— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №117252
Everyone in this caveat!
Please slow down the gathering power of quarrels about crooked and uncrooked men.
Or agree with the fact that the men are stupid and unworded creatures, which can be "reported", and they will not even tell you that they are already busy. Then yes, the ring should be made indistinguishable, and, as the KVN proposed, with engraving "this rare deck was enclosed in the Volgograd region in 2005".

On the other topics, gentlemen, open up for yourself Fido. It is, and not as an example, more convenient for such disputes than a quote. Or in general echoes, such as xsu.useless.faq, traffic is scarce, it was quite possible to transfer local disputes there, and in political - the strength of the same speakers, it could be diluted by new ones.

[ + 18 - ] Comment quote №117251
I, having married another woman, owe something only to her, but not like you, a single hunter. If my wife is pleased that I walk without a ring, then I will definitely not fit under you.
I think if the lady wants to invite you to a tea/coffee/dance, will you tell her that you are married? If you had a ring, she’t invite you. Actually, she cried about it: and the ring is not worn, and they respond with mutuality, and then - ups, married.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117250
I am an accountant. My boyfriend jokes that VAT is worse than PMS

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117249
That’s why we sit in that ass. Employer is not a good uncle
1) Why offer 3-4-5 times more money, if the same muddle comes, who wants to stress less and get more?
Life in America is much more expensive.
3) The question is: where will the boss throw the money for Western salaries?
— — —
Are you a fool or a boss? They are often synonyms.
1st Our employer spends 1 UAH per employee and receives a return of 5 UAH from him. In America, there are only 3 U.S. The question is, who works more efficiently?
2nd We have a worker with a spade, in America on an excavator. And then our boss is surprised, but can our worker not earn more than the American? Yes, shit, money to pay. Of course because he doesn’t want to be stressed.
Three "To pay a lot of money, the boss must get a lot of money." Yes, right. There will be a lot of bosses. In the West, salaries of ordinary employees and management differ in times. We are in order, or not for one.
4 is "if his only way to get an order is to be cheaper for the customer than the specialists in his country?"- but this is the apogee of the great brain of the boss. It turns out, the only way to compete is to hire cheaper personnel! and congenital!
That’s why we’re sitting in such a shit that we have such bosses around us.
And the cost of western life should not be overwhelmed. Maybe somewhere more expensive, but not four times.

[ + 14 - ] Comment quote №117248
successfully and with pleasure.
He lives in our Zhopinski, to say 500 km away.
In Moscow, they have a lot of income.
More than average in the area. What she does
Not so?
— — —
It is also obvious that she, like many in this situation, does not pay taxes on this income.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117247
Skype of two former colleagues. X resigned six months ago, Y continues to work.
X: How are you doing there?
Like on Titanic after meeting the iceberg
Music plays, the kitchen works, and third-class passengers are no longer given food.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117246
From the comments from the hubra (sugar article)

Xxx: How did I understand that tea with polonium should be snacked with apples?

Yyy: Tea with polonium is better to snack with cyanide potassium - this is a 100% guarantee that death from polonium will not occur.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №117245
Krasno-Kun: our mountain collaborator managed to put antivir on pure Chinese
Red-Kun: We are trying to remove
Red-Kun: how and where she caught him - unknown
Red-Kun: I was called as the chief expert on the whole hieroglyphic
Red-Kun: I had to tell you that I am only competent in tentai porn
Red-Kun: I stay behind, I sit down, I eat popcorn

[ + 15 - ] Comment quote №117244
The author of all our favorite comics, Lynn, is getting married! Congratulations to Lynn!

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117243
Why does the State Duma not propose to penalize the adoption of laws limiting the human rights guaranteed by the Constitution?

[ + 64 - ] Comment quote №117242
A man with a long-haired German shepherd named Weiss came to our clinic. A dog of extraordinary beauty, exceptional intelligence. The dog was raised as a military machine, an unwavering, excellent defender of the owner and a very gentle and affectionate dog. To say that we all loved you is to say nothing. We adored him. The owner carefully monitored his health and generally we saw him quite often. The ear hurts, then the eyes, nails cut, the vaccine put. Or just come for a snack.

And here he had an interesting habit: when he was given an injection or did unpleasant procedures - he carefully took the doctor's or the master's pants with his teeth and stuck - he endured. But at the age of 14, Weiss was diagnosed with cancer. For almost 2 years, all of our staff and the owner of Vasiy every day struggled with the illness, and every day he took in his teeth, then his pants, then his sleeves, then the lower part of his shirt, and all the same clamped. But cancer is cancer... sooner or later it takes over and wins.

6:00 calling
- Vasya no longer stands up and voices, shutting her eyes.
I hear his sound in the phone. I send my colleague home. Droplets, painkillers, blood test.
She returns pale and in tears. We give tests in the cito. After 2 hours we get the result... Vase is not long left.

18:00 again call and a long conversation with the owner.
I will no longer be able to watch him suffer from pain. The injections were enough for an hour, and he slept, but now he continues to wipe. I will bring him to you to sleep.

I tell the owner that I'm waiting for them, I put on the phone and I start to cry, the partner also roars. The owner comes with his wife, wearing Weiss on his arms, I can't stand the sight of once a huge, powerful beauty who has turned into a skeleton. The owners ask for permission not to attend the euthanasia and go out, waiting for our invitation. All of Vasis organs refused, only a strong dog heart continued to persistently pump blood through the body. We put intravenous anesthesia and he falls asleep, ceasing to wipe, leaves and convulsions. Another dose of anesthesia and the heart submissively surrender. Weiss breathes hard and this breath becomes the last.

I say to my partner. We both cry, we wipe the sludge and we cry again. I go to call the owner and see him as a strict man who has gone through a long life of 15 years side by side with a friend who fought for his life every minute sitting at the doorstep and crying in a voice. I say that Vase was not hurt, that he just fell asleep and other condolences and all through tears and soaps. The owner thanked us for being with Vasie in this difficult time. He swore to himself that he could not be with him until the end and watch his death. He takes Weiss, wrapped in a pledge, and leaves.

A few weeks pass. A young couple comes with a 2-month-old dog of a German Shepherd for vaccination. The boy is very scared. I approach to hold him and calm him while a colleague will cuddle and here, the puppy grabs me with the teeth behind the sleeve and tightly clamps, not even whispering on the injection. I begin to cry...
“Hello, Vaska... I missed it.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117241
I went to work after vacation, I feel like children in the kindergarten - I want to cry and go home!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №117240
In Kaliningrad, 4.5 tons of sanctioned meat will be processed with chlorine, so that the Russians do not pull them out of the boiler.

Just a little "Mashenka", and that’s all.

[ + 22 - ] Comment quote №117239
In Moscow will be held a prayer ceremony on the health of patients with hemophilia. This will be the second such prayer, the number of patients has not decreased since last time"
But the dam has increased.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117238
Smart girls will have a pofig, with the ring you are or not, and the wife is not a wall, as is known, and a tumultuous romance will not be able to prevent, if it has fallen asleep.
It is ===
Smart girls don’t make romances with married men, someone cheated on you.

[ + 25 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №117237
This spring, when the camembert was no longer to buy, but the bri was still there, I went to the cheese store (eh, somehow they survive now?...) In fact, for Brie. This cheese is a bit like camembert, soft inside, with a relatively dense crust on the outside. We broke up with the seller about the sanctions-chancellors, she offered me to try the local camembert, the so-called farmer. Well, I say okay, why not try what our did. So, the taste was softer, what, compared to the original...but I’m not about it. I brought them home, cut them, put them on a cheese plate, sit with a friend, talk, wine, cheese... Half an hour. It took a half-hour for the domestic farm camambers to spread into a lawn covered with a dense crust. Bree was lying next to him, and he had nothing at room temperature. The price, by the way, was equally bitter. It is the same, Carl. Here the experts of the hands of the market are sitting, so explain, shouldn’t domestic cheese be cheaper? With such a questionable quality?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №117236
You and your hammer!
— — —
How did you get it! If you do not like sanctions, then you are a bourgeois who eats exclusively of hamon and bri! We would do well, so no one would import and take.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №117235
Ananas, [12.08.15 13:14]
You know what’s different besides the name. You can take pictures on the stove, call on the palass, watch a movie in the microwave.

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117234
Several centuries later, smart white Europeans continue to exchange a beautiful glass for 13.5 thousand barrels of oil from stupid natives.
The Sand Clock

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №117233
Personally, I only remember one case when after the accident the driver was glad that he did not stick:
Three booches went to ride, escaping from the DPS somewhere in the field found their cane. The speed was not great and everyone in the car got rid of the bleaches, but the car itself was in a vertical position with the trunk down, and the driver fell to the passengers. As a result, the DPS could not test them who was driving, a fine for drunk driving was avoided.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna