— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135981
Oxdeadbeef: HP unveils world’s first mini workstation, HP Z2 Mini Workstation
Stahl: And Intel NUC is, we must think, the world’s zero mini workstation?
Sadler: HP previously produced only non-working mini-stations. He was accidentally a worker.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №135980
Even if you lost a game at a golf club, you shouldn’t be upset, because life seems to be successful, compared to the dominoes in the yard.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135979
<coder>: I have one any task type "Choose one extra item from N" cause the desire to immediately come up with N criteria, each of which excludes exactly one item from the list?
<xxx>: guy, maybe you didn’t need to be in the proger, but in the testers?

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №135978
Okay, let me tell you what to prepare for. On a 10-point scale, how incompetent is he?
Oh, I beg you.
WOW: If incompetence had its own scale, it would be a measurement unit there, it would be named in his honor.
WOW: one Kiselev, two Kiselev, ten Kiselev...
Absolute zero for Kyseleev :)

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №135977
It was this summer. On Sunday, 6 in the morning, I called a taxi home, I sit and wait at the shop at the entrance, next to a bag with things. There is no soul in the yard. There are two boys on rolls, 15 years old. One of them went further, and the other approached me and said (I am, P-boy):

Q: Did you see the two main ones here?

I: What are the main ones?

One is deaf, the other is deaf, guess who I am.

I: (understanding that he’s saying nonsense, asked him) Did you say this to me?

A: Because you are a horse.

He started offending me in everything. My emotions got stuck, I stood up, ready to pull him in full. He gave me a hole, I ran after him, and he goes and continues to cover me with a mat. Here I remembered that at the beginning there were two of them, and immediately thought about the bag that I left at the entrance. I ran back and saw that the second was already going to my bag, I ran to him. When he saw me, he realized that he would not have time to take her and began to rush to jump past me, but he did not have time. I grabbed him and fell on his feet, he fell. Having raised it, I saw that the first is going to us with some board in his hands, apparently to free his fellow. As he approached, he threw a board at me, I sneaked for the prisoner, the board flew past. I took the prisoner and pushed him to the side of the first, they both collapsed. Thanks to the scrolls and my efforts to keep them lying, they could not get up. And then the taxi driver came, he helped to turn them around and we took them straight to the police. They immediately became kind and polite. It turns out that both have already been caught on a small theft and they are on record. When I was leaving, I heard from one of them: Fuck, my father will kill me.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №135976
From Hicks:

Alaunquirie: Can you give an example of the text, how to ask the Chinese for a discount? Don’t just say “Please give a discount” in English.

Hello, I'm a poor African prince whose grandmother died 2 months ago and she gave me some inheritance. Not so big, so I can't buy more than XXXX price. Please give me discount XXXX-15% and I will buy this item. Thanks for the help Seller!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №135975
His son goes to kindergarten and, like many children of his age, does not pronounce some letters. For example, one of the educators, whose name is Hope Konstantinovna, he calls Hope Skatinova. First, he and his wife insulted him for this, tried to teach him how to do it rightly, and after the last parental meeting they understood, and the son was right in something.)

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №135974
Better, crazy, crazy are stable isotopes of crazy. A highly radioactive toxic element that affects the brain and eyes. Divided into a rare-earth element, the best of the gramatoids either slowly through the strengthening of neural connections by reading, or quickly by a couple of hits of a thick dictionary with simultaneous suggestion.

[ + 24 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135973
From the messenger:

xxx: I get to the bus in 5 minutes, to go luolo 30 minutes. So I will be in Prague at 19:15, 19:10
XXX: Get tickets then swzz
XXX: The Thunder
xxx: right away
YYY: Do you have to drink?
xxx: of course
XXX: Quickly
“Today you are in a wharf, a wharf, a wharf and a stroke.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №135972
Once in a battle-filled bus, in which 14 and a half seats for 40 people, entered a grandmother of 70. A noble young man gave up his place to her, and the crowd moved him almost to the door. The grandmother began to mock the driver that there are so many seats in the bus - there should be so many passengers, or breathing nothing and driving in such an environment is impossible. And all the standing people and the guy in particular let go on the next flight.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135971
XXX: How to survive the plush?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135970
Today I received TZ from a blonde - she doesn't know what the parent's catalogue is, but made a site from scratch using Google...

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №135969
Ulyukaev was detained after receiving a bribe in the amount of $2M. No, the ministers do not believe in strengthening the ruble.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135968
Title on the news portal:
"In the crash of twelve toilet tanks in the Balaban clinic, soap is to blame"

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135967
Oh, you are all funny, but I just got out of the cocktail... I meet a Gypsy... Give her two rubles says... Give her five... She says, thank you very much, that you should be standing all the time... I imagined it and was scared... It is uncomfortable to walk with a constant standing... I said, say, thank you, don’t need... And she says, well, let’s not stand, now your reference...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №135966
Once at the seminar (a while after the beginning)...
Lecturer: "Now let’s get to know each other. Let everyone present themselves and in two words tell about themselves and their expectations".
OK, all in order are presented: Vasya, Sasha, Ira, Nadia...
My name is Olga, I work in a large company. Planning, collection and analysis of relevant data. I want to gain new knowledge and share my own.
Lecturer: "Thank you, next please"
I am Raphael. The rest is like Olga.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №135965
XXX is:
Half of yesterday’s evening deck aviation experts this morning after viewing newstapes were finally awakened by official crimes investigation experts.

[ + 43 - ] [6 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №135964
What’s wrong with these curls? There is a proven way to solve the problems: we hold a referendum, we exchange yen for rubles, we issue Russian passports to the Japanese, all, use your Kurils.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №135963
st_yourself: I’ve been doing cascading tricks for ten years. I broke my arms, legs, ribs, jaw, fell into a coma. But I will continue. I think if God wanted me to quit, he would have given me a sign.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №135962
You have a girl with a handful of mommies picked up candy, and I had to shrink in the plane as a child, you can't pick up another word.
At that time, I was carrying flying candy, and I was 6 years old, and I was flying for the first time.
I took two sweets, my childhood conscience no longer allowed.
And next to it some aunt grabbed as much as it got into her throat, and she had nothing to do with it...

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna