— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №139403
This story happened to my friend in the early 1990s. My companion, let’s call him Maxim, worked as a programmer, wrote programs on behalf of a foreign company, on an assembler, and gently say, earned good money. I was then a student bombed on vacation for a month on the construction for 40 U.S. rubles, and it was more than the parents taken together for a month, his salary was more than 1000... But money does not always bring happiness in personal life.
I met Maxim when working - in the evening I came to serve computers. Usually people were no longer there, those who had an urgent job or those who did not rush home remained at work. Usually after 10 p.m. people sat down to strike the liver. I was the youngest in the team, and since nobody cancelled my grandparentship, I regularly passed the norms of GTO (Gastron back there). As such, after a good influence I asked Maxim why he did not rush home and got the answer, you will understand if you get married. Here the phone ringed, his wife ringed and dropped, to dispel the hysteria and I saw for the first time in my life a man grazing in front of his eyes. Later I learned that Maxim has been married for 10 years, but his wife is hysterical and terrible, she doesn’t work anywhere, and enjoys wiping her legs on her husband. One retired man worked with us, he was under 70 and he was older than Maxim somewhere at two, he explained to me that Max had already tried to divorce but simply did not withstand the pressure of supplications and curses and almost got into the hospital with a heart attack.
After another hysteria, I was again sent for the next portion to the barracks, with me Max went to air out. In the shop in the wine department worked a lady of 30 years, by the nickname Belokuraja Josey. She was a pretty interesting woman, but when she opened her mouth and turned on the “Client-ham” function, even the alconafts pale. I tried to distract Max, telling him that there were no unresolvable tasks, and any reaction could be countered. A couple of drinks hit my head and I offered to hire Josey to fight with his wife. I said and squeezed, imagining that now I will receive a portion of compliments to my address from the seller, but she calmly let go of the goods, smiled and wished a happy journey.
Soon, Maxim's wife again dropped out of the house and began to actively hit him on his mobile phone with raids: he does not value, does not love, humiliates, lives hungry, etc. She left the house regularly, somewhere every two months and then returned, but this time she was not lucky, another hysteria came just at the moment when Maxim was drinking. History is silent, as was the case, but Maxim and Vera (official name Belokura Josey) agreed – she decided for what material reward to help Maxim. The next evening, when his wife called home after 12 a.m. for a new hysteria, the phone was suddenly taken by a WOMAN. Coming home, the lady with a claim to intelligence decided, so to speak, to morally destroy the opponent, not understanding that with the seller of the wine department the number will not pass. Instead of crying and moving away, Vera, to Max’s surprise, dropped her legal wife down the stairs. At work, this was marked by a prolonged banquet, with a salute and a roast of strawberries on the roof of the computing center. Vera even promised to help with the divorce, the local was her good acquaintance (which is not surprising, a better informant about the situation in the area could not be found). Not wishing to give up, almost the former wife came, as if, to Vera for work and offered repudiants "for this disgusting man", after she laughed, began to threaten with terrible punishments. After listening to this concert, Vera ordered the 3rd Hanigs to take this lady out, promising to put a bubble. Suffering, in the morning, from cuddling and convulsively gathering the little things in their pockets for the cheapest alcohol good guys kicked out the lady in an instant.
Maxim had no children and the divorce was made surprisingly quickly. Vera temporarily lived in Maxim's apartment, as the former tried to kick her legs to kiss, then with her fists, then her parents came "to save the marriage." What happened to me then seemed almost an anecdote, how a young interesting not poor man could get into such a situation that there are few normal women around, but after working in purely male teams I saw that the situation is not uncommon at all.
At the next feast we congratulated Maxim with the completion of the case, not supported only the headquarters noting that this is not the end. We laughed and assured him that there could be nothing between Max and Vera, which the veteran humorously noticed, we will live – we will see. And while everything went its way, Vera temporarily lived with Maxim, until all the formalities were completed, promising to leave afterwards, when she honoredly worked out the fee. And while strange changes began to occur, when I was sent to the gastronomy there, I was suddenly given another vodka and a whole pack of sandwiches, salads, etc. Maxim began to go to work in a suit instead of jeans and sweaters. Confused doubts began to torment me after Maxim and Vera invited our company to celebrate some celebration outside the city in the wild. At the walk I looked at Vera and did not recognize, not a single rude or obscene word, with a taste-picked wardrobe and makeup, I would not know, exactly her place of work would not believe. When we learned at work that they decided to live together, we were no longer surprised to find one apartment. A year later, they officially married.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №139402
The morning. I am in bed. No one interferes with sleeping, walking quietly, on chickens. The kitchen smells good, is it a dream? No, I have come home! To the parents!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139401
The FBI supported the work of the Playpen porn site in the hidden Tor network from February 20 to March 4, 2015. <...>"

and rogoz:
I am more interested in child pornography on the FBI servers.
“In order to find as many visitors as possible, the FBI staff sold pure cocaine for 13 days.”
“In order to find as many clients as possible from the arrested killer, the FBI staff performed his orders for 13 days.”

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139400
(I am learning to play the violin)
He learned to make the sounds of a sick donkey, a healthy donkey, a sad cat, a sick sad cat.
Have you learned to sound the violin yet?
So far it does not work :(

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139399
Three jobs are, of course, not bad: gifts to a child for the new year, corporations again. There are only three small problems: to break, not to sleep, and to sleep. And you with yours: "friends", "sex", "he changed me".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №139398
The irony of fate: while he approached with a packet to remove his dog fucking accidentally entered another fucking...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139397
A Russian tourist arrested in Thailand was fined $28 for feeding fish in an environmental protection zone.

YYY: It is human. Three thousand fines.

Zzzz: Why so little punishment? Did the fish claim?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139396
Yaboroda: Those who say that school is a school of life either have studied in a strange school or live a strange life. Thank you to all the light and dark gods that real adult life works on completely different principles.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139395
From the notebook of the eldest son (18 years) a note fell
Olga, Valeria, Svetlana!You are invited to the drinking establishment for a joint time!Rejections are not accepted!"
Back is written"Do you pay?"
"Only for Yourself"
"Now only you and go"

[ + 27 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139394
tn: The article on the women’s website "4 types of relationship development that lead to divorce":
1) It develops, it does not develop;
It is developing, it is not developing.
Both are not developing.
Both are developing.
TN: And you won’t argue.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №139393
XXX: Another childhood discovery. Life is not over at 48.

Yyy: Oh, she doesn't end at 70) The neighbor worked in an elderly house, she says there were real orgies, she personally struck the elderly for oral sex, she says she almost got into trouble.

XXX: So who asked her to swallow it?

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №139392
There was a student at our office in the summer. And we had a boss fucking on the head. I loved screaming for anything. Everyone has been putting a screw on it for a long time and no one paid special attention to it. I scream and okay. There was a dress code in the office. Not strict, you simply couldn’t come in shorts, shirts, shorts. The student came in shorts. The boss saw it and started screaming at him. He initially tried to justify "well, it's hot and there's no condor," but the boss was dumb. Then the student stood up and quickly walked toward her (I thought he was whipping her). He approached her forehead and began to push her forehead by issuing a haroowu.

Q. Are you sick?


Are you normal at all?


N is unusual?

and went to herself. We have not seen her all day. Since then, she rarely came to us.

Since then, I have also dreamed of doing this, but that’s not a suitable occasion.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139391
How I Hate Children Armed in the Background
Tag: small ergas
I am more angry with their parents.
WOW: The child is like the kernel of Linux, there is no reason to be upset that he is such an outcome, noises and runs, as the distribution was compiled from him, and works. Not the distribution shit, but the programmer’s hand out of his ass.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №139390
The daughter recently explained the meaning of the word "shell". Well, that’s how domestic animals are called, all that.
Then they watched her chase the cat, shouting, “Go here, cattle!”

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №139389
I moved from one operator to another. Everything works, but the SMS doesn’t come. Call for support:
SMS doesn’t come.
- You need to change the number of the messaging center to the messaging center of the MTS, for this I will send you an SMS right now, - and throw the phone.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №139388
I think, what am I missing?
Another document proving identity.
We are a family with three children.
We went to Grandma. Close to Cam. We take sandwiches, a few diapers for the younger and... a folder with documents!
and two passports. Three birth certificates. Five of police. Five Snippets (which is too little!) Certificate of marriage registration. Two certificates of divorce - for both of us it is a second marriage. Certificate from the place of residence for children - there is no certificate in the birth certificate. Certificate of a large family.
And in a separate box - documents for the car - two rights, insurance, technical inspection, PTS...
There is INN somewhere.
Add us more documents for those who are unable to track their own passport!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139387
The little girl announced that when she grows up she will become a princess.
I dressed here recently, dresses-bushes-bands, all that... In the evening, Daddy comes and, when he sees the very upset daughter, says:
Do princesses have such dirty legs? Go quickly change your clothes!
My daughter, I thought a little:
I decided to become an astronaut.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №139386
I read the safety technique in the instructions for the new utyug. The first paragraph in different languages:
English: "The plug should be taken out of the socket before filling water".
In Ukrainian: "Before filling water always switch out the device from the socket".
The same meaning, as far as I understand, in Polish, Bulgarian and other languages... but Russian!
In Russian: "Before pouring water put the fork in the socket" (!!!)
I don’t seem to like the mosquitoes.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №139385
You have a mouse hanging in your refrigerator! I am for products.

XHH: Why is it? Eat the mouse.

I can’t eat a mouse, it’s bad.

XHH: You’re saying it as if you’ve already tried it... Or do you mean it from a Christian point of view? Suicide, a bad mouse, will not go to heaven.

I just don’t eat mice.

I would have sat a month in the basement, I would have spoken differently. So it’s not a bad mouse, it’s just a bad guy. There is nothing to say about a poor animal. Especially when it comes to the dead, either good or nothing.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №139384
<nlum> I stood on the threshold of the "discovery", but it was Sunday and the "discovery" didn’t work.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna