— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127438
The family budget
I read and am amazed-people, you come together to chew your genitals more comfortably and cheaper? People who are in relationships usually calmly unite the budget and share responsibilities. In the first nonsense to share the labor-intensive homework - let the unbelievers try a week to do this work on their own. Secondly, if you have come together and are going to connect your life with a person, then what kind of fin here. The existing. If it is not in time to cope, so honestly and warn.
by PS. The wife knows very well about business and temporary charges, together we count the expenses and discuss the necessary acquisitions and their deadlines, we are perfectly familiar with the homework, and there are never complaints if a couple of drinks in the evening the desire appeared.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №127437
News about installing Gentoo Linux on Tesla Model S
voidptr0: Doom on Tesla has already been launched, isn’t it?
AVX: Launched, but then decided to remove – the autopilot distracts.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №127436
You don’t understand, a star in a mate is like a melted little bitch. The essence does not change, but gives the effect of aristocracy and education.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127435
The magic is something with this microchip.
xxx: "The Incredible Adventure of TCP Packs"
yyy: "Nath and his friends"

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127434
9-Year-Old Daughter Playing Computer Game With PS3 Joystick
I: But my uncle Kirill and I used to have rectangular joysticks. There were only four buttons and a cross.
Were they wooden?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127433
Balashika is the PZDC.
Filial of Hell.
Is it a branch? The Main Office.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127432
The proletarians can.

Secondly, princes don’t give princesses ivory rings. It’s like listening to salmon in the woods at night. For the rings get the love of the caves, they are also led to the borst.

And princes become husbands give castles, carriages, islands, and dresses and iPhones provide just like that.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127431
and ==
It is enough to look at Moscow and any village of Upper Nork to understand that the economic problems originate precisely from the shortage of the population, not from its surplus! In reverse, people were convinced that no one would resist extinction.
and ==
First, how did you attach the economic problems to homosexuals? They are to blame, right?
And, secondly, there are no homosexuals in our Upper Nork, they all left for Moscow.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127430
Freedom is when you don’t know why you’re well.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127429
In Paraguay, duels are still allowed, but only if both duellers are registered organ donors.

[ + 30 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127428
The men are so funny, they think if you wrote hello, you are nice, then the next phrase "let's go" will be quite logical.
WOW: Women are funny too, they fight in the word, put the star in the place of the non-existent letter, and think that it will be quite culturally.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127427
here here :

I read here that in medieval France people washed well if a couple of times in their lifetime. How do you watch movies about them? Thus e.The palace, a lot of well-dressed people... but they haven’t washed for hundreds of years! There is such a place! by BooJee

For the completeness of the picture as a liqueur, it can be added that the sewage and public toilets in the beautiful palaces also did not exist, and the natural needs of the numerous guests and visitors were quite themselves, and the more or less dark corners of the palaces, the Louvre, for example, were heavily polluted by these well-dressed unwashed people.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127426
According to the trend, in 20 years on the site will start to appear quotes about how ugly prostitutes and drug addicts do not respect the older generation and do not give up a place in transport.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №127425
When he worked in the factory, he paid for pressure sensors. They took a girl into the brigade and sent her to me for training.
I explain to her a part of the working process: "You take it, turn it on your back, stretch your legs, bend to a convenient position and insert it!"
He looks at seven copies and asks, “What are you teaching me?” Well, of course, the girl, then already married, she has her own ideas about bending legs :)
And all that had to be a microchip with long legs folded...

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127424
In our courtyard, z.B., there is no need for any Sabbathers, as they are always clean, i.e. Everyone is (!) The day.

The courtyard was so clean that even trees were going to throw leaves across the street.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127423
And you will also be sorry for 43% and with a salary of 2-3k euros.
and seals.

Money, of course, is always a pity to give without getting anything in return.
But there is a small nuance - what is enough for what is left.
If it is difficult to eat it is one thing.
If you have to spend two months on a Mercedes, it’s a bit different.

With the same work and qualifications.

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127422
Do you want a story about non-containers? Not my personal, but my relatives.
He and she decided to go. He, as a advocate of equality, who does not want to humiliate a woman with gifts, offers her expenses in half: he pays for services (the apartment is in her possession), she buys food, household chemicals and other consumables, large purchases in half, clothes-toys-flushes-benzin each for himself. She, who survived the divorce of her parents with the sharing of property up to the towels, agrees.
And everything was fine until she was stolen her wallet with a card on her salary day. Two weeks, with the withdrawal of the passport some problems.
At the end of two weeks, the picture is as follows: she has tea with bread for breakfast, coffee and biscuits for lunch, bread with water for dinner (the tea is over, the money is too), he has breakfast in a café next to work, lunch there, in the evening he either goes to a cafe/restaurant, or orders food for home, because there is no food at home. Thanks, even on toilet paper.
And she endured, no, not mercantile and independent, did not descend to custody and debts.
Are you sure this is a healthy situation?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127421
Long live the new forum!!! to
> and >
Why not believe it, believe it.
and ==
Don’t believe it, but even money does not ask for religion.
and ==
Religion does not ask, but the church.

Not the church, but the people who work in it.

The joke:
As representatives of world religions share the submissions of parishioners:
I painted a circle on the floor. I throw money. What is in the circle is mine, and what is beyond is God.
Orthodox: I also draw a circle, and I also throw. Only what falls into the circle is God, and what goes beyond is mine.
Rabin: And I don’t circle. I just throw money. What God needs he will take in the air, and what he considers too much will fall on the floor and get me.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127420
I dreamed that I was given a flash drive with info, and my compass has no USB connectors. at all. Just a CD-ROM. Then I took the flash, mixed it in a teaspoon for blines, baked the blin and drove it into the disc drive. But all the info on him did not fit, I had to cook the second, but he went out unsuccessful, slightly splashed on the bowl, and in the end did not read. Part of the information that did not fit on the first "disk" was lost

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127419
The truth was one plus - in the hospital, when I was seen, the children opened their mouths and calmed down, looking overwhelmed!
And one girl even stopped bleeding".©

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna