— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141043
Xy: I just want to lie with your head on your shoulder, thoughtfully rub your hair.

xx to xxx))
What a mercy.

xy: and to bind on them various marine nodes

XX: Ahahahaha
Then you will confuse yourself!!

Xy: Could you put your head back to the torso?! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141042
A man without a past has no future. Could it be enough to bring everything down every hundred years? History teaches nothing.
! toOur past is far from Lenin.
One day, she asked her disciples how they understood the phrase “Man does not live by bread alone.” One guy wrote that a person needs to live in addition to bread, meat, milk, fruits and vegetables. Misha, are you that?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141041
and bingo! The first editor’s fee is for 170k signs of SEO texts about paper trousers for lying patients. I’ll tell my grandchildren about those four hours. As I was editing, I became more and more unhappy until I thought that someone was sitting somewhere and writing it all in twenty different ways. This man was probably much more unhappy than me then!)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №141040
Our house has two entrance doors, the distance between them is 15-17 centimeters. One door is iron and opens into the entrance, the other is oak and opens into the apartment and clamps itself. (It is important )

I was home alone, I was 10-11 years old, everyone went to work at 10 a.m. The door was called, I opened the inside, I went to look in the eye and damn understand why I did not let this oak square of hell, and also the castle returned to the position when it will be closed. And she is huge, heavy, began to rise. And I clogged myself. between the doors. Outside they heard it, but I was silent as a partisan because I did not know the man behind the door. I could not go into the apartment, I could also go out. Enter the glasses.

In general, I sat, or rather I stood as an Egyptian between the doors until my grandfather came from work (at 5 p.m.) and released me from this captivity. He laughed at me nobly, but told my mom and grandmother nothing, otherwise I would have fled. He helped me eat the soup left for me and the same evening removed the clogging castle.

Only my grandfather and I know this story, and it’s been over nine years.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141039
In the kindergarten I had Valer’s best friend. We played, talked, shared secrets and so on all day long. Such friendship happens once in a lifetime. One day I was sick for a week and did not visit the garden. He has recovered. I remember my dad bringing me on his arms to the group, where the kids and Valera gathered in front of the entrance too, and the teacher says, "Here is the Light." And here the best friend says, "and we too before a girl named Light went into the group." A week, Valeria, a week! The boys...

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №141038
The children’s play room. The woman-administrator paid the cost to the base in the column "100 rubles. and loss.” We ask the next day: what is this loss? She tells: Yesterday, after all the activities, already under the evening, she cleansed.

A young man is frightened and speaks. We were here at the party, and I got 100 rubles. It was in the pocket. It fell somewhere, please look for it. In the end, it is 100 rubles from the box. I told him that he "does not stand on the soul", and in the process of cleaning thought to find. But in the end, I never found it. Could any of the guests have made the discovery?

A week later I was working, and a guy runs, almost the same story. It has already been 200 rubles. “Please look for.” I say come in, look for yourself, I am going to clean up. And here’s five minutes later, he’s like, almost roasted: “I can’t find. My mother told me that after the holiday I would buy tea, milk, honey.

I immediately realized that this was the boy. I ask the phone, I can call my mom so she doesn’t argue about losing her. He does not know at all (and he goes to second class). Then he invited him to go to the store and buy him this set. We go to the store, we go in, let me think I will buy the best honey... I take a cheap pot, show him my choice... and he is not! He fled, the fucking man.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141037
Machine translation of JBoss Fuse. I spent a long time reading the following instructions:
1st Shut down the lightning
2nd Install the security
It appeared in the original:
1st Unzip
2nd Install Fuse

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №141036
Even the dumbest sheep with a long absence of seam begins to think!

[ + 33 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141035
I am doing repairs in the purchased apartment, a long-time acquaintance calls and says:
- I will be in the night in Lubberz by pass, nothing if I stay at you? You ask...

I went to meet her, the thimble, and there the courtyards, and the hammer rolled in the hallway,
In a strange way, I caught him. I approach the station and see:
Three kinds of muddy heroes, slightly dispersed, approach me.
I got a hammer. There was a weak hope, maybe they were afraid.

Here, like in the movie, the brakes of the Mentov UAZik were blown up, and everyone was packed.
Captain on the survey - well you give a guy! Those three in the federal search,
We are sending them now. What about the hammer?

So, I say, the city is unknown, so I took it.
He takes this old hammer, and there the iron part from the pen jumps.
The captain nodded his head and said,
Would you go like that and then kick off the stick?

The end was good, in the same beetle, my friend and I were thrown back to the apartment.
And the hammer, take your hammer!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №141034
Someone wrote on the asphalt under the windows of a multi-storey building: “Call me when yours is gone!” Many men remained at home. The shelves were pulled, the utyugs repaired, lessons were done with the children.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141033
xxx: In 2016, U.S. sales of premium bomb shelters increased by 700%.
Instead of seven sold.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №141032
Promise me never to admit that you have betrayed me. Even if I tortured you. I do not want to know!
MMM is OK.
Are you anything at all??? The correct answer was: “You, dear, I have never betrayed you and I am not going to!”and "

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №141031
Reviews of the product from the website of one online store:
Alexander: "Excellent flash, washed twice in the machine, lives to this day."
Welcome to "Hello It doesn’t have to be wiped out.)"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141030
We have a child writer and a painter. She had a joke repeated from book to book — on the title sheet was the inscription: "Traduction from the beast: Los Mozhovelnik" (there all the characters are beasts).
In the same year of the re-release of this series of books from the legal department of the head office came a letter: "And where do you have the contract with L. Moghevelnik? It is not registered in the database".

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №141029
After reviewing the video "Bomfunk MC's - Freestyler".

by Zhenya:
> He’s really stupid.
> he has a player
> which can stop time
> he could rob, rape and kill
> and instead
> makes everyone dance

by Lera:
Why did I love you & why did I love you?

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №141028
XXX is:
I have a bitter feeling here 😉
I washed the cat, now he’s offended me))))))))) the fuck is funny nimagu)))))))))
It will be funny when he hits you in the shoes.
Cats cannot be offended. They are vulnerable.)
and fucking
XXX is:
When he first and only squeezed past the pot, he immediately lost his trumps. I think he learned the lesson.)

and ZZZ:
Stick over the push at the level of the eyes paper with the inscription:
"When my cat first and only time squeezed past the pot, it immediately lost the trumps."
And whoever was drunk on the insert - no drop by. It is :)
XXX is:
Oh)))) I tell it to all the guests in the mouth, but probably the note will be even more threatening
and ZZZ:
And if just below the paper attach a transparent cellophane bag with these very bubbles, then each guest after him will the toilet even before the diamond glow.
XXX is:
Mmmmmmmmmmm, well those balls are no longer, but I have acquaintances in the clinics, you can ask to leave
and ZZZ:
It is even better!
You ask for more and then change when the old ones will melt.
Well, if one of the guests notices that the eggs are changing, and asks why, then you just look at the answer. It is :)

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №141027
Anonymous has been working with us for a long time. A middle-aged man, a lover of the strong, as is usually the case with the "chiefs".

I don’t remember celebrating, but we drank a lot. And Tola weighs under 90kg with growth 1. 6 meters. Generally speaking, we barely reached the entrance, some as lifted to the third floor (there is no elevator). We call. The wife was not at home, there was a daughter 11 years old.

“Who is there?” He asks. - "Open, your dad brought" - "I don't believe you, go down to the yard, I'll see from the balcony of daddy it or not" Bl@@@ You had to drop Toli, show and raise again, because the legs of Toli didn't want to work at all. I remember there was no eye on the door.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141026
The vacation.
“There are people with a high degree of stress resistance.
Knowledge of the computer, the ability to quickly search for information in the database. Payment is timely. The premiums are paid with additional pension points. Place of work: International airports. Together with the officers to control the departure overseas of self-employed citizens, quickly check whether all of them paid contributions to the Russian Federation.

Test task: within one working day to obtain the necessary documents in the district clinic, bankroll, post office and the office of Rostelecom.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №141025

Noah not so.
Meaning so

Grandma has already grown old and learned - the rescue of the drowning work of the drowning hands themselves.

Where do you hide these grandmothers from me??? I ride the metro every day. at different times. There are no grandmothers. All of my grandmothers are on land transport. No one knocks on the door in principle.

And the grandmothers in the subway ride, and the doors flying in front of them all hold, except for the single bastards.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №141024
To this: typically, if a woman has slept once with a Negro, then even from another partner the Negro may be born.)
I’m glad you’re not a cucumbers!

It is all very right. Vulva remembers that she is being pissed. That’s why so many Gondons are around.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna