— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120132
HH: And what do you have now? Have a job?
There is food)
Yes, but what are the plans?
Wait until the spring.)
I am optimistic ?

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120131
Grish's son (6 years old), runs with a neighbor's girl, plays. Ludmila to, Ludmila to...
She said to him, “I’m not Ludmila, I’m Radmila!”! to
He said, “I’m not talking "R"!”! to

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120130
Five tips for parenting perfectionism:

Rejoice for the heroine, who was lucky to torment quickly - a blessing that the classy leader turned out to be a wise woman and quickly stopped excessive enthusiasm. I had a similar situation - my dad decided to use the works of the classic to produce a beautiful handwriting, so to speak, injected beautiful... A few depressing months at the age of 8 I after school had to rewrite every day 5 pages from the works of Saltykov-Shchedrin. It all ended with my first grand hysteria, breaking my notebook and a terrible hatred for the author’s work. Everything inside is overwhelmed by the sight of his books.

My mom was different – she liked to threaten that she would throw out all the toys if I didn’t put them in place immediately after the game was over. You build a toy kingdom in the middle of the evening and you want to play with it tomorrow... And it all ends with a play with folding toys in garbage bags. After 3-4 such actions, I developed immunity, so in the next educational attack I directly stated: "Turn out". My mom was psychotic and threw everything out into the window))) After half an hour, she went to collect the surviving remains herself (probably estimating their cost). No more such pedagogical reception has been repeated.

[ + 26 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №120129
From comments about "In Russia created an analogue of the pioneering movement":
Fiva: It remains to write a book "Celina" and force it to be studied in school.
Peregar: In order to write a book of Celine, it had to be raised first... Now only the TRC is raised, and the RPC is studied in school. This is your ideal!
Curious: will the children of officials be comfortable participating in the new movement from abroad?

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №120128
Cep)I: There is such a joke.
When I was asked in school who I work for and how I can help school, I replied,
I work as a prosecutor and can organize a free prosecutor's examination.
The school did not need anything.

[ + 30 - ] Comment quote №120127
Dialogue at work:
I learned that Scorpions will be on a farewell tour. You will go?
YYY: No, I was there four years ago.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №120126
If in the workplace for a long and concentrated look at some papers, not only others, but you can have the impression that you are working.

[ + 58 - ] Comment quote №120125
Planning in English

When you hear that England is a country of traditions, believe it! Traditions and planning are not the one with the motor off, but the one with the points and in advance.

So, 1913, England, London, Westminster Hall, the oldest building of parliament. Meeting of the major restoration committee. And very, you know, sad things are going on at the commission. The building began to be built in the 11th century, finished, apparently, in the 14th, sometimes then repaired, but a major restoration... Then to repair, to repair, and it is very necessary to change the straw, and they, infections, large and oak. There were few oak forests in England at the time, old ones were even smaller, and there are oak forests older than 300 years, because everything that is younger does not fit in size.

And someone in the commission says - and where did we get the tree last time? “Eye,” he said, “when was the last time?” Last time it was in the 14th century. The MDA. Anyway, where did they get it from? are checked. From Sussex, oak bushes under the straw were sent from the possessions of the Cortorp family. And says again someone in the commission – a great optimist man was: “Let’s get in touch with them? The property has not gone from the family since the 14th century. Okay shit, let’s get in touch?”

are connected. And the head of the Courtrop family, Sir George, said in a human voice, “Are you behind the oak pebbles for the Westminster Hall? Those trees are yours. You understand, when in the 14th century my prapraprapraprapra gave you balloons, he thought that in 500 years you might need new ones. and planted. I told him to send the message.”

And they cut down the oaks, and made bars, and repaired the Westminster Hall. I think Sir George then ordered another oak to be planted. In 500 years it will take...

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №120124
During fierce arguments on the Internet, never point the interlocutor to his grammar mistakes, because his class has not passed this topic yet.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №120123
Is the magnitude of intelligence on the planet really a constant magnitude, otherwise (how?!) could not do the simplest check for the correctness of the data entered from the keyboard? Even on Spectrum, this was resolved in a couple of lines of Basic, where 48kB of RAM and 7kB of video card! But here is the cursor (shooter like in Windows) I wrote for three months. From Zero. In the assembly. Remembering what was on the screen before it, and restoring the image after it was moved, as there were no layers in the memo. Going into the screen of the TV so that it does not flash and move smoothly. Sorry for logging into this book forum with your computers. Continue to.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №120122
-=Sonne=-: Apple revenue for 2015 was higher than the revenue of the Russian Federation budget.
Angelofnet: We live in the future. Megacorporations, gadgets, virtuality, on the approach - everywhere implants. Cyberpunk on March!

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №120121
How was Halloween celebrated?
Do you know Trostnikov?
Head of the neighboring department? I remember.
How do you dress in the summer?
In big black glasses and a foolish panama. and what?
Several people in the same hats and black glasses walked around our rooms shouting “I am Trostnikov!”

[ + 32 - ] Comment quote №120120
xxx: The subscriber Victoria M does not respond.
Xxx: Stop calling me on Skype, or I will change my name and surname.
YYY: And what about it? It won’t stop me.)
xxx: The subscriber Victoria M does not respond.
xxx: The subscriber does not respond to any goats.
xxx: The subscriber does not respond to any goats.

[ + -1 - ] Comment quote №120119
She is:
- I was worth sleeping with you, as you immediately removed me from my friends in the "Classmates." How to understand it?
He is:
I don’t sleep with my friends.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №120118
Q: Do you know Lenka from the sales department?
Is the blonde so cute?
XH: Yes
WOW: Well
So last year, she sold to Gazprom two of its own compressors for a dohuillion dollars.
WOW: I have heard
XHH: And this year she was paid a bonus for it and she bought a Mercedes from the last. We go out yesterday with her from work, the weather myself saw what, I am such without a back-thinking "blah, again to the subway ", and she "give me a ride". I didn’t know about the car, she told me everything. We sit in it, and it is like: Fuck, what is life? Not only that I didn’t get in the car, I didn’t even get in the car.)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №120117
XX: It was uncomfortable today. Everything in the backdrop, plus, by the way, came an urgent letter, signed by Dubin and initials.
Dubin or Dubin, that’s the question.
XX: I read in this book as Dubin, so on the phone and asked.
XXXX: Only a bitter breath, not a woman - a gentle pigeon, quietly said: "I am Dubina" - and all, further on.

UUU: First she was offended, then annoyed, then wounded.
WOW: I am tired already. Imagine if Dubina is not by husband, how much she experienced in school.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №120116
According to the results of the open championship of the city in winter fishing champion recognized a participant who drank three liters of vodka in a day.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №120115
You’re not in my taste, I like dangerous guys.
I have books in Ukrainian.
You are my little rebel, come to me.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120114

So I’m angry, they’ll come, they’ll get up in the yard and let’s scream: potatoes! The young potatoes. The carrot! The LUC! and 20 rubles. The potatoes! The car is in the yard! The Card! The young potatoes!
Shut up now!
And why?! (With a sincere confusion)

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №120113
I didn’t start my first family quarrel. I just asked why she entered a bumper in the border, indeed uncensored.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna