— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 11 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121172
In the evening we sit and watch the telephone, the wife begins to sneeze.
It is a foolish habit from childhood to squeeze a finger in the mouth of a whisperer.
She is Fu. Do you sweat the cat’s finger first after me?? to
(The cat also loves to pose, you can stick over it too))))
I was not confused and cried in response.
The cat says the same thing about you.)

[ + 32 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121171
Wherever you go, Russia’s enemies are everywhere.
Maybe I don’t care less?

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121170
Why do you wash dark clothes with light clothes?? to
Husband: And I threw two powder tablets into the drum of the machine, one for the dark linen and one for the white.

[ + 39 - ] Comment quote №121169
I sit behind the computer... suddenly the phone rings. I raise the phone, I say, “Alle,” a woman’s voice says, “I’d like to talk to you on one topic.” I think the preachers are calling... And my mood is good, fun, innocent... Well, I think we’ll talk to you now... And my interlocutor in the meantime continues: “Do you know that there will soon be one government on the whole Earth?” I answered, “Yes, I know.” She begins to say the following learned phrase, but then it comes to her that something is wrong and she, interrupted by half a word, no longer so confidently asks, "Do you know?". I say, “Of course I know...” At the other end of the wire there is a slight stupor, confusion... Then they decide to ask me, “How do you know?” Well then the answer came by itself and I said, “Well, I can’t tell you that, I don’t know you!!!” My interlocutor, completely confused, confirmed, “Yes, you don’t know me...” and added thoughtfully, “I don’t know you either...” After which she apparently needed an urgent restart, she quickly said, "Well you know about the government - well. Goodbye” and hanged the bell... And I realized that I had finally come up with and tried a polite and intelligent way of fighting preachers. Take your arms!! May the strength be with you!! to

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121168
About the "incomprehensible" surroundings:

I have problems with my back. The doctor prohibited raising more than 5 kg. And at work sometimes you have to lift something, put it in the trunk, etc. In the little things.

When you explain to strangers about the back, it begins: What are you treating? and who? and there I know the clinic... but here I have a brother...

Once I brought the client a small such a box, 20 kilograms (I was loaded by my workers). Two small warehouses. Please accept (go out of the luggage box), call the cargoes. "Is it heavy or are you so weak?"
And here I stumbled. I can’t, I say, I’m injured in the stomach! The smiles flipped, the carriers were found.

I have been saying so to everyone since then.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №121167
xxx: distributed advertisements into another 20 groups. Look at the subscribers.
There were 279 subscribers 278
Go to Advertising

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №121166
From chat WoW:
I also have an alt with Nick Alkashonok.
Medprof: If we talk about the nics associated with alcohol, then I have a Persian with the nick Porapobaram!)
What do you know about nick...

[ + 36 - ] Comment quote №121165
What is better, a dark past or a bright future?
A strong present

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121164
Max approaches the printer and says, “These printers are all the same, they only need paper.”

Toner and spare parts. But Max can only give paper.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121163
You: I look at a child with a color. And I remember how it was angry in my childhood that there was no flomaster of the body color. Didn’t any of the producers really get there before?!)
I would cut...

There is a joke: a black man bought a car, came home, his wife asks what color. The answer is simple: "Body, dear!"

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №121162
Pope Francis has called for resistance to terrorists.
Finally the good old crucifixion!

[ + 21 - ] [3 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121161
I am a girl.
I don’t want to wait for 10 seconds of advertising.
I want to see a supermarket visitor assault a guard with a tail.

[ + 31 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121160
I went home with the girl. Next to the store is a little cat sitting and cuddling. We felt sorry for him, went to the same store, bought a bag of food. Just going to feed him, as the woman behind the shelf (a mini-market at the exit) says, say no need, he is already sick of food. It turned out that, according to her observations, he is fed every 5-15 minutes, and this little snake eats without tiredness, and then gets sick.

[ + 35 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121159
A friend told me a story today.

A girl from Moscow came to the neighboring house. A friend came to her and met her. They stand, they talk. The conversation is about her parents. She was an orphan, her mother and father died. A friend says, sorry she immediately became, does not even know what to talk about next. He asked something:

Do you have brothers or sisters?

She looks at him somewhat dissatisfied. A friend asks:

What is?

She answers:

There were three brothers and they all died.

My friend is completely frozen. What to do next is unclear. He thinks it needs to be entertained somehow. He says:

Do you have a guy?

She answers:

It was.

My friend rejoiced:

Why did they break up?

She is:

is dead.


Okay then I went.

[ + 39 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121158
Going past the Letuval store today, I saw a huge inscription "50% OFF ALL" Well, I think I will drink the toilet water that I like and that I wanted... The price of toilet water ~2850rub. 1450r is a good offer. I come in, and here is the value of my dreams! Overturned old price 5490 and new advantageous price - 2700r!!! to

Great action, I thought and went on.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №121157
I went to the supermarket for a weekend dinner. At the entrance there is a broken grandmother with a chariot, crawling in her belts and cuddling, I pass by, hearing louder, some nonsense, the son of a drug addict, in the house, hungry for the third day, and all that. I bought it, went out on the street, the grandmother stood and cried without stopping, sadly pressing. It became interesting, went five meters away, sat on the fence and smoked. I see it going on. After a few minutes of waiting, the lady comes out and gives the grandmother bread, eggs and butter like butter. The grandmother cries and dissipates in thanksgiving, cleans the car in the cart and continues to cry and cry. A couple of minutes later, the pair comes out and gives the grandmother some cans, more bread, milk, cheese and a stick of sausage. Grandma thanked, cried and worshiped. He puts everything in his bag and continues to stand. I go out with a baby, give a small package with a German, give it to your grandmother. In the package round bread, such as a coke box of the type of crops in bags and a few more, small brown yet, apparently a heavy package. The lady offers to take her grandmother home, but in rejection, she seems to be nearby. The chubby with the dieth falls, the grandmother continues to stone and read.

I go to the store, tell the guards that the grandmother at the entrance is robbing the buyers, crying terribly and in general with me only broke the slices for half a piece. And the guard says they can't drive her out, a couple of hours ago they tried, the uncles came unwashed and promised to ruin the store if they were expelled again.

Such things. Help the grandmothers.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121156
Sometimes, under the makeup of a clown hides the ordinary normal person, but more often, of course, the opposite.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121155
The news:
In the Altai region, a resident of Barnaul, who stole the car VAZ-2106, was detained to come to the interrogation in the case of the theft of another car. Trolling for 5! A year of 5...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121154
In order to throw big, you have to be very honest with a person in the little things for a very long time.

[ + 60 - ] Comment quote №121153
Israelis are developing an airport security device that addresses the problems of personal rights violations associated with scanning the entire body at airports.
It will be a stand you have to enter and that will not expose you to X-rays, but will blow up any explosive device if you have it on you. It will be unbeaten for everyone, no one should argue about racial discrimination. This will also eliminate the cost of a long and expensive legal process. Justice will be quick. The case closed! The instantaneous device using brushes and chemicals will clean the cabin, like public toilets.
You are at the airport and you hear a suppressed explosion. Shortly thereafter an announcement by the loud-speaking system... “Attention waiting passengers – Now we have a free seat for flight number 12345...”

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna