— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121132
This is:
A group of British scientists studied the sexual reaction of women to smells from men, and came to the conclusion: women arouse the smell... garlic! That is, gathered men who love to eat garlic, took the baby and made themselves smell. Poor grandmothers, smelling to hallucinations, shouted: "Like us, like us, just let us go" - and the scientists were delighted and made this conclusion.

In fact, two groups of men (who ate and who did not eat garlic) were given the smell of matter, and since garlic kills the bacteria that give the unpleasant smell of sweat, then of course women chose the group that ate garlic, because the smell is better.
Read it to the end, smart!

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121131
xxx: yesterday read about a man who in his own way avenged Turkey - he scornfully threw out

The clothes that I took from a Turkish hotel.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121130
Neradence: You know, my husband even during our marriage considered me very strange, but after a call in the middle of the night with the words, you are a Norwegian and should know what the name of this your carnivorous salmon, who is like a wizard, he will consider me just fucking. by ROFL:

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №121129
War: Turkish travelers "all included" changed to Crimean "all turned off".

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №121128
The only reason drivers turn on remote lights in the city is that they want to see the brick flying into the front glass better.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121127
Now, when the client asks, “Do you have cute monkeys?” and I want to clarify, “Are you about the range of calendars for the next year, or about the collective as a whole?”

[ + 32 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121126
The state should twist the hooks if necessary, said in an interview with NTV TV channel the head of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of Russia Vladimir Kolokoltsev. In his opinion, for the common good, the authorities can pass on the rights and duties of citizens."

For the past 15 years, what has the state done? Where is this famous common good? Where is security, where is wealth, where are you, fools, fools?

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121125
Better to invite the girl to the bath or to the cocktail, or to some interesting place.
WOW: It is not so easy. I need to find out first...
XH: The breasts are usually in the front upper quarter of the body. If not, it is better to run away.

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №121124
Commentary on one of the militant leaders in Syria:

Not killed but destroyed.
We are not murderers...
The most accurate description.
Let’s use ‘moderate’ words for ‘moderate’ terrorists: it was neutralized.
Yes, it’s % and it’s all there. What are you clever here?

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121123
Further on the subject of copyrights:

Not the average, where as above the average author (a specific example - Popova Nadezhda Alexandrovna aka kongregatia receives about 7 (by writing - SEVI) rubles from a [printed] copy.
Just hoping in her swallow she (the author, who himself puts out [on Flibusta] his new books and watches for it to be not foolish) inadvertently (without herself suspecting) hinted that (...) the native-language authors are greedy dumb copywriters: for a week from the moment of the book's release from readers directly she received MORE than a full fee for the book. While she does not sell her books, it is grateful readers themselves pay for the pleasure delivered by her books.

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №121122
This is:
We have a aunt at work, who at one time drove her current husband out of the family, and she was not free at that time. They destroyed two families."

I always liked to think of men as some kind of animal that anyone can take away. Maybe it was he who brought her to her husband.
Well, if you have such a strange arithmetic, you have destroyed 2 families, but you have created one, so only -1, not -2.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121121
I had a customer once from Britain with a porn site
XXX: I made him video chat
xxx: by webrtc
xxx: when someone wrote to me "Gerhard" in the mail, I immediately thought what porn would offer to do

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №121120
from the discussion of the purchase of air helmet ZŠ-5A for a motorcycle
Average price in the area of 25tr. Do you need him?
Why is that 20-30? The shell and took. I bought such a motorcycle in Germany for 1300r. with EU safety certificates. I have a 200g :)
xxx: Kevlar helmet with titanium reinforcing inserts, taken from ballistic polycarbonate. You will be wrapped, the helmet will be washed and given to the next.
Best description of the helmet I’ve seen :)

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №121119
Turkey’s products were suddenly unsuitable and contaminated.

And if it wasn’t for the F-16, we’d know about it.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121118
The grammar:

Translated by Google.
Fuck the two, I’ll give it up.
Fuck two, I'll let him!
Tagged with "two"
I saw what happened.
Oh, I will give him!

That’s exactly what you said with your pointing!

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121117
Robinson Crusoe conducted a survey among the population of an uninhabited island.

A hundred percent of the population supported the slogan: “Without Robinson there would be no island!”

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121116
I changed phone number. Sending a new contact to a selected group.
Suddenly there were messages: "Have you divorced?", "And the children with whom?", "To help with money?", "Lord, what horror, what happened?!And a car of condolences.

I was surprised to see what caused the agitation.

Well, of course, I told the world that "My new died +7(985)ххх-хххх"

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №121115
The organization is recognized as a tourist, its activities are prohibited in Russia

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121114
From ZJ begemotik_bondi:

On the way back, I entered the city by the town cemetery. The road goes through a snowy forest. The shadow is invisible, the lighthouse lights forward, and nothing can be seen on the side. The road to the mountain, frozen, and I already stumbled on the pedals crazy lazy. And suddenly, from the right corner, from the cemetery, from the darkness, an enthusiastic voice of a five-year-old girl is heard: "Look, this is a bicycle!
After 60 km, quickly go on the ice to the mountain. What could be easier?

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №121113
My aunt was in an accident, brought to the hospital, examined and said:

You seem to have a knee fracture, go down to the neighboring building on the 7th floor and take a X-ray.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna