— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №155876
If you are engaged in entrepreneurial activity in Russia and thought to protest against the existing order, then in your criminal case they simply list everything you were doing as a businessman, occasionally inserting the phrase: "There is a criminal intent."

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №155875
I rush to work, I go to the subway: a girl stands at the turniket, looking like a schoolchild, and ticks a token anywhere, but not in the right hole, thus holding the people back. I say, “Honey, here we have to push the token.” She turns and turns out to be a dwarf with drunken hands.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №155874
I was 20 or 21. At the disco, I met a lady aged 25-28, was wealthy - traded on the fruit market. We dressed well and danced passionately. So passionate that the guard asked us to leave. We went out, smoked and went home to her.

She is driving in her car. I offered for a taxi, but she was relentless, a hundred times already. We were driving around the city about 100 km / h, I asked her to slow down, but she laughed like Stepanenko and pressed the gas.

In the area, we were accepted by the hookers. About forty minutes were prepared. They told me I was free.

Free at 2 o'clock at night in a strange area, where he has never been before.

He went into his pockets, found a little money — not enough for a taxi.

A drunk head thinks in a way. Instead of going home on foot (2-3 hours would take), I decided that I needed to buy a good cheap wine in the nightclub, drink it with the court alkas and go to one of them home.

Drinking took another 40 minutes, in the end had to give up a carefully treated 50-year-old friend.

We went home with him. There is no one at home and he has no keys. Alkash said that his wife is back with the lover and we went to her lover. From there she drove him out with a bowl. I thought it was only in cartoons.

Then we went to his mistress. She gently did not let us go, saying that her husband is at home and nothing will come out neither from him nor from me).

Then we went to the garage. There was shoha and wild cold in the garage.

Alkas decided that in order to warm up, a shoh has to be started. Going to the skyscrapers.

I persuaded him not to do this, because if I was taken by the goats for the second time in a night with another drunk driver, I would hardly be able to get away just by showing out on the street.

She took Shaw and sat down to warm her up. After 5 minutes it was no warmer, but the oxygen was out. I silenced the car. Alcatraz woke up and went back. I waited until he fell asleep, stifled the car, hung the key inside on the nail at the garage door.

I went to the side of the stop, it was 5-30 in the morning, trolley buses already started to travel.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155873
In fact, the enemies of freedom do not love the freedom of others, but they cherish their own.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №155872
A few years ago we were on holiday on the Hawaiian islands. A conference was held at the hotel. At breakfast, a man and a woman from this conference sat at our table. We talked with them. She appeared to be a representative of some foundation from Vancouver, and he owns a business from Switzerland.
I asked, “What is the difference between an entrepreneur and a big company manager?”
The lady began to explain: “Well, there is virtually no difference. That businessman, that the president of the company solve organizational, financial issues. Often the owner is the president.
The man listened and added, "The difference is little, only about three percent of the time..."
“Explain me please.“I asked
“For twenty-nine days a month, the owner and the manager really do the same thing. But one day, every worker, from the cleaner to the president, thinks about how to spend the money received today. And the owner of the company thinks about where to get the money to pay employees.”

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №155871
The number of news about rainfall exceeded the monthly rate by 2.5 times.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №155870
My grandmother in the pharmacy talks to the provider:

Give me a pill!

Which to you?

Anyway, it is all over for me.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155869
I’m not really a designer, but the essence crosses.

A potential customer appeared.

You know. We need to order a corporate style for the VK group and a permanent design of posts. Can you do?

I think yes. What do you need?

Transmits the source in PSD format (who is not aware, the file format for Photoshop).

A pretty source. You only need to change the names in the source.

I do not understand. Is it ready now?

In fact yes.

So what do you want from me?

You understand. We are strongly against the illegal use of computers. It was discussed that it was possible to bypass some paths, but unfortunately no solution was found.

I do not understand anyway.

This is what I propose. What I sent, my originals. I will send them to you constantly. And you just change the names of posts in the design.

Sorry, I can’t catch up.

You change the text, and I present it as your job.

It sounds original.

The employer has allocated a budget for this. That’s because you don’t have to invent everything from scratch. I will pay you two hundred rubles for one post, the rest I get.

You are crazyly honest.

I have been recommended to you as an honest person who helps in such situations. So I am honest with you.

In terms of budget. I know, do you take the rest?

and yes.

— — —

Later it turned out that it was a designer of the firm, who was hired to work, but the necessary programs were absent. Therefore, he was offered to look for a freelancer and gave a budget for this matter.

But as a practical man, he could not give all the money to a freelancer. He just did the fucking percentage of the work on his home PC, the rest was entrusted to me. I already sent to his corporate mail, that successfully did everything after the agreed deadline (as explained, so that no one undermined and everything looked transparent).

That’s how this circus continued for a year and a half until the designer was hit by a car. and sorry.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №155868
Money gives freedom, freedom does not give money.

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155867
In the summer of 1996, I came to Peru to recover lost rights.
I sit in the hallway and wait for my turn. The man I followed seemed familiar.
Exactly! This is Andrei Mykov. It looked a little different from the movie, older than the movie.
I didn’t bother him with stupid conversations, I sat down, read newspapers...
The line is almost not moving... The end of the working day is approaching...
Andrei sits quietly, does not attempt to climb without a line, does not scandal, as would modern so-called "stars". So we sat for almost an hour, while a haishnik, a sort of officer, passed through the corridor.
Did not notice Megakov, asked him "on what issue", and did not invite him without a turn to his office.
A small touch on the actor’s personality. It’s a pity that he left us recently.
One of those great actors, of whom after their death words of condolences speak completely sincere...

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №155866
Millions of teenagers want to save our planet from pollution.
Millions of their parents want them to start it from their room.

[ + 28 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №155865
He studied in the school in the 00-th unfortunate quarter of the industrial monastery.

Engaged in sports morbidity at the level of the first twenty of a small city, in general, not impressive for athletes, but a little exciting for the unconscious.

This is the 11th grade. A mixed company from across the parallel, a man was sitting at 20 with a classmate. A little taken on the chest and a loosened crowd of 2-3 people with a long chain went to a new place. There was a girl in the parallel class, well, very pleasant - just God's sweetheart, with no one, not my circle of communication from the word "totally". And to the incomprehensible “happiness” she went with me...

Quarter is just an atas - constantly, then someone will be kicked, then some wild. And here, it is dark on the street, we do not see those going ahead and those following us, but we see some very pumped bald guy in a leather jacket.

And this goat is like something like, “Hey p@@@r or here, you will get p@@@s.” My soul goes to the heels - I did not expect anything like that from her. And this guy breaks down and runs to us... I am afraid to hit him in the area of the ear – I was able to cut off immediately. I catch her by the hand and run through the streets from there, and here, we stop in some quiet courtyard at the bench under the lighthouse and she is like, "I like the determined guys" and knocks on my thick palm. I have the adrenaline in my ears. I took a full chest of air and just under the street lamp I sent her tightly, turned on the spot and went home to sleep.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №155864
It happened when I was a student at the laboratory defense in physics. All the calculations were done at home, and the defense answered a bunch of questions on theory. We did lab in teams of 2 people, and defended together, both.

This lab was done independently of each other, but the experimental data were the same (i.e. The solution is one for two). And here is the moment of defence, it is tight, the topic is complicated, the teacher just won't let the defence go, but by joint efforts we manage to answer enough for the count. Here we are already in the journal noting this defence, they write up and here my comrade issues: "You know, we only got answers in the lab completely different...".

I don’t even know how to describe the mix of emotions I’ve experienced! Prepod slowly raised his head on us, looked closely and said, withstanding a good pause: "Well, I have already scheduled."

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №155863
You are a proctologist, you see better!

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №155862
Do you know that...

The movie “Clue” (1985) had three different endings. The film with different finals was randomly distributed between the cinemas. And then the spectators chanted about him: I saw with my own eyes how it all ended! Have you all gone crazy?

The result? Many went to see it for the second time. The most important thing in life is to prove your right.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №155861
The Sberbank building is burning.
Call to Fire Guard:
Come here urgently!! Fire at the Sberbank building!! to
One minute, I’ll turn you to a specialist.
play good music, then hear joyful phrases
If you want to know about our new services, press “1”.
If you want to enter into a contract for the installation of fire equipment - press "2".
The attention! Firefighters present a completely new way to extinguish fires! Do you want to know more? Press the “3”.
Have you heard your option? Stay on the line. Prepare the cadastral number of your object, as well as the passport details of its owner.
Your call is very important to us – stay on the line.
Do you want to try to extinguish the fire yourself? Use the Advanced Fire Service! To find out how to connect, press "5"
Firefighter Sergey, how can I help you?
We have fire! Three houses are burning.
Tell me, how can I address you?
Are you an idiot? Our building is burning! Don’t talk to me, go out immediately!
Give the building’s cadastral number and the owner’s FIO.
I don’t know the number, I’ve given you the address. Is this not enough to go out to extinguish the fire?! to
Stay on the line, I will transfer you to a support specialist.
Playing good music
If you want to order the installation of the fire alarm - say: "Montage of the alarm"
If you want to connect to the 24-hour fire calculation service, say: "Connect"
You did not choose the right option.
Your call will be transferred to the operator.
My name is Alexander, how can I help?! to
Our building is burning! Do something!
Can you tell me how I can contact you?
and b...!! with...! ......! The fire!! to
Our experts will address your problem. What number can we contact you?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №155860
The world champion in flirting glues the wallpaper with a glance.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №155859
A real biker knows all the insects to taste.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №155858
Called some kind of insurance brokers, possibly scammers, to pair insurance on the car. He was called by his name, although he had never contacted them.

My friend, as an occupied and knowledgeable man, was angry and asked:

Where do you get my personal data?

I received an immediate response:

- You left them on a dating site, for gay.

A friend could not parry such a fall, and the insurers hanged the telephone.

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №155857
The daughter asks:

Who are the technicians and technicians?

I explained.

I will be a technician!

But to do this, you have to count well, know mathematics and physics well.

I will be a humanitarian!

But to do this, you need to write well and beautifully and read a lot.

Then I will be a military.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna