— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №137201
So is
and ==
Better here is what to think about: the name of the berry "smorodina", most likely comes from the word "smorod", that is, "smrad" as it is now...
and ==
The black leaves, you will understand why. The smell in this case is not "smell", but just a strong sharp smell.
More about "Kalinov" the bridge is stunned, yes

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137200

Why do men post wedding photos on dating sites? or a group photo (one), or a picture in an embrace with a beauty?

Outsiders: These are the same people who put a coin in an empty wallet to lure money.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №137199
Scary photoshop: the lady raises the maid, and underneath it the appearance of a puppet doll.

The stones burn.

As they say in the Lviv - without puzzles, but robots.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137198
XXX is gigantic. She just noticed. In the personal office, the gender can be changed independently, and the age - only with the permission of the administrator )))))))

Yyy: Everything is like in life, gender you allow to change, and age how?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137197
Cucaracha (Cucaracha - a big black American with big moustaches and a squid) - so in Mexico the peasants called the government troops for the external resemblance of the shape and the habit of cowardly running, for the fact that instead of the proper protection of the people sold to the feudals and helped them the people to oppress, rob and steal for sale.
Then there appeared a song-blowing "Kukaracha", in it there were similar words: "Tarakana without legs can not crawl" and the like.
Later, the song became one of the unofficial anthems of resistance.
And even now, having a similar motif in the vicinity of a Mexican police officer or military, you can not be illusory "catch".

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №137196
The person described the style of clothing in a particular key.
To offer a man dressed like a biker a card with a plush rabbit? * is

The card is supposed to be worn as an attribute of the image - in the form of a badge or on a chain on the neck?
Going to Cossack?
Toilet paper in this case should also be with spikes and clamps - the image is...

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137195
to this
N.K. Krupskaya students called "teacher".
In those years, teachers were generally called - scrape with a pedal.
School worker with pedagogical education.
Lenin was very upset about this.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137194

If the combination of keys Ctrl + S to blink the sound of the cash machine - work much more fun.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №137193
When you ask for a password from a broken but blocked laptop to check the repair, the girls are embarrassed not to give it. And you spend the whole day downloading from liveCD, what they hide there and disappointed you return, repairing. Nothing like that there. You are strange women.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137192
Here is here:

Who is traumatized? If normal people use the liquid for bathing as intended - for a van - then this is really criminal and tragic. And if the alkas, sucking the palette-alcohol-decolon, then these themselves even washing, even catching, what is there "Boyarishnik"?

drowned with a liquid for the bath, and we will limit the drug...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №137191
and Eeee. I once had a license Wind... All the problems were solved by installing a pirate :)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №137190
I have diabetes. Before eating, I inject insulin with a special syringe. And it has a design feature - when it runs, it gives a loud click, similar to a shot. In the family it is indicated by the word "shoot". The second-class son from childhood constantly sees this and perceives it as the norm.

A day ago, I explained to the son’s best friend’s mother that in the phrase “We made soup with my mom, then she went to shoot herself and we sat down for lunch” there was nothing like that. But I don’t think she believed it to the end.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №137189
Probably not to the end.
"Take me up, O elephant! In my country as an elephant. It is one song.
If you see the North, you will never forget it. These are words from a completely different place.
— — —
It was:
In a hungry gray day.
I cooked the only peel.
I had to cook it in the cup:
Do not wash the pot anyway.
Tagged meat, meat
According to my wish!
Give me a penny.
In my country of Pellets.
Where the bread is cut,
where ketchup with mayonnaise,
Put me there, meat pellet.

And about "if you drop the server - you will never raise it" - it's really a different story.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №137188
A new 2005 school year, a new student ticket is needed, as usual.

I go to the dean. And there is everything strictly - without fluorography, we will not give a study ticket!

I go to the clinic. Without fluorography we will not do, go extend!

Okay, I go into insurance. Extending the policy? Are you working or studying? Are you studying? Show me the study ticket, and then we extend...

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №137187
GT, Comments on the article "NeuroNet determines thunderstorms by cellular network metadata with a probability of 70,4%"

XXX: Yuri Andropov Vladimirovich in that world slides...
YYY: “They are watching me with their equipment!”))))
ZZZ: “They are watching me with the help of _my_ equipment!”(
UUU: “Your equipment is watching you!”
VVV: *Your - Form of lease of equipment on the terms stipulated in the contract.
WWW: *You - the aggregate of data available to the Company

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №137186
A friend at work was advised to read the book "Do not work with fools". She read up to 50 pages, understood, realized she was a fool, was upset and stopped reading.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №137185
about the noble savages, whom the shaman advised to rape a crocodile for the treatment of impotence.
The crocodiles are therefore standing up...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №137184

I have a man at work in the office. She has the same job as me.
38 years. There is an apartment, a car. Tooth to tooth. and mad. Of those who lead the movie, buying a ticket only for themselves and after tea the girl buys at her own expense. Low and wide.

He asked me to find him a girlfriend, broke my Instagram
Here are his demands:
27 years maximum, tall, slim, white, with long hair and high breasts
Working in a High Position with a Good SP
The presence of a car is necessary, preferably a new and good brand such as a BMW or Mercedes
Household and not transshipment
Agree to immediately go to the decree and have at least two children
In the intervals between the decrees, of course,
The main condition: in everything to obey the mother, that is, the mother-in-law

Who is Yellow? To have, to have?

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №137183
To tears dulled the song, brought from the speakers in Mega. The girl duo with pure angelic voices in the tertium sings the following:
Don't leave your bags (dale - bags... bags)
Do not leave your bags (tasks)
And other drivers...

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №137182
Abos, the most convenient and reliable means. The child is sorry. I have 3 acquaintances who were born in 41, 45 and 53. The hernia sample, I agree, but here we need gynecologists to shake for details. That the child needs to pay attention: play, sing, sing, walk, wear on handles, ride a horse, talk to the souls, and they don't want, and can't, everything irritates: rheumatism, arthritis, pressure, climax, after pregnancy, everything has flown, even in those places about the existence of which they did not suspect. They are constantly tired and the child has become a source of problems and debts.

Do you live in the cloud?
Many young people want to pay attention to the child: play, sing, sing, walk, wear on handles, ride a horse, talk to the soul? I don’t want, although I can. And in young people, a child is often a source of problems and debt, because they thought they would put the child in the bed and go for fun.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna