— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138521
The Conspiracy Theory

The rumor about smoking is not a defamation. To see them want to cover up something else, so that the people do not pay attention...

Oh, they are all lying, it’s not that I can get them all out of smoke.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138520
It was long ago. I was late to school for the first lesson. I knock and ask for permission. They ask why.

I am sure many of you are late for this reason. And many times. And I honestly said "I fell asleep."

Are they riding like horses? A man slept. Well I’m not used to that in the second shift from Monday to Friday at 14-00, and on Saturday at 13-00.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138519
The Chukovsky Diaries.

“In sleeplessness, it’s terrible to stay in your own society longer than you need. You terribly bored yourself - and hence the craving for death: to stifle this shy interlocutor, to obscure, to quench. You’re terribly thirsty for this repayment, I’ve been desperate tonight. I will never end. You lie on a pillow, sleep, but not to the end, even some piece - and you would be all in the unconscious, but it is a small piece that is missing. The question is: “Do I sleep or do I not sleep?” Will I go to sleep or will I not go to sleep?" you spy on this little piece, and it's because of this spying that you don't sleep at all. Today I hit myself with a fist on my skull! He beat to the blues - a foolish skull, would change - oh! Oh oh! Oh oh!”

by 17.05. 1924 in Moscow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138518
Almost about Shushchenko.

I searched in a popular network library for a book, Karl Marx’s “Capital.” Not found, probably the rightholders in Roskomnadzor complained."

Nicholas #2: And for you, curious, there are references.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138517
Today in the subway saw a advertisement: a box, four pairs of women's legs are pulled out of it in different shoes)) And while waiting for the train, they developed this topic:
It would be great to have such changing legs!
You can on different occasions in life: at work, on dates, in the gym, on a journey...
And another hand! Delicious with manicure - to go on a date
Strong with biceps - for repairs, trips and shops
You can also change your breasts!! to
Big for dates.
The small ones are sports! To the gym, to the pool, and to run is easy, yet on them to sleep convenient and to go for a massage!
And also milk - for feeding - with the function of instantaneous milk production)))
They even switched heads:
Smart for work
Stupid is if the smart one thinks a lot or the sad thoughts glitter, then you can change your head to the stupid and relax.)
The last version was an alternate pop))) But here we agreed that there is a universal form)))))

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №138516
The cat lies on the side of the dream.
This is where?
It is to me.
I understand him.
Am I your dream too?
and no. I would lie down too.

The morning husband. The bad man, fucking

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №138515
I use the mobile internet from Vodafone.
I want to wish the authors of the obsessive banner with the store of games/apps, which pops out when you access any page after a break in the connection, the following: let you see a beautiful, naked, hot woman and at the moment when you try to enter it, that your eyes will be covered with a red diaper with the inscription "Choose from over 3000 prostitutes right now! No to now! Only with us!"
And not to let go until you choose/install/register/dance/t.d.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138514
Comments under news: "The court ordered Google to transfer emails from foreign servers to the United States"

X: Are letters an object of intellectual property?
Yy: If the writer has intelligence, then yes. No, there is no court. :D
zzz: If a person tries to hide something from the Pindos intelligence agencies and at the same time cheats on Google, he is apparently lacking intelligence. Any court on this basis will reject your ridiculous claims of infringement of intellectual property rights.

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №138513
Some Facts from the Bible

1st No soul is in hell at the moment. Waiting for the Day of Judgment

2nd Satan does not rule the hell (there is no mention in the Bible that he rule it).

Three Satan will burn in hell.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138512
We sit at the table with relatives, we celebrate one of the birthdays, we began a solemn conversation about everything.
My wife tells everyone:
How can a boy grow up independently in a modern society if they are constantly accompanied by women?At home, his mother tells him what to do, in the kindergarten, the teacher educates, in school, the total majority of teachers are women. And it turns out that the boy is accustomed to women giving him orders that he must obey!

But then came the son (2 and a half years old) and spoke quite unequivocally, "Mommy, Mandarin!", stretching her a mandarine and obviously waiting for when his mother will clean his majesty the overseas fruit.

My parents appreciate it.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138511
The conductor syndrome is what scientists have called a professional mental illness that affects railways. The first symptoms - a woman begins to wake the housewives an hour before the alarm, threatening to close the toilet. Then he takes their clothes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138510
Those who cannot cope with themselves are usually taken for others.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138509
In 1980, in the U.S. city of Kennesaw, a law was introduced on the mandatory possession of at least one unit of firearms with ammunition on the house. Three (3) people were killed in 34 years. Two of them with a knife.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №138508
So that the skin of your hands does not peel from the cold, take half a lemon, a spoonful of salt, a bottle of tequila and do not go out.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №138507
I sit on a bench in the park, rolling a wheelchair with a sleeping child. Two people come in, sit next to the bench, get cigarettes. Yes, all the benches are busy, yes, they are allowed to smoke in the park, yes, I can get around them, but how they tired me. Try to say something to them. The fact that you are a crazy mom who is struggling with your child to interfere with normal people's rest is the softest thing you will hear.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №138506
>>>Well or fast food American expel, replacing domestic or European.

All American fast food is made in Russia from Russian products and I personally don’t want to exchange it for base cake on expired oil.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138505
xxx: I’ve stumbled the royal cappella here, that’s what a fucking pearl.
This moment when you are bombarded with the evolution of birds
This is a bad bird, revolutionize it.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №138504
What men dream about:
The colonization of Mars.
Recognition by society as a genius scientist.
The penis is 10 cm larger (regardless of the original size).
A car that never breaks.
To go fashion on women's C-strings swimsuits on the beaches and in the pools.
The human body does not need to sleep.
You can travel anywhere in the world in 20 minutes.
About your house with a pool or a small pond (if with a pond then + sauna / bathroom).
To attract attractive students by crowds to offer sex without commitment.
On the transformation of matter by the force of thought into any form from any material.
About a personal cyborg who will do home cleaning and cooking.
About eternal black socks that don’t go into, don’t get lost, and never smell, no matter how much you wear them.
About a computer game with full immersion (physically) where you have to walk, beat dragons, fuck the princess and drink beer with the goblins.
The gift of accurate prediction of the variable future, but not for more than 1 hour.
About the fact that medieval balls with ice in dresses are back in fashion, rather than modern body shaking under drugs and alcohol.
To eliminate poverty in the world, everyone should have enough work and income.
About climate warming (or at least the absence of wind in winter)
No need to shave all the time.
About fashion on men's pissuars in every sort.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №138503
3 months ago came SMS from the "massage salon": 50 most beautiful massage women in the salon...
Yesterday came SMS from them: 30 of the most beautiful massage...
Where are the other 20?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №138502

>>> We once drove in a trolleybus, and behind was another, <<<

You have to joke about trains, don’t know.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna