— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127198
I was left with a cat who only ate chicken skins (although in the 96-97s, chicken skins would seem like a delight). A week later, she, urcha, ate the ship’s bread and was already ready to cut it.)))

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №127197
I did not smoke on the 6th day. It is a joy to hunt someone’s face.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №127196
The Blowing Cat. A thousand alarms.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127195

This is the fuck that grandmother, that pop. Hopefully the kids will get out and the parents will get out of the grandmother.
These atheists...
Grandma did it right. Some idiot parents do not baptize their children at all. They grow up without a Guardian Angel and Grace. And then we wonder why so many abortions and drug addicts. Only on such grandmothers everything holds, a low tribute to her.

You are religious shit! Batherta is more, adequacy is less - than in all current batches at once!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127194
Dear "Note" of the properties of oil!
If the car oil is black, it is heavily oxidized and contains a lot of sludge. This is useless for the engine.
And you are still suspicious of car services in the dives.
With respect, woman, laboratory engineer of oil.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127193
Let’s go on holiday at sea! Take a wife and go.

Q: Do you have a better offer?

YYY: Of course there is. We go without wives.

[ + 17 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127192
and morphology:

The Artist:
>> On April 20, 1889, a famous Austrian artist was born

The artist was so himself, so he did not get fame as an artist.
You hastened with the date. April 30, 1945 - this is the date from the biography of this little-known artist, which should be celebrated widely.

And in the original quote, it was not proposed to celebrate the birth of the artist, just a fact. And in general, he would have a monument to be erected - it was he who shot Hitler.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №127191
From Habr:
I like IE3.
No advertising or other tracking features. And if something is wrong, he just falls without opening any shit on the site...
Zzz: That is, you have it as a tasting food for the Emperor of Rome? Does it mean that food is poisoned?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127190
Discussion of Tweet
xxx: Bag with "Alice" - the emblem of separation, bag with "Pilot" - the emblem of love.
zzz: bag with bag - emblem

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127189
When a cold reception awaits in hell – is it good or bad?

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127188
Hello to you! You will be there for a long time
Is it a question or a threat?

[ + 23 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127187
These atheists...
Grandma did it right. Some idiot parents do not baptize their children at all. They grow up without a Guardian Angel and Grace. And then we wonder why so many abortions and drug addicts. Only on such grandmothers everything holds, a low tribute to her.

I am for Grandma! We need more temples. I can’t wait to finally start burning books and heretics! I have a couple on receipt.
I bought myself an indulgence. Even two. In any case.
Grace to everyone everywhere. In the name of Schröder.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №127186
Are there any user reviews about the new fit already?
and yes! "Fire in the Fire!"

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №127185
I work in a souvenir store. In addition to mattresses, we sell hatchbacks, necklaces and pilots. We hear different things from buyers. A colleague recently asked: "Do you have drones for sale?"
I still break my head how it should look.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №127184
I had already thought that the spammers-idiots had translated... no.

Your battery is severely damaged by a virus (4)!
We found that your Motorola Motorola RAZR at 28.1% is damaged by a malicious virus (4) obtained from recent visits to adult sites.It will soon damage your SIM card, phone contacts, photos, data, apps, etc.

Now I wait for this malicious virus to break my screen, the body to develop and a nuclear explosion :)

[ + 29 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №127183
xxx: Looking at people, you come to the conclusion that they were created by the god Nah in pair with his brother Poh.

YYY: And it seemed to have gone out of the shit.

zzz: Three minutes before the deadline.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127182
The commander, in order to estimate the losses, asks the commanders of combat units to report on the availability of personnel. Those who stood on the guard were awake and in anticipation, and those who were released were slowly wandering with red eyes on cotton legs. Without five eight, everything is in order, there is not only the Sturman of Glory. They start to find out where they were, where they went and all that. It appears. Without a tie and carrying something in his hand. He floats along the line to the stairway, no one is seen.
Glory to you!! - shouts, catching him, the commander, right into Slavino's ear, - the tie is your whereabla?! to
Thou shalt be the chief! - reports Glory and masches with the commander in front of the nose with a full-fledged third-size underwear. Then he tries to put it on his neck.
Glory to you!! “The commander is shouting, it’s a whirlwind!”! to
and Dia? He is surprised and tries to focus his eyes on him.
The Sturmman! Remove it immediately! - The commander ticks his finger into Glory, - Take him on board, I will then love him when he comes to consciousness! In this way, he doesn’t even excite me!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №127181
Do you treat your parents as demanding? Out of my house. Until the brain changes from milk to root

If your child behaves like a demanding thing, then you educated him like that. He thinks he has the right to demand.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №127180
Interesting male "logic"
If the virgin wants to communicate, she sticks.
Not wanting to be an arrogant prostitute.
According to my experience, if a man suddenly disappears from the circle of communication, then he either suddenly got more than another woman, or the woman had already burned the correspondence.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №127179
The Hicks again.

Iper: Because you have to sleep with ITshniks, not with whom you got.
0xd34df00d: You can not even sleep, but just make friends.
Better to sleep :)
0xd34df00d: It is better. I evaluate my chances properly.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna