— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130399
You are right. Even a single ability to get up, go to the ZAGS and divorce would reduce the number of alkashi three times.

I do not believe. In the family you have Kabbalah, and when you get free, you immediately go to the gym and to the library. You will let go of your will, you will finally be confused, and the guilty to the rest of your life will be all the former, the straw like this...

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130398
Even worse, these are all words, mattevo, adult people.
and ==
There are no adults, there are only children trapped in big and old bodies.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130397
xxx: Victory will sell tickets at the Business tariff.
yyy: A game of words, a low-cost and "business" - sounds like a "elite flavoured flavonoid".

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №130396
The most important thing in life is to find your place under the sun, but in the shadow.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №130395
Office of the FSB in one of the regional centers. The boy comes to the CPC and says he wants to get arranged. I say I have a diploma, a tower, an IQ and all that. Well, his shut up... He nodded a little more and said:
Can I go to the toilet?
The officer permitted and led. There are 2 doors. The boy went out to another, climbed a couple of floors, and enters a random office.
Hi, I wanted to go.
The Colonel is sitting:
I’ll go to your office now, I’ll call you.
Shortly in that cabinet decided that the tipok came as if from the colonel and was immediately taken.
It works. Then when everything opened up... decided to shut up, otherwise everyone would have come.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №130394
When the deep night descended on Berlin, Stirlitz sat down in his Gelendwagen and chased through the desert streets. This habit he acquired in Moscow, in the intelligence school, and for many years he could not get rid of it.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130393
23 hours in the evening. Cucumbers: How is it?
3 hours of night. Kou Kou! Kou Kou! Kou Kou!! to

As a child, she appeared to have been thrown into the frogs.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №130392
I did not guess.

>>> Because it was not customary to get drunk before the pig whistle. And there were fewer alcoholics than there are now, especially young people under 30.

Because there were shakes, LTRs and papers from the police to the workplace. The modern system of combating drunkenness is just a kindergarten compared to the Soviet.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №130391
Shamefully to admit, I always thought that the Tatra name Radik is a reductive form. For the Russian ear. I was lost in guessing what name it was derived from. Nothing but the radiator came to mind.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130390
The word was invented – pranksters. In Russian it is simply called - u@бки!)))

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №130389
My rights as a parent and husband
Today defended the RPC:
I will beat the children for dinner today.
And a little girl at the end.

I don't need a reason to be murdered -
The unwashed nose, the burnt rage,
Because the Orthodox,
I can kill my whole family.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №130388
I’ve always wondered why I have pockets in my pyjamas.
Now I understood that when you bring sandwiches and tea into the room, there is a place to put the phone.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №130387
Smart on the left, beautiful on the right...what will remain is yours.
It is true wisdom. It will remain in place calm, hysterical will be filtered.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №130386
stebanoid: In the landing module of the Union spacecraft on the side there is a hole to get out of it. How do astronauts get there on Earth?

Dr_trans: They are injected there while they are small. then feed through the technological holes with pasta, and through the cracks - blines. When an astronaut grows up, he is launched into space.

Tagged with: eco!

Dr. Trans: It is true. Therefore, there are often several astronauts in one KA.

Well, they took and burned the main secret of Roscosmos. And the astronauts are sent to flight as soon as they grow a scapandra.

dr_trans: It not just grows, it hardens. by HITIN!

Spelller: Yeah yes.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130385
Dialogue on the street:
What are you playing?
In the Tetris.
The movie has just come out, and the game has already been done!

They will do so. RPG with open world and MMO elements - shooter :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130384
Brittwa and Bolt method: the Okcam shave cuts off the extra, and the screw is placed on everything else.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130383
by Al Dragon:
FAST, Five hundred meter Aperture Spherical Telescope
1) working aperture - 300 meters;
2) The surface is not spherical.
Fuck Actual Specifications Telescope

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №130382
Yesterday in the entrance hanged an announcement about the disappearance of a cat named Moon. About how she fell out of the window and now cannot apparently find the way home.
XXX: About how she is probably scared somewhere in the bushes.

Now above that ad hangs the advertisement of computer master Vladimir.
The computer master Vladimir is a fox without a drop of human in the shower.
Vladimir, I will find you and break you.
Just run out of town, Vladimir.
YYY: @turbojedi Finally, there was an excuse for an adult man to say, “I am retaliating in the name of the moon!”

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №130381
P: there is such a thing, sarcasm is called, read on Wikipedia
D: Oh everyone, we’re just sarcastic with you not synchronously
P: Yes... I was before (
D: It is not clear. Maybe because of the shortness of your sarcasm, or the depth of my heart.
Q: So the length of the sarcasm doesn’t matter, right?
D: No, no, as it has
Q: No one has complained before. Average normal sarcasm

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №130380
I bought a new screwdriver. I was frankly surprised that it charged via USB(!) connector. Long thought about why: update the firmware or read error codes?

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna