— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №129399
by 20578
Are they cowards without letters? I wonder whose status do you seek?

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129398
I walked past the warehouse, the loaders rushed, I asked what you rushed, they said:
Wade went to the doctor. To get to the reception you need to get a ticket. I got the ticket and waited for a month. He went to the reception, was recorded on 10-00, the time 10-05 no one calls, enters the office - he is expelled! You don’t see you busy, we’ll call you, sit and wait. I sat and waited 30 minutes. Aunt is out:
Go on 10 to 30.
Wait, I am at 10:00, when will you receive me?
Your time has come out!
How did it go? I came at 9:40, I waited 20 minutes, I went in at 10.05 and you drove me out.
Take the voucher, and the next time you’re a young man. in the adjustment.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129397
Geektimes /
Free your imagination: what if the pigeons lived in roys, and in each roy there would be a pigeon’s womb that would live in the stratosphere in constant flight, dropping one egg per second, so that the egg would be heated by air friction and the new pigeon would peel out without touching the ground?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129396
There was Hohma. Home 2 weeks complained about interference in the telic (cable, colored image, but with interference), all my hands did not reach. Previously, there were two telecoms, one stopped working. I look at one of the cables going to the telecoms from the splitter disconnected, well logically. I start checking, re-connecting ALL, even in the entrance, and nothing...
I checked again the installation of the iii... the cable was connected to the non-working telecable, and the second calmly rolled all the time and worked from the rubbish!!! to

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №129395
The store. The Trade Hall. Dialogue between the consultant and the buyer near the juicer:
Q: Here’s a glass of juice, right?
Q: Yes, and a glass for a spoon is behind. See you? Just as a man. It flies in front, falls behind.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129394
I love good humour, especially smart, after the army - a chat from one well-known publishing resource, where they cry about 45cm and about headlines at the same time))))

The post about Russian fans in Marseille, rather nonsense...

Russian fans dressed up as Germans and with German flags attacked Ukrainians in Lille. They even spoke German...

The stone...
"They even spoke German..."
And they beat in German, and laughed in German, and even curled in German! A clear pen – the Kegebashniki!! to

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129393
At British fan forums, fans ask each other:
Does anyone understand Russian? When a couple of hundred Russians went to our one and a half thousand fans, they shouted, "Za wedewe! Nobody’s embarrassed!" What does this mean?
And why were some Russians wearing strange t-shirts with blue and white strips? Or are they the leaders of their gang?
We fought in June. And one of the Russians spoke in English: “It’s August 2!” Strangely...

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129392
It’s hard to be a fool, right?

Here I have three keys, two from the room door and one from the entrance door. All three look the same. What do you think? When I open the room door, I just must get the key from the entrance, when I open the entrance, I get the keys from the room twice.

Permanent marker or nail lacquer (if the frog does not strangle to buy the cheapest) wipe the key from the entrance door. Or make a spoon on it. Acts for two seconds. You spent more time crying here.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №129391
XXX: Attention to you!
I was hacked in VC, now the friends are asking for money.
Do not think to give. and :)

A friend of my friend wrote to me, asking for money. I immediately realized that I was broken. I wrote to a friend, rju, I say that you hold the husband in the jewel gloves, the poor man asks for money. And she said, “That’s what he’s asked of me and my daughter.”

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №129390
We recently went to the lake: I, my mother-in-law and daughter (5 years old, white-colored angel with curls). We are going home, and the car does not start, and before this was already, the husband somehow quickly solved the problem. I call my husband and ask how to get the car. He tells me what to do, I try to turn off the screws, remove the safe box. The mother-in-law says, “Let’s ask some of the men, or you’ll break all the nails now.” I answer: "Yes, I'm not like a blonde - for a manicure to worry". Here the daughter enters: “That’s why I’m a blonde!” and goes straight to the nearest neighbor on the beach: “Uncle, help us get the car.” Blondes do not become, they are born.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №129389
What is busy?
I lay down the pastry.
Has the computer gone?
I washed my socks for a week.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №129388
For the truth:

From the handmade group, discuss the doll with the "cellulite" ass:
and XXX:
Well there are microbes in the form of a soft toy, why do diseases not be?

Cellulite is not a disease. It is in the vast majority of women, this is the norm! Stop being ashamed of small breasts, curved legs, the absence of cubes on the press (for a woman to get these cubes, you need not eat and get exhausted in the gym every day - I think it's just overwork), and what you still hang on your ears there. Do not like - buy rubber, real without a defect yet do not do.
The happy husband of an imperfect, but perfectly beautiful woman, who periodically still has to explain that she is great. Because of you, fools and fools.

[ + 37 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129387
They read books like they did in the USSR.


The book is 300 rubles, a bottle of beer 40. For many, the choice is obvious.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №129386
It is summer. The warm, the sun. I dream of wearing sandals.
And on the socks I will print: on the right - go, on the left - naphig.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №129385
Where you studied, I taught.
Working in one of the educational structures, I earned two, full of clothes, and not only me, but also my family.


So how can all this be earned by serving as a worker in the PTU of Mukhosransk?
I do not understand.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129384
Read “A Brief History of Biology” and “A Brief History of Chemistry.” You will learn a lot about how the ancients perceived the world and man. For example, until the mid-19th century, it was widely accepted that the brain performed only one function – cooling the blood. And thinking, feelings and emotions are all coming from the soul. Is it necessary to say that your conceptions of the soul today have virtually nothing to do with those of thousands of years ago?

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №129383
I walk past the sandbox, there are two girls. One older, 5 years, the other younger, 4 years.
The elderly said: “Mom said it’s time to go.”
The younger responds, cutting her scarf in the sand: “What, can’t we play?” Are we small children?"

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №129382
I get stuck at the stop, mobile internet is down, pages are not loaded, thirst. I raise my eyes – right in front of my nose slowly and proudly floats a truck with advertising throughout the wall: "Your Internet is already at home!" Don’t be fooled: my Internet is already at home, and I’m still here for some reason... A loser.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №129381
In the financial world, credit cards are divided into deposit, salary and credit.
On the market, peppers are divided into tomatoes, tomatoes and peppers.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №129380
Zuckerberg lives in the United States. The status does not fall, dresses simply, T-shirt and jeans. But the Italian supercar for the greens still bought. A fool? No, I wanted to.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna