— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + -3 - ] Comment quote №714
2nd Jan.
I sit behind the compass, in the room a smoke of cigarettes and a straw. It is hard to ventilate, but it can still be heard.
Mother comes in.
What fucking perfume? What is from you!
What do you smell in your room?
Don’t change the topic!

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №713
> You are not very literate :(

In secret, only between us - "an illiterate". is flawed.

[ + -4 - ] Comment quote №712
I wonder why the phrases about how after the New Year people waked up and saw that something was wrong appeared only 2 numbers?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №711
Come to me today, I miss you. Let’s have a cup of tea and that’s all :)
She: Oh I don’t even know. Is it worth?
He said, “Dear, you still have no doubts! It is worth that...
She is a fucking fucker! Not standing, but standing. Only one thing you think!! to
He: So you will come?
She: Yes

[ + 7 - ] Comment quote №710
<Carah> pp, Leo as always burns:

“My programming friends went from their work (from Rinet) for products to a nearby store with the sign ‘24 hours’. The store closed at 10 p.m. When they finally asked the store owners what this meant, they replied, “24 hours – THIS IS JUST OUR NAME.”

[ + 6 - ] Comment quote №709
Whip (01:35:20 2/01/2008)
You just copy that shit.

Whip (01:35:27 2/01/2008)
The end of the date in the smiley converts

Whip (01:36:22 2/01/2008)
The fucking year.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №708
xxx: I played so much games on the theme of the great domestic that if I am landed in Normandy with a tomigane, then in 2 weeks I will be in Berlin, simultaneously blowing up bridges and railway stations=))

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №707
I thought, “All fucking,” and it turned out, “yes fucking, but that’s not all.”

[ + 57 - ] Comment quote №706
If there are people who have not had a New Year's mood, then plus, you will be so lonely and I will not be so lonely :)

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №705
When I was in high school, I went to the exhibition. There the registrar asked without a shadow of humor:
Are you a student or a student?"
The phrase became winged.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №704
Go to Google "Religious views" and look at the first proposed option :D

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №703
After waking up from the fact that something is interfering with THERE, I found myself riding on my sleeping best friend..I looked around.When I saw an empty package of condoms, I calmed down and fell asleep again.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №702
Fuck, and my guests have already taken away... took everything, washed all the dishes... no feeling of the holiday left :(

[ + 9 - ] Comment quote №701
44s: It was hard
Did you drink a lot or eat a lot?
44s: I don't remember what happened
Lila: He drank a lot.
44s: I drink only tea, coffee and a little kefir
Why don’t you remember then?
44s: A lot of tea seems to be mixed with coffee and kefir.

[ + 11 - ] Comment quote №700
Here is the New Year!!! to
In the morning on the stairs to the usual bulls and bottles added purification from mandarins.

[ + 8 - ] Comment quote №699
Our sapport is the shortest and most comprehensive, if you exclude all replicas of the user you get the following:

Sapphire: and that
Tagged: worm
Tagged with: Hz
Tagged with: Hz
Tagged: Treatment
Fuck it all.
Tag: think
Sapphire: Yes
How you hit me.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №698
emoGUY: If I set the status in the Ace: "I will go to a different world...", then this does not mean that I went to open the veins and cheat, it does not mean that in 20 minutes I have to wake up from the call to the door of the rescue service and a long educational conversation!!! to

[ + 8 - ] Comment quote №697
FRAU MIU: Apparently those who eat in the NG are divided into two categories
Mrs. Miau: Some with joy, others with despair

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №696
I poured half the sugar into the sugar bar, I stand, look at the box, take a spoonful, mix the tea. I take, I try. Scuco is not sweet. I know I didn’t add sugar.
On the machine, I take a bag of sugar again, put it in the sugar bar above, put a bag, stand in the box. I mix and try. Not a sweet puppy. And what do you think of it? "What do you think of it? " I know I put on sugar for the second time. I look out the window and my cat is watching. And by the way, the cat rushes there like a cat, like "Master, by the way, you are a duck and not a neighbor."
He is right in something...

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №695
Saguna - So we will boil on the houses of the clowns... remember... boil we drink our electricity or in exchange... do not bow! Smoking in the bathroom – smoking in the kitchen.

Dhione – What?

Saguna – Smoking in the kitchen!

Dhione – What?

Saguna – Yes to smoking in the kitchen!

Q. What do you smoke?? to

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna