— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137521

The festivities. The Polyclinic. 2 working therapists. There are two huge ranks of patients who were not lucky enough to get to the hospital before the holidays. Each of them has already sat for 2 hours in front of the office, and most of the world dreams of leaving here as soon as possible. With envious regularity, the emerging confusion in the ranks immediately turns into noisy local conflicts, meaningless and merciless. Finally, a temporary quiet... And here to one of the rows approaches a naive guy and carelessly throws from high to the sitting: “I will pass without a row, I only close the hospital.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137520
I understand why I don’t sleep all the time. As you meet the new year, you will spend it. Next year I'll do as a child, I'll go to bed at 9 p.m. and see :)

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №137519
If Tolkien had not been born.
A hundred and twenty years ago,
I could be normal...
Thank you Eve, it is done!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №137518
A discussion of the 2017 film of the 1960s: Atomic trains, weather control stations, photonic starfighters, and so on.
The commentary:
These were expectations. But here is the reality: "03 January 2017: An inhabitant of Yakutia blinded a giant cock from the dew"

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137517
Every time I watch the DPS chase offenders, I see that offenders regularly turn on the turn signals before making a turn.
They seem to say the DPS - "I observe the PDD despite the temporary inconvenience";

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137516
Celebrate the NG. I go to the toilet, there are roots in the embrace with the toilet, and in the ventilation you hear from the neighbors: "Bitter, Bitter!"and "

[ + 33 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137515
> There are a lot of non-traditional guidelines and childfries there now - someone must be on the other side of the weights.
> If you can afford it, why not?

Check out the "many children’s forum" and see how the majority can afford it. For example, they can afford to give birth to a seventh in a two-bedroom apartment, where in the second room is a brother/sister with family and children. They can afford to feed 5-7-9 children with one chicken foot for all, and for two more dishes - soup on a bouillon (10 liters pot) and oatmeal (5 liters pot) with twisted boiled meat from the same puddle. Beauty, comfort, bright memories of childhood, ah.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137514
>>>>Oh, yes yes! To judge the real situation on the forums is, not otherwise, a testimony of a great mind and a deep understanding of life.)

exactly. My rural mom, when you try to tell her about the real life in the city, always says that I am wrong and that recently on TV there was a show in which everything was told completely differently.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137513
I didn’t know there was stomach flu.
XH: Transmitted by kisses
WOW: Did you say that Cole infected you??...

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №137512
It took my life to work "admin" on a call in one office, paid well, worked, trouble didn't know - more often than ZP once a month came and at a distance occasionally shaman, but at one "beautiful" moment general.dir (appropriate type) hired "executive director" in the office (my as a boss) and felt: every day, and after a day - this is such a problem, book is heated, here I have a super business idea - the site needs to...

And since the job was not the main one, I was quickly sent off with the end of my career in this company.

Half a year later the call (gen.dir of this company): - guy hello, we were all well in your work, we want to work like before and this fucking (approximately so it was said) no longer has the right to talk to you, if he has a problem and arises, then only through me.

I agreed and worked with them very successfully.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137511
If you missed the cartoon in childhood, missed the fairy tale, do not despair when you become a parent, you will read all the fairy tales and watch all the cartoons a hundred or two hundred times.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №137510
Green Bank continues to surprise
Fresh business solutions. Other banks encourage purchases, free period and so on. But no: "you haven’t used your credit card for $50,000. Therefore, we reduce your possible loan balance to 25,000. If you do not agree, then bla. bla"
If you do not take a loan, you will have to take it in a few years.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137509
In my childhood, the whistleblowers, whistleblowers, gifts - a whistleblowing uncle, buying Christmas presents in the Children's World.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137508
Our children, as appropriate, modestly brought a small, on three sheets, a list of desired gifts. It was about dressing me into that character, and then running through a long basement balcony to the windows of the central room, holding a large bag in my hands. The children had already been called into the room, but they stood with the back to the glass.When I laid out the gifts from the bag, I shrugged my hand.The woman, as agreed, shouted: "Look!"The children turned around, I shouted loudly "Ho-ho-ho!" and rushed to run away on the balcony.While the children opened the heavy door to grab the gifts, I was already entering the room from the inside of the apartment, worryingly asking what happened and who was screaming.Then, when all the gift wraps were broken, the shouts of enthusiasm were heard, and the children were lying in bed, my daughter called me to her.
She was 8 years old at the time.
Tell me, was it you?
and what?
That you didn’t take off your glasses.
It’s not about me, it’s about Sasha, he could know you.
Well, and what?
“You know, he’s a little boy and he believes in Santa Claus. You can’t let him know it was you.
Will someone tell him?
I’m not sure, I think the story is always better than the truth.
She didn’t say anything to him.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137507
izh> We know these Nietzscheans. As old age approaches, he strikes his head; books are read that everything is possible + you don’t have to limit yourself, and the “supermen” begin to crumble: minor lovers, motorcycles, and then drugs, and then the homosexual experience.
eternity_scout> is logical. But I would have noticed, watching motorcyclists, that in your listing of the “gay experience” must be first, and then the motorcycles.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №137506
I eat from the festive table. and qualitative. It is cheap.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №137505
We have one customer. He constantly calls once a month and says with a pederastic voice: sweet, include me the promised payment of a day for three. did it? Thank you dear. So far.

I scream very loudly.
YYY: Moreover, I’m just going to talk to tech support now.

Oh my God, what I did.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №137504
The spider weaves his web with his ass... Although, judging by the wires on the roof, the installers weave the network in this same place.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137503
Where can I watch the new Sherlock Holmes series? In my watch zone on TV say only tomorrow.
Hu: According to my recent sociological survey, people who know how to use a router are on average 69% happier than those who don’t.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137502
The conflict of generations is when you consider yourself an adult, a professional translator and a talented reconstructor, and your grandmother thinks that you are completely out of control with this computer, since you do not know who Katya Osadacha is.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna