— the best quotes and jokes from the abyss!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115912
A full refrigerator gets a hundred views per day. The slides are no less!

[ + 21 - ] Comment quote №115911
Tesla has launched a new, charged version of the car.

[ + 23 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115910
Not all people are useful in their aspiration and ability to work.I worked almost until the 8th month in stock. I went to decree. A little over a year later, I was called back by the boss. I have men in subjection worse than a pregnant grandmother! A good employee is always appreciated, whether a woman is pregnant or a man, it does not matter. Anyone who is sick, I advise you to approach your mother and ask why she gave you birth. Maybe in vain she did not have an abortion, you would have been more calm.

[ + 29 - ] Comment quote №115909
Remember what our young man told us?
What again?
- he invited a girl to his house for the night, the thing is, there here... she decides to turn him a bike, he says he has a headache, nothing will work out - you need to sleep.
Sometimes it happens what
- this is not the main thing, the main thing - that in the morning he called an ambulance, took the girl to the nearest hospital for examination. That doctors find out what this mess is and why such a young beauty has a headache in the evenings
Well, she will think of refusing him once or immediately for a doctor’s appointment.

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115908
I got my diploma, I don't have a job :R
yyy[on the job]: I also got it, it didn’t help

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115907
X: When I think about work, some special mode is turned on in my head.
A regime of inaction?

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115906
I decided to start a new life, so I threw away the old things.
I: It was good, of course, but those things were mine.

[ + 34 - ] Comment quote №115905
In connection with the fact that I went to work... my garden turned into a branch of the reserve "Step Strelecka" :crazy:
And then came the day, I swear.
My husband stopped me screaming. He asks to wait with the barrel.
He jumps into the garden and......... brings me a bouquet of flowers, fields (from the garden :D ) - all kinds of chamomile there, vasils, clavier... proudly handed and accompanied by the words: "well, and now go missing, you have long been gathered to give you flowers".

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115904
Review of online shops:
mikekazarin: And the review was not overwhelmed, apparently the moderators are softer and more adequate.
Moderators: In any case. We are as angry as before.

[ + 16 - ] [1 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115903
In Chelyabinsk, the mother was not allowed to go to the birthplace.
Born in the car.
What other shit is needed for and against childbirth?

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115902
A magic story about pregnant women. So many pearls. No one is opposed to sex. But nature made it pleasant only then to reproduce.

[ + 27 - ] Comment quote №115901
When they sing the anthem, everyone stands up, but many have to be planted.

[ + 40 - ] Comment quote №115900
A friend told him how he got a green card to his wife. When they met, he lived in the United States for a long time, and she studied there. To change her student visa to a permanent one, she had to go through an interview with the immigration department. The spouses are interrogated separately, asking cavernous questions about each other and verifying answers to identify and dispel fictitious marriages. It is said that couples who have long lived together were wrapped up because of a mistake in the color of bed linen or toothbrush.

Dima and Jana love and marriage are the most genuine, proof in autumn goes to the second class and another is on the way. But at the time of the interview, they lived in different cities, could not travel (he worked, she studied), met five times in different extreme trips and knew about each other's habits and habits a little more than anything. The color of the toothbrush was feverish and I was afraid to make a mistake. And here Dima sees an announcement in a Russian newspaper: "I will learn how to go through an interview on the green card. 100% guarantee, payment on fact.

I called and came. Small room with the inscription “Notary”. There sits an old Jew, selling Russian books and receiving packages overseas. He heard Dimitri’s fears and said:
“You know, young man, all these questions about toothbrushes are a fist to remove the eyes. It’s all about the hall where the couples are waiting for an interview. There are cameras, and officials watch people behave while no one looks at them. When a person enters the office, everything has been clear about him for a long time - his fictional marriage or not.
Do we hold our arms and kiss each minute?
It’s a cheap trick, you won’t buy it. We need to act more subtly...

Here is the interview. In the hall, Jana takes Dima by the hand and leads her to the window. He gets out of the bag a new cloth, salivates and wipes out some scratch on his cheek with this scratched cloth.

They were not asked any questions at all. They shrugged their hands and congratulated me on receiving the green card.

[ + 25 - ] [4 Комментарии к цитате] Comment quote №115899
U.S. teacher Jennifer Fisher has been sentenced to 22 years in prison for teaching sex to three 17-year-olds.
Norwegian terrorist Breivik, who killed 77 people, was sentenced to one year in prison.
In the West, it is safer to urinate people than to have sex with the opposite sex with consent.

[ + 24 - ] Comment quote №115898
XXX: The torture is just for me. Wait for a person to manifest himself without having the opportunity to influence it himself. rrrr
Tagged: tolerance
Yyy: Christians have had such blasphemy for 2 thousand years

[ + 23 - ] Comment quote №115897
90s, there is nothing, everyone survives as they can. A friend raised rabbits in the country, tubed them, put them in the freezer. Suitable for children (less than 3 years old):
Do you remember having rabbits in the summer?
Well yes.
They are sleeping in the refrigerator.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115896
XXX Why Do We Sleep? The muse again?
Muses are such...
All night with you.
On the bed...
At the table...
And the most disgusting even in the kitchen and on the floor, and even (oh horror!) With the parents!! to

[ + 28 - ] Comment quote №115895
Leave the pregnant women in peace!
If there is a sheep working with you that doesn’t do anything, it doesn’t mean everyone is doing it.
I’m full of unpregnant chickens around me, who drink tea all day and talk.
I am on 6 months, I work more than many, because my work is heavily dependent on the fluctuation of central bank key rates and other financial indicators. She never complained or asked for special treatment of herself. If I need to go to the doctor, I sign up at the latest or take a day off. Nothing to divide here.

[ + 26 - ] Comment quote №115894

And this is if the pregnant woman does not decide to turn the door, enjoying the fact that some of the aforementioned judges seriously consider pregnancy dip-immunity.
Do you send the print of the trial, or do you think yourself? Judges - they are stupid, probably, and are guided only by their opinion, not by the set of facts of the investigation. The company has a "deficiency" (was there a boy?) - the oppa, the only pregnant woman in the office, and not a bunch of semi-criminal elements among the loaders, interestingly... And why did you just dismiss her, and did not start the case? And let's start and investigate everything well, who and where - the pregnant woman agrees to this. Why do you not want? Do you give false testimony to your employees? Well, so, the question is closed - pay a pregnancy allowance. Oh, you’re not even upset about this — would you be quick to overthrow this circus before you’ve accumulated anything else? Okay, until next time.

[ + 25 - ] Comment quote №115893
This is:
In the center of the optical cable - a steel wire.
The Truth? Why is she there, can’t you explain? The Optical Current
For hardness, it is foolish. So that the knot is not bound. Optical fiber is a fragile and capricious thing.

The best quotes and jokes from the bezdna