— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117332
The resident of Ukraine, who lives in Crimea, gave him a child. He came to her in violation of some rules of entry into the country. and married. And then Ukraine decided to deport him probably. The UN tried with their system, and it was allowed, because of the need to maintain and raise the child, to issue immigration. It was done. Crimea became Russian. And his entry into the Crimea is not entirely legal under our rules. And he began to trial with our FMS. The court granted him the right to be a Russian citizen. It looks like everything is OK!
But no, he came back to Anapa (I don’t know why? Is this the nearest court? Why not in Crimea? In general, now complained that he is not called or written, and does not explain the reason for the slowness.
The most funny thing is that when I read the document I was admired and astonished. I admired that the document was composed with a bunch of complicated phrases, words - it is cool for a foreigner to write in Russian. And what he wrote - I did not doubt, because there were so many simple grammar errors! %) Fractions and faces did not coincide at all %) And I wondered - why not give it was to make a document to a specialist, so that these mistakes were not, it was really hard to read :unknown:
And here on the last page we read: " translation from Ukrainian to Russian made by the translator Tammamburbalyeva Ajan"

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №117331
xxx:I entered your universe and I am very pleased with this, but fuck, a new collective, preds, etc. You are not insulting the first class? :)
YYY: When you go into the community, first ask what skin you are now, who is in the room, you say the article, how to call yourself. Fengyu is better taught in advance, it is desirable to take a couple of blocks of cigarettes and sweaters with you, yet dried fruits are good, only 8 kg. Give the money to Paganini immediately. If you bring it with you, your authority will increase immediately. All right, 6 years is not a time limit.

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117330
lived with grandma.
Three happy goats.
Their fools were crushed.
Lord Jesus

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №117329
We are talking about Windows 10.

xxx: You need to read the license agreement more carefully – it is written in white in English:

“The spy, starting after you as a spy, gives you the opportunity to give up spying. If you do not opt out within 12 seconds, this is automatically considered to confirm your consent to be the subject of espionage and your acceptance of the terms of the espionage service. According to the terms of the service, it is prohibited to spy on a spy in the process of spying on you, and the refusal of the service of spying can be made only with the mutual consent of all parties involved in the process - the spy, the object of spying and the party that has previously entered into an agreement with the spy to receive information collected in the process of spying.
and :)

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117328
Following the advertisement:
IKEA - we will bring your excellence to school!

DUREX - we will bring your duo to the institute!

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №117327
A beggar with a baby in his arms always sleeps.
He sleeps because he is pumped with vodka to avoid disturbance.
The money collected by beggars goes far up.
Children are usually strangers, stolen from families of alcoholics.

By giving money to beggars, you support this system.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117326
I liked the story of the pop, especially:
"I did not ask for a gift or..."

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117325
XXX: Something is fatal to your department. Didn’t you all be born on Monday?
YYY: And our office opened, by the way, on Monday. The first number. in the high year. To be sure.

[ + 25 - ] [2 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117324
The fire on the Moscow River:
According to the Ministry of Emergency Affairs, the blame for the fire on the Moscow river is not the oil companies.
The river burned from careless handling of the fire, from the shale. The river, Karl!!! to

[ + 19 - ] Comment quote №117323
fotl: I'm playing eve online and we have one such Asian in the timspike, a good guy, but it's something surreal in the middle of the cold space to hear something like: "Eyey, listen, and I'm in the warp to jump into this... like him?... Wormhol Mormhol?"

[ + 20 - ] Comment quote №117322
I have neighbors from above natural fans of Game of Thrones :(
In the meaning?
If you believe the sounds from above, they first fuck each other and then kill each other.
or in reverse order.

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117321
I saw a sad picture.
A small irrigation machine whose glass is broken
HH: and she is so slowly
What a fool you need to be to ruin these machines!
That you are so right away, by chance.
Maybe someone wanted to commit suicide, did not calculate and fell on the machine.
Zzz: Dialogue of Optimists

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117320
In the series Humans, one elderly hero was tried by the state to take his old, moonless robot and replace it with a new one. But the old man stood as he could.
I also have my Opera 12.10.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117319
here the finisher complains that she has a toilet in the new apartment installed not on the axis of the room and this is due to the clutch of tiles is visible)
I say a mouth, and you pierce the second spoon on the tiles.
I am scratching, ahah. Are you a lawyer to help?
I: And that is not - I am always lucky to drive with a nail in a new tile under the marble.
She is AHA. And how we family would explain what we were doing on the floor in the bathroom together.
I will honestly answer: I painted the second strip!
) ) )
The tears were wiped, rubbed.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №117318
We had a joke with the puppy. I played strikeball before. We played a game in the forest with a long route. Approaching the point, they heard someone breaking out of the bushes. The entire crowd, a man of 15, was sharply scattered and prepared for shooting. And then out of the bushes a man with an onion rolls out and sees that the crowd in camouflage holds him on the mush... No scene, curtain)))

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117317
Functional Miracles
A: The update needs to be done.
BBB: What is the update?
The 16th year appears in the menu.
BBB: Did they not know he was going to be?
They, when they wrote this shit in the 14th, did not believe that they would live until the 15th.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117316
Women are good that they are so variable... If a woman were constant, the derivative from her would be zero... Why do we have such... Who can’t produce anything...

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117315
I know a principally faithful husband who always shouted that marriage is sacred, that he will never betray his wife, etc. But here came a new employee, married, by the way, but exceptionally attractive, candy simply, and all...blinded, twisted and put in bed? Or did he run himself?
Where are your principles?
“I don’t know, I couldn’t withstand it...but it wasn’t a betrayal, I love my wife!
But his wife did not appreciate the strength of his love and filed for divorce.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №117314
The international airport. I am in line for registration, people-dark. In front of me stands a huge black man, very tattooed, on his head a clever interwoven of chopsticks, hanged in some kind of clothed bags. Something is quiet. I look at him with interest, but the feeling is pursuing...Inexplicable. I listen, and he whispers the song. from where? How is? What do you know about cognitive dissonance?

[ + 22 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117313
Today in Moscow at the Bakuleva Heart Center, when I was paying for the heart’s uzi, I noticed that the room in which the cashier was sitting was very special – the entire desk, six wall shelves and two in the closet were wrapped with different kinds of souvenir turtles, from the size of a finger to the size of Bulgarian pepper, even a computer mouse had the shape and shape of a turtle. I was interested in this, and I asked this treasurer, a man of fifty years, measurable and calm in his speech:
Let me ask you, are these all your turtles?
All of mine.
Why are they so many?
They are all different. If they were all the same...and they were all different.

I was in admiration. That was the most sensible answer that could be given to my question. Despite the fact that I don’t see any sense in accumulating a large number of identical objects, I felt there was something in it, there might be some sense in it, that it wasn’t just so.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna