— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №127238
A colleague tells us that yesterday my daughter (class 2-3) had a parental gathering at school. After all the questions about educational matters, the classroom asks a question to parents such as: "What wishes do you have for the non-educational work of the school: leisure for children, events and so on?" And then came the benefit of one young mom. She began to voice emotionally enough about the fact that you (to the head) children don’t even drive anywhere! Here is my sister's daughter on May in Peter's class is going! And here is another girl there known in Belarus at all! and etc. and etc. Other parents also started to knock on her side, the cool manager accepted such criticism and turned to the parents with the suggestion: "Well, the idea is good, let's think about where to bring our children, where they will be interesting to visit." In the end, they came together to start on the Golden Ring, decided at the end of the school. 1 year to visit 1-2 cities with excursions, with 1 night. As soon as they agreed on this decision, the cool woman says: "I will then deal with this issue tomorrow, I will find a hotel for us, the carrier, and somewhere in a week I will voice you how much we collect for the trip." And here’s that mommy: “Second! I generally thought that the children on the excursions should drive at the expense of the school budget.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127237
A man can do what he ought, and if he says “I can’t,” he doesn’t want. c) Johann Gottlieb Fichte

AG> If a man owes five carpets, then he can do five carpets ;)

AP> And if he can’t, then the collectors with the solder will come, and he’ll be able to cut five!)

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127236
The one who believed this comrade above is the victim of the divorce of the car service. The quality of the oil in the engine is not measured by color. and chemical analysis.
— — —

Of course it is great. That is, before going to the country, you need to take a puncture and take luck to the laboratory, then wait a couple of days for the results of the tests.

Fresh oil in the color of dark syrup.
If it is covered, it becomes black.

Has anyone ever changed the oil?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127235
Yyy: Well that I got married at 26 doesn’t count. I divorced
How long has the marriage lasted?
It is now 😉
XXX: Do you curl your fingers?
yyy: in 2014 scheduled in 2018 divorced
YYY: 5 years officially
You are a traveler in time.
YYY: 4
XX: Never talked to anyone from the future
Yyy: Blind
XXX: Tell me how is it?
Who won: Trump or Clinton?
YYY: 2008 and 2014

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №127234
If she knew Vera, she would be called Aloe.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127233
VKT is a 24-hour information and entertainment television channel that illuminates all the diversity of cultural, intellectual, social, scientific and economic life of the Russian capital.
In the television program:

by 14:20 by Za-je-by A television program on youth in the capital.

And these people are forbidding me from knocking my finger in my nose?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127232
We need a code from you. And quickly!
Going to the console? And forever!

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №127231
If you think about it, nature has glued man from shit and mucus for several billions of years, with a bunch of successful and failed intermediate versions. Not the fact that it is finished.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127230
On my way to life I met a woman named Goodnight. I saw it in my passport.
I will keep silent about the rest, it doesn’t matter.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №127229
They gathered their students and showed the patient. There lies a man, clearly bombarded in sight, blinking with his eyes. He raises his chest, and he has a newspaper on his chest. They raise the newspaper, and there is a gap in the chest with the size of a fist and a thin film. Through it you can see how the heart beats. Students in horror ask the man, "How do you live with such a hole in the chest?" the man: "It is problematic already, when the newspaper is wet, to change."

She said that an ordinary man would not survive, and this bull went so for more than a year until he got to them.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127228
I stand at a pedestrian crossing. There is a sweet girl nearby. With a shopping bag in hand. There’s something hollowing up on her. And it still stirs up. The girl ignores him. In the end, the guy asks a question:

Why do you need so much garlic?

Destroy people like you.

The boy goes away, and the girl:

You see, it helped.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №127227
When I was in school, I was teaching with my grandfather. He explained everything intelligently. Fuck, my neck hurt.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №127226
I had a case while studying in the university. I did not work for a long time on psychosomatics, there was a 40-50-year-old boy-baby aunt, who would go into the burning cellar and all that. We lived on the same side, so we used to ride the subway together. And one of those days we go with her in the wagon, we sit on the trends for a psychiatrist. And here something happens - in front of us a young girl begins to grab her throat, tears to let go, slide to the floor. Everybody around stumbled. And my colleague quietly stands up from the place, so pictured and gives this girl once or twice from all the way away. Everyone in the shower, the girl MIGOM calms down, sits down. The train is just stopping, a colleague calmly leaves at his stop. No scene in the car. I am also in Aachen. Then she told me that this was a banal panic attack and the most effective way to do so. These are the healing stars.

This action was done by a professional, so don’t try to repeat it yourself.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127225
I always had a calligraphic handwriting, and when I finally chose my future profession, I was crazyly happy to be one of those doctors whose diagnoses are clear.

After a few months of work, I started writing as if my hand had been moved by a tractor.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127224
A smart woman pretends to be sexy, and a sexy woman does not pretend to be smart.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №127223
History is real. They lived in town, in an apartment.
I go home after work. Dinner is ready, on the table a bottle of favorite whisker is standing. I think they want something from me. They come from far away and walk around. It turns out that we urgently need a dog, a bigger, no less than the alaba. You can’t give in to excuses. There is no life without her. I say, okay, we’re going to go in a week, and this week we’ll be training.
In the evening, I sit on the couch at the TV, the family settles next to me. I stop, where to sit, and who will walk with the dog? and I? Go out for half an hour and walk the dog. On the street in the month of November and the time is nine in the evening. Nothing to do, come together. It was Saturday morning. 8 in the morning. I put my wife side by side. Get up, the kids wake up and walk with the dog. By lunch, the family council decided that they would never need a dog.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127222
Russia is a unique country where foreign agents fight corruption and patriots steal money from the budget.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127221
You have to show me again how to use the washing machine.

- You put the "synthetic", 40 degrees, sleep the powder, turn on.

Why the other regimes?

They are for women.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №127220
A friend of the grocery store opened, an ordinary storehouse on the ground floor of a residential house: bread, milk, eggs, etc., such in any city is full. I haven't found a suitable seller yet, so he's standing behind the counter himself.

One day I called him:

I borrowed 5000 rubles. very much need.

He is me:

No question, come in!

I run to him to the store, and there is a line of three grandmothers. Standing in the narrow passage of the store, completely occupied it (the room is small, 3-4 people can accommodate from the force), I can't go to a friend.

I tell my grandmothers:

- Sorry, I can go to the box... for a moment... very much...

They are missing me! I approach the box, and Serega, without giving me a word, begins:

- In honor of the opening, our store gives a 5,000 buyer five thousand rubles!

He smiled and handed me a red-brown note. The grandmother who stood at the box was in shock.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127219
After creating a small animated video, I receive a letter.

The Client:

Make the character’s mouth bigger and let him not whisper but scream that he has used my products. And I think it’s worth adding the rainbow that flows out of his mouth. I think the consumer should understand that my product is worth using.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna