frog!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №719
by Randomize:
At NH bought myself a box of beer (type I will still drink a couple of days) tonight evening 2 January yesterday before going to bed looked into the refrigerator there were 5 bottles left. Today as I woke up I look at: the floor of a beer box, a bottle of shampoo and a bowl of vodka. Not to chew, fucking.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №718
Xaron: melt, shh saw how a man of 19 years went to the supermarket in the department of magazines, polystal "Forbes", "RBC", and "Russian finance", then loudly breathed, with a sad degeneration of the face took "Playboy" and left)))

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №717
from 03.01.2008
<GratZero> With the upcoming!!! to

[ + 2 - ] Comment quote №716
Are the Mandarines still there? There are just a few...I would like to cut them off.

Remains... to be captured?

Ak is yes. Direct connection to the kitchen, cool =)

Sv: Now I’ve understood how you’re going to make a "smart home".

Sv: to have as many wives as rooms... to plant each in its place, to give a note and to give commands))

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №715
and wowa:
When do we need to go to the universe and what is the schedule of exams and consultations?? to
and Anastasia:
A moment of
and Anastasia:
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The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna