— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №153871
Previously, Putin was the guarantor of the Constitution, now the Constitution guarantees Putin.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №153870
10 years ago we had a service Hyundai accent at work, I periodically carried a deputy director, a woman of the age of Soviet hardening. To use the car for personal purposes was not welcomed, but if in the morning it was on the parking lot near the office and refuelled as appropriate, then no one watched what I used. I did not have my car, I lived with my brother, there was no money for the hotel, and there was also a candy-flower period with a girlfriend. And here one January cold evening, we and a girl had a great time studying the poses of Kamassutra in this car, tightly, uncomfortable and constantly something interferes... He took her home, brought the car in order on the subject of the burning type of towels, women’s hair and other leftover objects, got up and went to the office. On a cold morning, the deputy director asks me to take her to business, we sit in the car, and on the blinded front front opposite the passenger seat such excellent footprints of women. The deputy director pretended not to notice, but a journal appeared on the guard, which marked the time of the return of the service car.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №153869
in truth to say in most so-called RPGs behind all options is about this:

I will gladly do it.

I will do it.

I’ll first find out what I’ll do about it.

I don’t want to do it, but I will do it.

I will do for a reward.

I will not do it (but I will have to do it anyway).

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153868
I went with my wife to a tunnel car. On Sunday evening, the head is already boiling poorly. My wife is driving, I am in the passenger seat.

We walk through brushes, at the exit we are waiting for a man who wipes all the cars from the drops with a cloth (slip, old microfiber). He walked through the windows from the driver’s side, very carefully and diligently.

The wife decided to thank him with a small note, but did not have time to do so - he has already finished with her side and slowly goes to the passenger side (to wipe the car).

My wife handed me a bill for an employee and opened my window with a button on her dashboard (important, for example). I am not moving at this moment and I look straight.

Suitable for laundry. It dies for a second. And with confident movement begins to rub the glass. Which is not! ) Lightning fails with a hand with a ugly cloth inside the salon and tastingly wipes my face with it :D

I’m not sure who snorted at that moment more – his fear was not weaker than my stress from a face-to-face!

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153867
Taxing labor rather than income; protecting criminals and punishing the innocent; robbing the weak and lulling the power – are you really defending the interests of the country?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153865
Turkey is scary.
It is expected a complete defeat on Russian television.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №153864
I went to the garden with my 5.5 year old daughter. The morning is scheduled minute. She laid away her things and went out with her dog. I come, and this “infection” called my grandmother and said she can’t figure out which side of the golf to wear. My grandmother tried to explain about the necklace and so on. The child says, “Let me shoot you a golf game and send it.” Edrit Madrid, how to snap and send in a smartphone...we know this, and how to wear golf is not wise)))

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №153863
My wife recently came home outraged. He tells us about our common acquaintances:

- You can imagine, Cole, the goat, has driven Nastia out of the house with things!

How did it happen?

They fought heavily, she picked up her things and left, knocking the door!

Did she leave herself?

No is! It was he, the goat, who drove her out!

Did you say she just picked up her stuff and left? ! to

Yes, but he didn’t stop her.

I did not argue.

[ + 41 - ] Comment quote №153862
Mom one time went to the clinic for injections, got to two different nurses - one did not hurt at all, the other - very painfully. Once my mother waited for her turn to the nurse, the grandmother came out of the office and cried out, "Today a bad nurse, I don't feel like the injection was done! Yesterday it was good - it went so hard, the back pained afterwards."

[ + 19 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153861
Do not spoil your country, you still live and live in it.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №153860
A familiar girl, working at the sub-Moscow scientific institute for a salary of 13,500 rubles a month, said that Putin issued a decree on raising the average salaries of scientists, so now she was assigned a salary of 135,000 rubles and transferred to 0.1 (one tenth) rates.

Glory to Science!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №153859
of 2022. Deputy of the State Duma people's artist of Russia Cavalier of the Order for Merit to the Fatherland Sergey Shnurov called for tougher punishment for obscene bullying in public places.

[ + 46 - ] Comment quote №153858
I get into the bus and I hear a typical ad: “Give up seats to people with disabilities, bla-bla.” An avid old man, pushing behind me, says, “You can think, people with unlimited possibilities on buses.”

And it is true.

[ + 44 - ] Comment quote №153857
xxx: Now the practice is widespread 1-2 days a week to work from home even in pretty cool companies. is cool

YYY: On Saturday and Sunday? I did that as a child!

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153856
A dream quickly fulfilled, somehow very much resembling a dungeon.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №153855
I have lived on the Canary Islands for many years. In search of oil for my car, on a holiday day (car stores are closed) I rode 13 gas stations, but there was no 5w40 anywhere.
Last hope, I go to the gas station next to the Mercadona (a large, well-known supermarket in Spain).
There’s a group of men at the oil shelf, I bow down and see the 5w40!
I catch joy.
The men, judging me from head to foot, are sure I don’t understand them:
“Madame confused Mercadona and the gas station. Olive oil is not sold here.
“You look at the length of her nails, she’s confused with a beauty salon, she probably needs a liquid to remove the lacquer. ha ha ha ha
“No, look at the height of her heels, I’m sure that when she’s driving, she’ll wear home shoes. ha ha ha ha
The English woman?
No, the French woman.
I’m silent, pretending I don’t understand what they’re talking about. Very good mood, I finally found the oil I needed. The lamp needs to be poured out as soon as possible. I buy silently. I go out, drive the car into the shadow, open the hood and order coffee. Wait for the engine to cool. The men sit next to him and wait for the continuation. They got the phones to shoot a video of how the FIFA will look for where to pour oil...
It took 30 minutes, I opened the oil, made a spoon from a glass, poured. Closing the cap. I sit down and drive the car. Oil is OK! I breathe.
- Russian - the choir led me men.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №153854
A man approaches the newspaper kiosk:
Is the Constitution today?

[ + 34 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №153853
Today I read the post that people become hostages of their laziness, and then are surprised by the high fees of lawyers.

I will tell you how I made the easiest money in 2019.

My friend in Moscow gave my contact to his friend, who could not get about 400 t.p. from some office. Supposedly a year worked, the bills were paid during, and then there is no payment for two months, no one responds to the phone, the site is unavailable, emails are not returned. The director of the office is Russian with the British PMJ.

The office (creditor) is engaged in logistics (fly tickets, transfers, hotels, etc.) Their chief logist calls me and asks for help. Well, I say okay, since in Russia, the hourly rates of lawyers are still not used to, let's say, the claim order £800, and it makes no sense to go to the court, because the skin of the section is not worth it, you will pay more for the lawyer.

(From £800 - £250 takes the firm).

We shrugged hands, signed the NDA and a brief. We start working.

I go to the site of the office, it does not really work, I enter the INN in the yandex, on the first link I see another office with this same founder (he is the director), I open the site, I call the specified phone with the British code.

The phone is taken by a young man.

-Hello, I call you regarding the company of LLC "Romashka", there Ivan Ivanovich money remains owed to LLC "Logistics". With whom to discuss.

Hello, you can go with me.

We sent you the bills to the mail, but they have not yet been paid.

- We have the hosting delayed, and we cannot find the login passwords. You can send an account and documents to

I can.

After 20 minutes, the answer comes "Documents have been given to the accountant, we will pay in the evening."

The next day I come to work, the guy, as he promised, dropped the payment, I send to the customer.

Call right away. Yes, yes, we are three months, and we are here with the whole office, and we have had such disruptions here. Well I say okay, you have the details, throw the payment.

A day, two, three, a week passes, I ask the girl’s accountant if the office of LLC “Logistics” paid £800. I didn’t pay, I call.

It begins to run out of the tube.

“Well, you know, the boss said that paying $1,000 a day of work (in fact, minutes for 30 in total) is a lot. Ready to pay a maximum of $100.

- Guys, tell the boss that I have a signed brief and a certificate of quality execution of your instructions. If there is no money, tomorrow we will file a lawsuit in court, transfer it to the Foreign Ministry and your boss may forget about the British visa.

Of course it was a bluff, but it worked. Money is listed. But to my friend this comrade said that I was a foolish, cunning Jew who made money from their firm. They get the money I earned in a day.

What people have for BL&D logic. You pay for the result. You got the money back in 1 day (I didn’t say that it was enough to spend a couple of minutes in Yandex, one phone call and 4 short emails). Rejoice, no one has spent two months searching for a counterparty, negotiating, writing letters to all instances and writing claims.

You got your money back the next day and you are unhappy that someone dared to earn on it, although you have to blame your laziness and your own stupidity.

[ + 42 - ] Comment quote №153852
I have a hard memory of past work. A few months before my dismissal my mother died. At the funeral, our director handed me a envelope:

It is from the collective...

Okay, thank you to everyone who helped. Then, they invite me to another company, write a dismissal application. The news - no premiums, naked tariffs. That’s half the usual salary. I go to the director:

I’ve done a good job last month, or is there something wrong?

- You have been helped by the collective, and you are leaving this way... Therefore, the tariff.

What I defiled is still poorly said, words cannot convey.

When I almost finished bypassing the departments with a run, I was caught by one of the department’s managers:

Give it, take it here! He gives me a envelope.

What is it?

Money, help and funeral.

You are what! You have already helped! No need!

You don’t need to have this dog just paid you the tariff, without any extra words. It was as if the funeral aid had been taken back. No good, take it, all of us have fallen. It will not disappear from us. Good luck to you!

I am still in contact with many people from that work. Good people, I think, should be any collective.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №153851
People with strict morality perceive the world as a tragedy, and immorals as a comedy.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna