— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121052
Head of the admin department:
I have a problem with that user. Tell me what I should ask him, what he would tell me, what I would tell you, so that you do it for him and solve the problem.

[ + 38 - ] Comment quote №121051
How to stop collecting rubbish and start playing? After pumping the next floors and building a new base, there was a material shortage and I was forced to interrupt my long trips to the south. Now I was moving more and more quickly, finding the promising volume of garbage, the building, cleaning it, and carrying the barrel with bags. I took everything, broken fans, mint pads, broken toasts, ended up falling down before coming back to pick up the rust hives and plush mice. I came into the settlement, rolled it all out onto the square in front of the mourning settlers, and joyfully announced: “I am a prns!”

Yesterday I discovered that even the screws I have about three hundred pieces, that for more than a week I did not take a step in the direction of the plot, and in general, forgot the taste of adventure. I took a machine gun from the shelf, picked up a handful of medicines and went on quests. But he immediately returned without doing any, but loaded with some shit from the nearest wash. When I realized that I had a problem, I strictly forbade myself to put anything of no value in the covers, but I immediately faced another problem. I can’t get any aesthetic pleasure from the interiors. It is as if I have a kind of vats constantly on before my eyes that illuminates the bulbs, fans and the insulator. That is to say, when I come somewhere, I don’t think ‘Oh, it’s a log of mutants’ or ‘Oh, it’s a base of raiders’ I think ‘Oh, five fans, four canisters and two scotch rolls!’

[ + 43 - ] Comment quote №121050
The street. A young man, a little thoughtful, meets a girl. A girl with a minus 10 in a short jacket, without a hat and other necessary things, such as a pants (or a shirt slightly longer than the belt), shines with a hairstyle of the colour of a ragged orange.
How do you feel about the new color? and joyful.
He is melancholy:
Very good color. Your body on the snow in the forest will be well visible.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121049
Denis_g: There will be no offers. It will be like an anecdote about the sandbox ;)
Random1st: In hell there is a separate boiler for those who mention anecdotes but do not tell what they are about.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121048
Someone throws a link from a porn resource in the chat.
A: Their mother! Must be warned!
BBB: What did you expect to see on the domain? The pink pony?
BBB: I’d expect at least a rubbing pink pony.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №121047
Neither Aristotle nor Thomas Aquinas nor Karl Popper opposed Plato as consistently as our long-haulers do.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121046
The warming effect of alcohol is a dumb deception of heat receptors. The body, believing it is hot, begins to actively cool even more.

WOW: Do not mislead people, please, in the cold, the vessels that close to the surface of the body begin to narrow, all the heat goes to the internal organs, important for life. Alcohol also has a vasodilating effect, yes, you will be more comfortable when you drink and the limbs and face will become the body, but the internal body temperature will sink sharply.

Zzz: Hey, hot Finnish guys, stop fighting! You say the same thing with different words. I can tell others: whoever drinks vodka in a swallow will die happier in a dream.

[ + 33 - ] Comment quote №121045
christa_eselin: Under our beds there were banks of spaghetti and homemade wine all the way, so that all my monsters were full, drunk and didn’t touch anyone.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №121044
Summary of Testing

I’m ideal for the QA position because I’m physically much stronger than the average programmer. This is my advantage in any dispute :-)

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121043
New advertising slogan for the car:

by Lada Vesta. To whom the goat is a bride.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №121042
Plans for holidays:
1st Egypt is closed
2nd Crimea (written with the tag "dark shit")
Three Turkey is closed
Stay at home and don’t fuck up.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121041
I live in a suburb, I go to work on an electric car, which is even cooler than the Internet in terms of the concentration of distinguished specialists.

The main topic today is aviation. Everyone knows how to shoot down planes. Aunt of the Middle Ages (very flammable): “Yes, the F16 generally flies badly, it is salt on the tail and it will collapse!”

Probably, you should have asked what salt to take - simple or iodized.

[ + 17 - ] Comment quote №121040
The heating effect of alcohol is a dumb deception of heat receptors. The body, believing it is hot, begins to actively cool even more.* is

Do not mislead people, please, in the cold, the vessels that close to the surface of the body begin to narrow, all the heat goes to the internal organs, important for life. You may be a completely shaking creature, but the temperature within your body will be stable at 36.6 degrees, and your arms and legs at 15 degrees. Alcohol also has a vasodilating effect, yes, you will be more comfortable when you drink and the limbs and face will become the body, but the internal body temperature will sink sharply.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №121039
The only thing that saved our newly born relationships was that I had a fun of shooting myself in the mirror in full height and there was a date.

You will constantly prove that you are late from work for five minutes because the bus is late, not because you are running to your lover.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №121038
Russian patriots are wiping off the Turkish war.

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121037
by Alexei:
I was very uncomfortable now.
I cooked olives. I evaluate the ratio of potatoes, carrots and eggs boiling next to them and I breath out loudly:"I have some small eggs..."
From the next room:"What is it?"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №121036
Somehow, at first, unobsessively, I began to smell the smell of corpse rot. At first, the smell seemed to be tiny, in completely different situations. It smelled dead and everything was clean air. After the smell began to appear more often, especially in the car, at work and in bed. I started choking, asking my wife to smell my breath and the general body smell — she seemed to feel nothing. Then the most terrible thoughts came to mind - ghost smells are a symptom of a brain tumor! Gathering with the spirit on a journey to the doctor and already almost suffocating from the corpse, I stumbled into the bath (including in the last stupid hope of washing off the ghost odor). When I entered the bathroom, I began to remove the engagement ring and stamp... Under the stamp was a small piece of meat that got there when I interfered with the fresh... These half-grams of meat rotten there for a few days, turning my life into a little hell... Since then I have not worn the stamp, and I have removed the engagement for the night...

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №121035
Sitting in the bus. I approached the stop, and there I saw my group. I see a man approaching her with flags, he wants to sell. Only he did not speak, but with gestures showed everything, Well, and gave a paper with text. But the group was not before that. The bus has arrived. Well, she read, said, "I am a poor miserable, buy a flag" and went into the bus. I see, the man was confused. As it turns out, the paper with the text was not returned to him. He tried to catch her hand somehow, but didn't have time, and the bus was about to leave. He showed her something with gestures, with his hands, but unsuccessfully. In the end, he couldn’t stand and said loudly, “Girl, return the paper!” and burned)

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №121034
Let it hang up here :-) It’s funny :-)
I recently broke the pattern.
I recently woke up the alarm.
I couldn’t understand that for the whirlwind, the melody there is such that the dead will rise up.
And here yesterday I wake up and see a painting of oil.
He sits in front of the phone and as soon as he starts playing the alarm, he turns it off.
The Fucks
Well, I took and put off the alarm solution math examples.
Waiting to learn to count (rofl)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №121033
The Blackout in Crimea
XXX: Are you mad? :) I think there at least a week people will not be able to look at meat :) You can imagine what the challenge is: to eat all the foods in the refrigerator?! to
This is not a challenge, it is a challenge!
Meat Bucket Challenge

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna