— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119972
What is Advanced User?
WOW: This means moving, pro-

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №119971
YouTube project on radiation, displays dishes with uranium glazure.
If you put it in the microwave, will there be an atomic explosion?
For the atomic explosion, put five to six dozen eggs in the microwave. And that plate, of course.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119970
I think my mother has a somewhat distorted value system.
For a long time in secret prepared to make a proposal to the girl, bought a ring, finally it happened. I go home tonight.
I: I made an offer to Anna!
Mother: It is well. When do you clean the dust?

[ + 16 - ] Comment quote №119969
xxxh: my son asked me to help prepare a surprise for me too - the task was given in school, and then asked to surprise me in the morning =(
WOW: I was better. I finished high school and my mother (she has my director) was supposed to perform at the graduation. So she could not come up with a good speech for us yellow-roots. Then I told her a beautiful ancient Greek legend that fits perfectly into her speech.
She asked you to be surprised, right?
Do not refuse 😉

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №119968
xxx: yes... yet communicating with men expands horizons... not where we would like to go...
I already know how many wheel pairs the locomotive has, what anti-infanteric mines are, and how to paint warhammer figures correctly. Is that me?? to

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119967
Reviewed: "....there was such sex that my brownie never dreamed of"

I wondered, hasn’t you dreamed?Are you sure that she is in principle "brownishch", and not just with you? Girls are such busy creatures - they can be in a love relationship, but without a strong physical attraction... because love is placed above the flesh... and here it is already up to the man whether the sexuality of the partner will be revealed or, on the contrary, will be finally wrapped up!

Such stories often end quite suddenly, when it turns out that with someone else, your lady manifests herself in bed as an experienced prostitute. And the most fun thing is absolutely free! So to say, unselfish)))))))

You have a prostitute, take your conscience. It is unlikely that the spirit will be enough to confess to his girlfriend in betrayal, but at least go to the venereologist in a couple of weeks and check for a bouquet of sweet diseases. And until you check out, don’t lie down to your "blowjob" in bed. Take care of her health if you do not take care of love.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119966
I got a new job, a dialogue with a friend:
Q: How is the office? Are you accustomed?

I: I am slowly. Today I used the microwave and toilet.
I will soon use the refrigerator.

[ + 37 - ] Comment quote №119965
Survived: Modern actors of drug addicts and scammers play better than aristocrats and scientists.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №119964
I am currently watching the OTW (Primorye) Auto Patrol program. The jeep drove from a steep slope, crumbled, the car was fucking, eyewitnesses called an ambulance, the woman only scratches. Interview with her husband. No breakthroughs? But not yet. He smiles.

[ + 35 - ] Comment quote №119963
Putin’s rating reached 90 percent. If the matter continues, we will soon know by name all those who are opposed.

[ + 47 - ] Comment quote №119962
Vegetarianism is the norm! If you give a child an apple, he will eat it. If you give a child a rabbit, he will start playing with him.
WOW: If your child starts playing with a fried rabbit, I think that’s a good reason to check it out with a psychiatrist.

[ + 40 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119961
Are you outraged by the caricature of God and believe that God is insulted and needs your protection?
and yes.
Let’s clarify who it is. Under God we mean the entity that created our universe, but is outside of its space and time?
and yes.
There are 350 billion galaxies in the universe. Each galaxy contains 200 billion stars. One of the stars is our Sun. The age of the universe is 15 billion years. Humanity has existed for the last 40,000 years.

Do you still believe that an entity that is out of time and observes all 15 billion years of evolution on the 70,000 billion billion (two times) stars of the Universe simultaneously is all about cartoons on anthropomorphic ideas of itself by local goat shepherds from the habitable planet of one star?

[ + 18 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №119960
The city of Peter and the Ladoga metro station is dedicated: "The room is delivered 14 kV not far from the Ladiska metro station " O_o

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119959
Advanced headsets are provided. Go to the tracker to pump the classics in FLAC.
Well, I think I will now specifically raise my cultural level.
I found a good, big collection, I read the comments.
Comment No1- "The Royal London Orchestra - What a shit"
Comment No. 2 (from the author of the post) - "Finally, the first comment!"

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №119958
and revenge? Show that you are happy and successful. All is

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №119957
I approach a girl at work, I see a coke on her table, I speak harmful.
But it raises the mood.
Endorphin raises the mood.
So, give me an endorphin.
A second grave silence on the whole office and then the unwavering laughter of colleagues.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №119956
In the kindergarten told all children from plasticine to make autumn fruits and vegetables
P: all carrots and apples
P: and our
P: Large plastic letters
P: Dean
P: The girl he likes
Sh: (rofl) ahahahahah
P: This is the guy!
P: Who would take care of me?
P: and whole carrots and pumpkins around))
She is his fruit.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №119955
"name":"Other User","localizedName":"Other User"
I need to fix the transliteration script.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №119954
I was tired of finding a service car alarm button. From the first jump it failed. The question is "where is the service alarm button?".
First page of the found - forums with questions:
"Where this crawl button is—where you put it, there it stands"
How good that we, idiots, are many.

[ + 31 - ] Comment quote №119953
When I worked at MTs my aunt with a musician brought to take out a panasonic
He says, I can’t listen to this polyphony...there’s a sound lying.
64 votes - no one gets
I know how the lunar sonata sounds.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna